Feliz y Bendecido día, Deseo estés super bien, sanos, brillando, creciendo y aprendiendo cada día a ser mejor ser humano, Como padres siempre vemos a nuestros hijos con ojos de amor y los vemos como seres perfectos olvidando que la imperfección es parte de ser humanos y nadie es perfecto, Como te comente en el post anterior soy Madre de 2 niños hermosos y espectaculares son mi luz y mi mas grande amor, mi hija pequeña de 12 años esta en esa etapa no se bien, las otras madres y mis amigas la llaman rebeldía por adolescencia, mi hija había cambiado en menos de un mes, estaba comportándose horrible, parecía que yo le estorbaba, incluso me llego a decir mama me asfixias, no se que me dolió mas de toda esa etapa... tome varias medidas algunas muy drásticas ya ha pasado un mes y el cambio a sido increible te cuento:
Happy and Blessed day, I wish you are super well, healthy, shining, growing and learning every day to be a better human being, As parents we always see our children with eyes of love and we see them as perfect beings forgetting that imperfection is part of being human and no one is perfect, as I told you in the previous post I am the mother of 2 beautiful and spectacular children they are my light and my greatest love, my 12-year-old daughter is in that stage I don't know, the other mothers and my friends call it rebelliousness due to adolescence, my daughter had changed in less than a month, she was behaving horrible, it seemed that I was in her way, she even told me, mom, you suffocated me, I don't know what hurt me More than all that stage... I took several measures, some very drastic, a month has already passed and the change has been incredible. I'll tell you:
Trate de ser mas seca, que notara que había cosas paras las cuales aun me necesita mi intención era no agobiarla si no que ella entendiera que a pesar de que esta mas grande aun es importante que las dos nos apoyemos en el día a día, mi hijas es increible no se si es porque como madre la veo con ojos de amor (Risas) ella esta en demasiadas actividades en las tardes, no estoy muy de acuerdo con esto porque creo que no le queda mucho tiempo para ser niña pero la psicólogo me explico que mientras ella quiera, pueda y le guste la deje seguir que un niño en casa ocioso no es conveniente, Mi hija de 12 años esta en clases de lenguaje musical este año paso a 3 año, ve cátedra de Violín por conservatorio y técnica de violín por Sistema de orquesta, pertenece a la Orquesta Infantil en la cual ve clases 3 veces a la semana, esta en el coro del conservatorio, en el coro del Sistema de orquestas, en clases particulares de Violín y en clases particulares de Lenguaje musical solo tenemos libres los domingos.
I tried to be drier, so that she would notice that there were things for which she still needs me, my intention was not to overwhelm her, but rather that she would understand that even though she is older, it is still important that she The two of us support each other on a daily basis, my daughters are incredible, I don't know if it's because as a mother I see her with loving eyes (Laughter) she is involved in too many activities in the afternoons, I don't really agree with this because I think I don't There is a lot of time left to be a girl but the psychologist explained to me that as long as she wants, she can and she likes it, I let her continue that an idle child at home is not convenient, My 12-year-old daughter is in musical language classes this year she passed to 3 years , sees Violin chair by conservatory and violin technique by Orchestra System, belongs to the Children's Orchestra in which he sees classes 3 times a week, is in the choir of the conservatory, in the choir of the System of orchestras, in private classes of Violin and in private classes of Musical Language We only have Sundays off.
Por la problemática que nos estaba pasando, que ella no me quería cerca, que le molestaba que la esperara en el conservatorio todos esos detalles que le e explicado antes, empezamos a ver una psicóloga la cual me dice que ella es una niña sana, normal, feliz, que estuviera mas pendiente de su entorno, al pasar unos días mi alarma arácnida de super mama se encendió con sirenas a mil, no se porque razón o si es cierto que tenemos un séptimo mega super sentido había una niña nueva en el conservatorio venia de otro núcleo, desde el día que la vi no se algo no me parecía bien, tenia esa sensación extraña, le dije a mi hija esta pendiente pero lo olvide, no le preste mas atención y me centre en arreglar mis días con ella sin afectar todas las actividades diarias, hace unos días las escuche hablando: la niña nueva le decía a mi hija, Que fastidio tu mama, no te da libertad, por que se queda esperándote, dile que se tiene que ir!!! Me sentí super mal al escuchar esto, estaba molesta, Dios no aguantaba la indignación, no me molesto las palabras de la niña , me molesto que mi hija se dejara influenciar de esta manera, es decir todo estos dos meses donde yo pensé que era rebeldía de adolescente, donde me hice una auto evaluación pensando y analizando donde me equivoque que estoy haciendo mal, era mas por que mi hija se dejo influenciar de una manera tan fea, lo peor de todo esto es que la niña tiene a penas 10 años, los padres son atentos,la buscan la llevan, la traen. la acompañan a los conciertos, esta en uno de los mejores colegios de por estos lados y mira como es! hable con mi hija al llegar a casa ya con cabeza fría para no decir algo que no fuese correcto.
Because of the problems that were happening to us, that she didn't want me around, that it bothered her that I waited for her at the conservatory, all those details that I explained to her before, we began to see a psychologist who She tells me that she is a healthy, normal, happy girl, that she be more aware of her surroundings, after a few days my super mom spider alarm went off with sirens at a thousand, I don't know why or if it is true that we have a seventh mega super sense there was a new girl in the conservatory she came from another nucleus, from the day I saw her I don't know something didn't seem right to me, I had that strange feeling, I told my daughter she's pending but I forgot, I didn't pay more attention and I focused on arranging my days with her without affecting all daily activities, a few days ago I heard them talking: the new girl told my daughter, What a nuisance your mom, she doesn't give you freedom, why is she waiting for you, tell her that you have to go!!! I felt super bad hearing this, I was upset, God couldn't stand the indignation, I didn't mind the girl's words, I was upset that my daughter allowed herself to be influenced in this way, that is, all these two months where I thought it was rebellion As a teenager, where I did a self-assessment thinking and analyzing where I was wrong what I am doing wrong, it was more because my daughter allowed herself to be influenced in such an ugly way, the worst thing about all this is that the girl is barely 10 years old, the parents are attentive, they look for her, they take her, they bring her. They accompany her to concerts, she is in one of the best schools around here and she looks like she is! I talked to my daughter when I got home with a cool head so as not to say something that was not correct.
no la aleje de la niña, creo que decir la palabra prohíbo o prohibido es como decirle HAZLO... le explique con calma lo bueno, lo malo, lo correcto, le hable de que Jamas debemos dejarnos influenciar por los demás siempre debemos ser nosotros mismos, brillando de la mano de Dios (Yo no soy religiosa pero no quiero inculcarle eso a mi hija, al contrario trato de ser mejor en ese aspecto por ellos) hablamos por mucho rato, mi hija no contesto, revisando su teléfono veo que esta en unos grupos de whatsapp nuevos (tenia solo un día sin revisar su teléfono), pregunto y me dice esta niña nueva (digamos así para no ponerle nombre)me incluyo en los grupos, me dice mama pero somos solo niños, al yo notarla nerviosa esa alarma empezó a prenderse en mi y si lamentablemente no me equivoque, su amiga la niña nueva no se de donde saco esos grupos pero hablaban hasta de sexo de una manera que creo que ni yo lo haría, la saque de todos los grupos y le quite el teléfono un tiempo, la niña le escribía a todas horas incluso de madrugada a las 2am 3am, a los días al devolverle el teléfono a mi hija le explique que es peligroso hablar con extraños, obvio me respondió hay si que fastidio yo se..... le explico que cualquiera coloca una foto de un niño pero que no necesariamente es un niño, ella se a alejado de su amiga nueva y anoche me dijo, mama gracias me hablan otra vez mis compañeros de orquesta y me tratan mejor no sabia que cambia tanto.
do not take her away from the girl, I think that saying the word prohibited or prohibited is like telling her DO IT... I calmly explained to her the good, the bad, the correct thing, I told her that Never we must allow ourselves to be influenced by others we must always be ourselves, shining from the hand of God (I am not religious but I do not want to instill that in my daughter, on the contrary I try to be better in that aspect for them) we talked for a long time, my daughter did not answer, checking her phone I see that she is in some new whatsapp groups (she had only one day without checking her phone), I ask and this new girl tells me (let's say that so as not to name her) I include myself in the groups, she tells me mom but we are just kids, when I noticed her nervous that alarm started to turn on me and if unfortunately I'm not mistaken, her friend the new girl I don't know where she got those groups from but they even talked about sex in a way that I don't think even I would, I took her out of all the groups and took her phone for a while mpo, the girl wrote to her at all hours even at dawn at 2am 3am, the days when I returned the phone to my daughter I explained to her that it is dangerous to talk to strangers, obviously she answered me yes, it bothers me I know..... I explain to her that anyone posts a photo of a child but that it is not necessarily a child, she has moved away from her new friend and last night she told me, Mom, thanks, my bandmates speak to me again and treat me better, I did not know that it changes so much .
Hoy me atreví a hablar con la mama de la niña, se que debía hacerlo antes pero en una ocasión anterior vi como el papa la golpeaba por responderla, no creo que el papa sea malo pero no quería ser la culpable de que eso ocurra de nuevo, los golpes no ayudan y supuse que esa niña nueva es así por ello... Bueno, hoy en la mañana los niños estaban en un ensayo especial de la Orquesta y estábamos 5 mamas sentadas fuera del salón como en una sala de espera, entre ellas la mama de la niña nueva, cuando tome aire y pensé es el momento de hablarle porque esto no puede seguir y por mas que sea como madre, si alguien se da cuenta que mi hija anda en algo malo y yo no se me gustaría que me dijeran, Para mi sorpresa cuando yo iba a hablar, otra mama dice señora tenemos que hablar con ese tono sepulcral,(Atónita) le dice: Ayer llame a su hija, le escribe a mi hija en horas inapropiadas, es vulgar, a cada rato la agrega en grupos obscenos, incluso uno de los grupos se llama las Pendejas chupa chola... Otra mama comienza a hablar, DICE LO MISMO... así varias, es decir esto no pasaba solo a mi hija, yo hable pero no le dije toda la problemática porque la mama de la niña nueva lo único que decía es hoy le doy con la correa, no sale mas. Por ahora con mi hija las cosas están cada día mejor, nuevamente es mi niña, normal, alegre, decidida y dedicada, un tanto amargada (RISAS). Estaré atenta a ver que pasa, espero la niña nueva este bien, yo me tome el atrevimiento de decirle la mama que con golpes nadie aprende, asi su hija jamas le tendrá confianza, solo respondió que a ella la criaron así y a los golpes criara a su hija, no dudo que por esa razón su niña sea una niña problemática, tal vez hay otro trasfondo en todo esto espero que no! si tiene algún concejo por favor no dudes en decirme, aprendemos cada día.
Today I dared to talk to the girl's mother, I know I should have done it before but on a previous occasion I saw how the father hit her for answering her, I don't think the father is bad but no I wanted to be the one to blame for that happening again, the blows don't help and I assumed that this new girl is like that because of it... Well, this morning the children were in a special rehearsal of the Orchestra and we were 5 moms sitting outside of the room as in a waiting room, among them the mother of the new girl, when I take a breath and I thought it is time to talk to her because this cannot continue and no matter how much I am as a mother, if someone realizes that my daughter is walking in something bad and I don't want them to tell me, To my surprise when I was going to speak, another mother says, madam, we have to speak with that sepulchral tone, (Astonished) she tells her: Yesterday I called your daughter, she writes to me daughter at inappropriate hours, it is vulgar, every so often he adds her to obscene groups, even one of the groups is called las Pendejas sucks chola... Another mom starts talking, SAYS THE SAME... like several, that is, this didn't happen only to my daughter, I talked but I didn't tell her all the problems because the new girl's mom was the only thing What he said is today I hit him with the leash, he doesn't come out anymore. For now with my daughter things are getting better every day, she is my girl again, normal, happy, determined and dedicated, a bit bitter (LAUGHTER). I will be attentive to see what happens, I hope the new girl is fine, I took the audacity to tell her mother that no one learns with blows, so her daughter will never trust her, she only answered that she was raised that way and with blows she will raise your daughter, I don't doubt that for that reason your girl is a problematic girl, maybe there is another background in all this I hope not! If she has any advice please don't hesitate to tell me, we learn every day. </ div>
Ser Padres, es hermoso, aunque creo que es ensayo y error! Todos los niños son diferentes, sanos y hermosos en su forma de Ser, estamos para apoyarlos y ayudarlos, Brillar y ser mejores junto a ellos cada dia... L aniña nueva no es mala, sigue siendo solo una niña, incomprendida tal vez.
Being Parents, it's beautiful, although I think it's trial and error! All children are different, healthy and beautiful in their way of Being, we are here to support and help them, Shine and be better with them every day... The new girl is not bad, she is still just a girl, perhaps misunderstood.
Nos leemos en unos días, Animo. Ser Madre es hermoso pero a veces duele. NO SE SI LO ESTOY HACIENDO BIEN O NO? pero el amor todo lo puede!
We'll see each other in a few days, Cheer up. Being a mother is beautiful but sometimes it hurts. I DON'T KNOW IF I'M DOING IT RIGHT OR NOT? but love can do everything!
Si tienes una duda escríbeme un comentario, estaré feliz de ayudarte con cualquier detalle, Espero que mis diseños les gusten tanto como a mí me gusta, aprendan con placer ...! Nunca olvides que el Poder es Querer y si quieres Puedes...
If you have any questions write me a comment, I'll be happy to help you with any detail, I hope you like my designs as much as I do, learn with pleasure...! Never forget that Power is Will and if you want You can...