Say a kind word——Happy mother’s day

in #hive-1657572 years ago


First off,happy Mother’s Day to me,this is actually my first Mother’s Day(yayyy)..happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing moms out there and all expectant moms,you too will celebrate(amen).

Mothers are truly super humans

Mothers are power houses of the home,they basically run the home. Money does not run the home yes, it makes running the home much more easier I mean a lot easier but hey,money doesn’t run itself,it needs to be controlled or handled,after all we have seen homes of the extremely rich men crumble that should tell you that getting up every morning to provide is really not what keeps the home running as much as it is also very important (kudos to fathers who are providers out there).This is where mothers are involved,I once heard a quote or something that whatever you give a woman ,she takes and then multiplies and give back to about mothers who even provide the funds to run the family and still run the family along side!

I want to site an example with a friend of my family and please this is not to spite the fathers..fathers are amazing as well(I think they are even underrated most of the time) but this is just an example of a mother’s selfless love and kind heart..

So while she was pregnant with her second child(she had a son first),her husband warned her that if she gave birth to a girl he would have nothing to do with the upbringing of the girl child for life(ridiculous).Eventually she had a girl and her husband made good on his promise and still is infact.Baby girl is celebrating her one year birthday today and the father has never dropped a penny for her upbringing nor provided any sort of parenting role.Everything has been the little girl’s mom for this past one year.

I asked her one day if she isint overwhelmed by all of the responsibilities and she said something oh so beautiful...she said,the love she has for that child has blinded any sort of difficulty raising her alone has brought.. I was so touched that day.



It’s definitely not enough to just post pictures of your mom or women who have become mother figures to you on social media,I feel like that is not enough,you should verbally express to them how much they mean to you,tell them you see the things they do and express how grateful you are for them..
I’m saying this as a recipient of those words and I was deeply moved when my husband expressed himself to me today on behalf of himself and our son(lol).Those words were worth more than any gift I would have received or any social media recognition I would have gotten,it made me really appreciate and resolved to be better! And I’m sure it will have the same effect on any other mother as well..this is why I thought to share.

It hits differently when you are recognized and appreciated for your good works!
So go on,pick up your phone or go to your mother now,write her a letter if possible and deeply express how much she means to you,FIND YOUR WORDS.

Bring up instances where she has been exceptionally amazing and truly thank her for those times,she deserves those kind words from you!


Thanks for reading
I hope I have stirred you to say something sweet to your mothers today....


Your friend is so courageous. Wow, we still have men that don't want to raise female kids. This so unbelievable. I feel really sad women have to go through such trauma. What a world! I pray for more strength for her and her baby girl. If the man hates women so much then he should have married a man like himself. Wicked world. Happy mothers day and shout out to all amazing mothers out there. #onelove

Oh well,the man's day of reckoning would come....thank you😊

That's accurate. You welcome sis.

Happy mother’s day

Happy mother's day to you😁

Thank you😊😊

You're welcome

Happy Mother’s Day

Happy first Mother’s Day. Mothers are truly amazing and I hope you were celebrated or celebrated yourself today.

Your friend is courageous raising her daughter alone and still having to deal with the man who has refused to take any responsibility.
And you’re right, posting their pictures isn’t where it should stop, we have to do more to constantly support and encourage all mothers.

Thank you for sharing with us, you and your son look beautiful. Happy mothers days.

Thank you

Mothers indeed are power house. It's good to celebrate mothers.