Hola, setero! Today I share some mushroom impressions from my trip to Karelian pine forest. Autumn is always the peak of a mushroom season, plus this time September was mild and warm and rainy, means the forest is filled with all sorts of fungi. Hope you enjoy walking with me and watching all this moss, lichens, pine foliage and of course fungi!
In the autumn forest, every mossy rotten stump, every blueberry bush is beautiful, looking like an art masterpiece... The somewhat monotonous (actually - not) green foliage of summer now gives way to a picturesque riot of colors, like on the Impressionists canvases - a beneficial subject for a photographer. The eye rejoices at the whimsical designs and rests on almost every leaf!
Don't miss this time of year... and if you live in an area that doesn't experience sudden changes in seasons - well, you're always welcome to my blog, for autumn leaves or snowmen, lol
Almost immediately as I entered the forest, I stumbled upon a pair of chantarelles! Very happy encounter, tho I could not pick up enough for a dish, pair chantarelles is definitely not the quantity you may dream of. Pretty sadly, I did not find more during all the rest of the walk. Chantarelles do know how to hide in the deep moss pillow.
Puff balls. I rarely see this certain specie, trimmed with such a strange white coil - can it be, huh, sort of disease?.. anyway, looks stunningly amazing and appealing to me.
An army of elf caps sieging a trump castle.
A trimming fungus on a birch trunk covered with lichens. Note this attractive Cyan / Orange - a classic color contrast, human designers should rip it off! oh no! they have already done that, lol.
Mysterious mushroom of a rare blueberry-to-gray tint. These are very small and beautiful looking mushrooms - like miniature cocktail glasses. I don't know their name; they are unlikely to be edible.
Maybe, one of numerous Cortinarius family?..
My post would be incomplete if I did not add a photo of the fly agaric aka Amanita muscaria - the most bright, colorful and recognizable mushroom of the northern forests. This is not the most desirable mushroom for a hunter's basket... but meeting with it will still leave you impressed (and especially if you are armed not with a knife and a basket, but with a camera, hehe!)
location: | Karelia, Russia | October 2022 | natural light |
camera/lens: | Canon 5D | Sigma 150mm | raw-conv |
f/2.8 | t 1/125 | ISO 250 | -- |
Thanks for walking with me, see you next time. 🙏
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