🧡Hoy mi amado DAMIAN GAEL esta de cumple mes N°6, este tiempo como madre me a enseñado muchas cosas y aun sin imaginar las que faltan le doy gracias a dios por haberme permitido desarrollar tan hermosa profesión como es la de ser madre.
Today my beloved DAMIAN GAEL is celebrating his 6th month birthday, this time as a mother has taught me many things and even without imagining those that are still missing I thank God for allowing me to develop such a beautiful profession as being a mother.
🧡Cada día que pasa le doy gracias a papá DIOS por darme sabiduría de vencer cada día siendo ganado, estoy con mi hijo ful tiempo completo y a la vez laboro gracias a una amiga que me dio trabajo y me permitió tener a mi bebé para así no descuidar lo y más que esta llegando su etapa de aprendizaje
Every day that passes I thank my father GOD for giving me wisdom to overcome every day being earned, I am with my son full time and at the same time I work thanks to a friend who gave me a job and allowed me to have my baby so I do not neglect him and more than this coming his learning stage.
🧡Mi mayor goso a su lado es ver cada cosa que desarrolla diario, cada nuevo invento y desempeño ver que tan inteligente es ☺
My biggest goso by his side is to see every thing he develops daily, every new invention and performance to see how smart he is ☺.
🧡Ya mi bebé tiene sus dos dienticos de abajo, bien cabe destacar que todos los niños no son iguales cada quien tiene su desarrollo diferente y modo de crecimiento
My baby already has his two bottom teeth, well it should be noted that all children are not the same, each one has a different development and growth mode.
🧡Y que bien me siento orgullosa de mi niño esta semana aprendió a gatear y les digo que es de mucha ayuda que ellos convivan con otros niños su instinto los motiva y los hace querer volar
I am so proud of my child this week he learned to crawl and I tell them that it is very helpful for them to live with other children, their instinct motivates them and makes them want to fly.
🧡Disfruto cada día a su lado al máximo, cabe decir que hay días que siento que no puedo que se me hace difícil y solo lo miro y recargo energías por que es él por el ser que día a día lucho
I enjoy every day by his side to the fullest, I must say that there are days when I feel that I can't, that it is difficult for me and I just look at him and recharge my energy because he is the one I fight for day after day.
🧡Amo su olor, su sonrisa, su mirada, su cariño cada gesto de él amo tenerlo cerca.A que mamá no le gusta tener a sus hijos mimarlos, adorarlos y alagarlos como si fuesen el único tesoro del mundo y es que si lo son son nuestro tesoro
I love his smell, his smile, his look, his gaze, his affection, his every gesture, I love having him around. What mother doesn't like to have her children to pamper them, adore them and praise them as if they were the only treasure in the world and if they are, they are our treasure.
🧡Estos 6 meses han echo de mi alguien diferente mi bebé a robado totalmente mi atención va conmigo a donde sea que voy, siento que el tiempo pasa rapidísimo y se me está creciendo 🥺🥰 que hace que solo le habla a mi barriga y ahora me responde con balbuceos y risas
These 6 months have made me someone different my baby has totally stolen my attention he goes with me everywhere I go, I feel like time is passing so fast and he is growing up 🥺🥰 he only talks to my belly and now he responds to me with babbling and laughing.
Que mi dios ilumine cuide y bendiga a mi hijo y que me cuide y de todo para hacer de él una bueno persona 🙏
May my God enlighten, take care and bless my son and take care of me and give me everything to make him a good person 🙏.