Greetings daddies and mommies of this community, we agree that children imitate, it is the most natural thing in the world and it is inevitable that a child comes at some point to say something rude, because I hear it or because it is simply funny and I notice that someone gave him a lot of laughter when he said it and the word stuck.
I am not a super expert on the subject, I do not know everything, surely there are many techniques to get them to stop swearing and I would love to read them in your comments, but I want to share with you the one that worked for me, also trying to be objective because every child is different, so first we must know our children and know what kind of connection we have when communicating with them to get the message across.
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I say message because personally I educate from a good conversation, so you have to repeat it several times, repetition is important in learning (even if it is exhausting haha), but it is not just talking, it is also trying to reach your conscience depending on how old you are . The child of course. In my childhood I used to say something rude and my mouth would already turn haha or a pinch and that's it, obviously I didn't want to receive that kind of damage, so I stopped saying it only in front of them, but I kept saying it on the sly when I felt angry, to my brothers or at school, because aggression only generates aggression and as I had already commented in many of my posts, I do not use violence to achieve an end.
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Another very common thing we do sometimes is to ignore them to see if they stop saying it, if we don't laugh or pay attention to it, maybe they get annoyed and stop saying it, but it doesn't always work and I will explain why. In my case, I avoided swearing, but it's hard sometimes not to let a bad word slip out hahaha, also in family gatherings or when I lived with my parents I couldn't control what they said in front of Luna (although I still talked to them), when Luna was 4 years old she said her first rude word in front of everyone and they laughed, honestly inside me it made me laugh a lot, but I didn't laugh because I knew what it was going to cause, when she saw her grandparents laughing she obviously loved that effect and kept on saying it.
So not paying attention is not going to work if the child wants to be seen, wants to be the protagonist in something, wants to make us laugh, wants you to turn to pay attention to him or her, so he or she will not get tired of saying it until he or she feels that he or she has achieved his or her goal. What worked for me was to sit down and talk to her, I explained to her that I understood that this word may sound funny, but it is not, sometimes some people laugh when you say it because you are small, I asked her if she knew what it meant and she said no. Clearly I was not going to explain to her what it meant, clearly I wasn't going to explain to her what it means because she was only 4 years old, but I told her that it is like calling someone ugly or calling them dumb and that the other person will feel sad if you call them that, I wouldn't like to be called ugly or dumb, it would make me feel very very sad and you won't like it either, right?
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In my case I repeated this conversation in front of the grandparents (because they needed to be polite too hahaha) and because I wanted to come up with another word that could make them laugh other than that, so I told them to invent a new word that was very very funny and grandpa came up with one and we all died laughing hahaha and so Luna started to say the invented word more than the rude word. It wasn't immediate, don't believe it, sometimes she would say the rude word, but I would get serious and remind her of what we had talked about, luckily the grandparents collaborated and no longer laughed when she said the rude word and she stopped saying it as the days went by.
Now that she is 6 years old and I see that she understands a little bit more, Luna did not say rude words again, she recognizes what they are, because she has asked me if such a word is rude and I tell her that it is an ugly and impolite word, so she does not say it. In fact, I had a friend at home doing my nails and she started to tell me a story that included swear words and Luna was nearby, then I tell my friend that there are children present haha and Luna comes and tells us: "mom can say it, I am not going to repeat it" and I stayed on the site shocked, but still, we must speak politely in front of the children or stay away from them if we want to implement bad words.
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To conclude, I believe from experience that talking a lot with children is vital, without using violence, without applying punishments in many cases, reaching their conscience, always leaves more learning, it takes work, patience and perseverance, but I know that it is achieved and as they grow and their brain matures they will understand better. I hope it has helped or if you have another technique I would be happy to read them, thank you for coming here and many blessings to all in this beautiful community.
Some images were edited in CANVA