Que tal mamis y papis de la comunidad❣️ espero anden excelente por aca, ya en visperas del dia de la madre espero que tengan listo ese detalle para esa mamá tan especial, no necesariamente debe ser algo material por cierto. A todo aquel que no pueda comprarle un regalo a su mami, dediquenle un dia especial cocinandole rico, quizas alguna pelicula, o simplemente un abrazo enorme que demuestre todo el amor y gratitud que sientes hacia ella, en mi caso haré ambas cosas si Dios me lo permite, mañana le comprare un detallito a mi mami, y tambien le dedicare ese abrazo y dia especial, porque ciertamente madre se es todos los dias, pero este domingo es aun ma especial!! Y en vista de que aca en venezuela el dia de las madres se celebra el segundo domingo de mayo, en los colegios decidieron celebrarlo hoy, asi que en eso estuve toda la mañana 🥰
Hello moms and dads of comunidad❣️ I hope you are doing great around here, and on the eve of Mother's Day I hope you have ready that detail for that special mom, it doesn't necessarily have to be something material by the way. To everyone who can not buy a gift for your mommy, dedicate a special day to her by cooking something delicious, maybe a movie, or just a big hug that shows all the love and gratitude you feel towards her, in my case I will do both things if God allows me, tomorrow I will buy a little gift for my mommy, and I will also dedicate that hug and special day to her, because certainly mother is every day, but this Sunday is even more special! And since here in venezuela mothers day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May, the schools decided to celebrate it today, so I spent the whole morning doing that 🥰.
Las maestras muy humildemente pidieron de colaboración 1$ por cada representante cosa que desde el principio me parecio poco, pero como son 25 niños pense que tendrían algo adicional preparado, pero no, hicieron literalmente magia para hacer un almuerzo y un pequeño compartir con detallito para nosotras las madre incluido jeje todo con mucho amor, desde sus posibilidades
The teachers very humbly asked for 1$ for each representative, which from the beginning seemed little to me, but as there are 25 children I thought they would have something additional prepared, but no, they literally did magic to make a lunch and a small sharing with a little detail for us mothers included hehe all with love, from their possibilities.
La verdad es que todos estabamos felices porque mas alla de lo ultra wao o lo poco que hayan podido hacer, lo hicieron desde la mejor de las intensiones y nos brindaron una mañana agradable junto a nuestros peques.
The truth is that we were all very happy because beyond the ultra wao or the little they could have done, they did it with the best of intentions and gave us a nice morning with our kids.
Nos cantaron, nos recitaron 2 poesias y nos dijeron unas palabras hermosas a cada mamá, bueno y papá porque habian dos caballeros en el aula tambien, todos los niños tenian mucha pena al principio. Hasta que llegó el turno de mi Chris quien sin pena alguna dijo fuerte y claro "TE QUIERO MUCHO MAMI" y me abrazo, aguandome el guarapo en 3,2,1 😂😂 el me lo dice siempre, pero decirlo delante de un monton de personas con las que no convive a diario (representantes) Me encanto, porque pude ver a un niño tierno y seguro que fue lo que mas me encantó😍😍 ya despues sus compañeritos uno a uno con ayuda de la maestra fueron diciendoles algo lindo a cada mamá
They sang to us, recited 2 poems and said some beautiful words to each mom, well and dad because there were two gentlemen in the classroom too, all the children were very sad at first. Until it was the turn of my Chris who said loud and clear "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH MOM" and hugged me, watering down the guarapo in 3,2,1 😂😂 he always says it to me, but to say it in front of a lot of people with whom he does not live daily (representatives) I loved it, because I could see a tender child and for sure that was what I loved the most😍😍 and then his classmates one by one with the help of the teacher were saying something nice to each mom.
Luego vinieron las poesias y después se prendio la pachanga 🤣 la mamá de uno de los niños puso una corneta y empezo a sonar el perreo intenso, de los favoritos de mi esposo JAJAJA (sarcasmo, el es rockero) Pero bueno el caso es que los niños comenzaron a bailar y Chris se desato sacando los pasos prohibidos jaja
Then came the poems and then the pachanga started 🤣 the mom of one of the kids played a horn and the intense perreo started to play, one of my husband's favorites HAHAHAHA (sarcasm, he is a rocker) But well, the fact is that the kids started to dance and Chris unleashed the forbidden steps hahaha
Todos bailaron, comieron y gozaron, nosotras felices de tenerlos por supuesto. Y al final luego de unas emotivas palabras de la mestra, nos entregó cada niño, nuestro regalito que era una cartica con un dibujo hecho por cada uno, mi Chris me hizo muchos animalitos y corazones jeje, yo encantada con mi tarjetica 🥰
Con la cartica venia una pulserita que nos regalaron a cada una, como dije al principio, hicieron milagros jeje pero todo salio muy bien, asi que todas valoramos su intención💜 al final estabamos junto a nuestros peques y ese es uno de los mayores regalos💜💜
Everyone danced, ate and enjoyed, we were happy to have them of course. And at the end after some emotional words from the teacher, she gave us each child our little gift which was a card with a drawing made by each one of us, my Chris made me many little animals and hearts hehe, I was delighted with my card 🥰.
With the card came a bracelet that they gave each one of us, as I said at the beginning, they made miracles hehe but everything went very well, so we all appreciate their intention💜 at the end we were with our kids and that is one of the greatest gifts💜💜
Todas las fotos las tomé con mi Redmi 9
Portada editada en Canvas
All photos were taken with my Redmi 9
Cover edited in Canvas