Fungi lovers, the day of the ganoderma.

in #hive-1661682 months ago



The ganoderma is a great kind of mushroom, with a big beneficios for your healthy.


Some other species have been growing with this ganoderma fugi those are a little umbrella with brown color, and with a great lines very beautiful and defined.





Again to ganoderma fungi, those are some extraordinary form of middle moon, I have been knowing about this because my last boss, sold me a coffee with ganoderma, and told me that the fungi in coffee are good for your healthy, and the flavor was very delicious.

I did not know about ganoderma in that moment, I only bought the coffee and I enjoyed it, well in a future times, I have been getting my passion for fungi, and I identify the ganoderma fungi in the nature, unfortunately I am not sure if this is the ganoderma that I have been obtaining in the coffee, but these are very amazing fungis.




Thanks a lot, for coming own material English mistakes too.

Remember, do not eat or uses a fungi if you are not sure about this, a lot of fungi are poisonous and will kill you, you should been responsibility with your own decitions.


Ayer compré una empanada de pollo y champiñones ,muy deliciosa , la acompañé con un rico café con leche , los hongos son deliciosos pero algunos de cuidado