Breastfeeding My Kid Past the 1 Year Mark: My Boobs = My Choice || Mom Life

in #hive-1657572 years ago

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My boobs & my kid, That Makes it my choice


Why people think they can have a say in whatever parenting decision they see another human make? Like is that your child? No, are you paying for their support, food, medical expenses or anything? No, …. Then WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!

I mean, I can have my own personal opinion about a subject and I can criticize another parent decision in my own head, but will never unless asked, give my unsolicited opinion on anything (I won’t call it advice cause sometimes they aren’t even advice, they are more like a command or an order or something like that) why? Cause IS NOT MY FREAKING BUSSINES AND IT DOES NOT AFFECTS ME (or my own child)!

This post is so worthy of the Catarsis community cause I'm here to scream at people but since is a motherhood topic I will be posting it on motherhood obviously.

Extended Breastfeeding

From the age of 6 months, children should begin eating safe and adequate complementary foods while continuing to breastfeed for up to 2 years and beyond. - WHO

Over 820 000 children's lives could be saved every year among children under 5 years, if all children 0–23 months were optimally breastfed. Breastfeeding improves IQ, school attendance, and is associated with higher income in adult life. - source

Longer durations of breastfeeding also contribute to the health and well-being of mothers: it reduces the risk of ovarian and breast cancer - WHO

Extended breastfeeding is the term for moms who chose to breastfeed beyond the 1-year mark, this differs in some cultures, since there are some where breastfeeding is not seen as extended cause is just normal, now there are a lot of research done on the subject and I just quoted the WHO (World Health Organization) 3 times I'm not going to copy/paste any more here, the info is available you can just google it.

My personal reasons to do it are:

  1. Cause I want to.
  2. Cause the baby Kid wants to.
  3. Cause is not harmful to any of us.


My kid is doing amazing, he started preschool last year, and is currently on his way to graduating from 1st level, he knows the vocals, the colors, the numbers, he weights 20Kgs and is 1.10Mts tall, and the best of all is that he is a really healthy boy, he has gotten sick in really counted times, usually he doesn't get the flu or any other virus even tho he attends school and goes out with me and his dad.

Now I'm not saying breastfeeding will keep him safe from any sickness, cause yes, he got sick a week ago but it’s not something that happens normally last time he got sick was a year ago, but it does help big time in protecting him from common colds and stuff like that.

Besides did I mention he weights 20Kgs? (do the math if you want the numbers in pounds) and let me tell you he doesn't like to eat, he is not even a picky eater is more like he could spend days without any food at all just because he doesn't like to eat, thank god he has started to eat more recently but I give 100% credit to the breastmilk the fact that he is not anemic or sick from not eating well.

The Cons of Extended Breastfeeding

For me:

  1. Annoying people meddling where none has asked them to.
  2. Kid has a leech complex and wants to be attached to the boobs all day long (I would LMAO at this but is real).

Now this is really from my point of view cause in reality there is none scientifically proven cons to extended breastfeeding, the first one I tent to deal with pretty easily telling people to go F@#$ off, and don't tell me to be nice and act less violent, but come on, what gives you the right to give your opinion on a body that isn’t yours and a kid that you didn’t make in your belly for 38 weeks and 2 days?

The only one who is in my opinion allow to have a say in any of this is the baby daddy, cause well hello, he did make the kid with me (like 1% of the job but still he shares 50/50 the blood) and he does give us money, and he is perfectly fine with his kid getting all the beneficials of extended breastfeeding.

The con number 2 is the one that sometimes makes me feel like I cant do this anymore, why? Cause well I'm a stay at home working mom, this means the only alone time I have is when the kid goes to school every morning from Monday to Friday from 7am until 11am, the rest of the day he wants to be glue to me, and don't get me wrong I love it, but I talked about this in a previous post that I made about The Mental Struggles of Breastfeeding.


When I'm planning to ween my kid?

Well not that is any of your business, sorry but I'm like aggressive today cause people make me aggressive! Lol but ok, when I got pregnant and started to read about breastfeeding I used to say I would breastfeed until he was 2 years old, cause my mom did that with me and my sister, and I saw the 2 years mark a good goal, now when we got to the 2 years, and I saw how heatlhy he was and how little he did eat from other food, I got worry that he would get sick or something, then I started thinking well when he starts school he will be separated from me long enough during the day to start weening, but well… that hasn’t happen and well right now I'm thinking 4 years is a good mark, he will turn 4 in just another 5 months so is not too long but not too soon? I to be honest don't know how that is going to work specially at nights when the only way he has of sleeping is glue to his boob, but we will work it out.

I think 4 years is a good age, he will be old enough to understand and maybe will be easy? We will see. I'm really hoping this will be the year, but hey if it doesn't work out for us 5 years is not like a bad age either I know moms who have breast feed until 6 but that is in my personal opinion too much not in a bad way just too much for my poor boobs LMAO.



As always, thank you for reading me, would love to read about your own experience on this, so please leave a comment or better yet, make a post in The Motherhood Community.


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If there's one thing I've learned as a mum, it's that everyone wants to know more than you and even seems to know your kids better than you do!
I remember that Andrea (my first daughter) was chubby and in the same building we had as a neighbour another baby the same age as Andrea (11 months) and she was already walking, that is, she had been put to walk before her time. Every time the baby's mother saw Andrea sitting in her pram, after greeting her, she used to say "Andreíta, Andreíta, don't be lazy" and she used to tell me "you have to get her to walk, she is a big girl now". The terrible thing was that her little girl's legs were bowed. Andrea walked at 13 months, on her own, when her legs were ready. Not before!
Thank you for sharing with us your thoughts, dear @victoria.bsb

I respect your view on this. You know and understand your child more than any other person and so whatever anyone says or feels about it is irrelevant!

For my first and second babies, I breastfeed them for a year and six
months respectively. I can still vividly remember the number of critics I received from my fellow mum. One of them said and I quote "are you still breastfeeding this old man? What do you think he is sucking from that breast?" and many more statements as if it were their business.

Currently, I am nursing my 11-month-old baby boy and this time around, I plan on extending breastfeeding to God's know when, though I may not reach like yours, you are a super mom💪🤝💞

Thank you so much for sharing your personal opinion. I think I will still write my view on this here in the motherhood community.

Hi @victoriabsb today I agree with you, and I say today because some time ago I was ready to wean my girl because of my health problems and partly also because of some "advice" from people who criticized my physical appearance, I remember when you told me your point of view at that time I was surprised to know that you were still breastfeeding your baby 🤭 I did not think that in this era there were women who would last so long breastfeeding. But well at that time my little girl got sick, and the only thing that kept her a step away from falling into dehydration was her boob since then I decided to give her the boob until she wants to stop, today my health is better, I have less stress and I ignore the bad comments about my decision to continue breastfeeding and more when I am absent in the mornings for my work, that feeling of coming home and the first thing I see is my girl screaming with excitement to see me asking "boob, boob" haha is unique.
My daughter is a battery, intelligent and very active, mischievous, when I'm at home she wants to be all the time glued to her boob because she is the only owner. To stop listening to people and their opinions about my way of raising my daughter is good for me because they are my decisions and my life, being a mother is the best gift I can have, I am not perfect but I do the best I can.