Her success made my day.

in #hive-1657573 months ago

Good evening Everyone.
How is your week going?
Well mine has been the usual way cleanup, laundry, and all the things mothers do during weeks and weekends.
I kinda had sometime to myself later on because my husband took the girls out.
Just glad I've accomplished something for the day .

Recently, my first daughter did a Bible Trivia in church and came 2nd .
I had no idea until she was called out publicly in church and given gifts for her excellent performance in the trivia.
I was elated and so proud of my daughter.

It is every mother's joy to see her children succeed.
There's a sense of satisfaction that comes with it especially if the kids found it difficult to learn,a mother would be satisfied that her child finally got it at the end of the day.
When my daughter received her gifts in church,I realized my efforts were not wasted, I vividly remembered how I used to teach her the Bible, help her memorize the scriptures and even encouraged her with a Gideons pocket Bible,my baby couldn't even read, but I'm glad I still went ahead to take it upon myself to teach my daughter ,the results came and it was definitely a thing of Joy that my daughter came out excellent.
I told her I was proud of her and she brightened up the more .

When a child is accomplished, his or her mother would most definitely have a rush of emotions running, sometimes they can even cry when they reminisce about how much sacrifice and effort they put into that child to make that child get to where they are currently .
I usually see proud, satisfied mothers at graduations, weddings,book launches and at other occasions that call for celebration and the joy that emits from them is unmatched.

Personally,I want my kids to succeed in life and be accomplished in anything they put their hands to do, that's why I do all I can by teaching, correcting and encouraging them to be the best version of themselves.
I know sometimes it might be tiring but motherhood is all about sacrifice and I pray that our labor of love and sacrifice for our kids will not be a wasted and may they embrace the full potential of who they really are as they grow and mature ...

Do have a great start of the forthcoming weekend
Thank you for reading.