
hahaha - It's nice to see kids enjoying like that! 😀

So true. And we enjoy while watching their joy.

Ps: nehotice sam ovaj video objavio pod svojim imenom. Sda je dupliciran :) ->

LOL - Znači ti i za sina postaš!?! 😂 Pa onda, jednog dana za 18-ti rođendan ili već koju drugu prigodu, evo ti sine šta je tata za tebe skupio i uštedio! 😉😄

Zna on to ali njemu je omiljeniji instagram :)

Stalno me pita da li postam na Hive i koliko već ima :)

hahaha - Mislim da bi i moj tako samo kad bi i pomislio da bih to za njega radila, a vjerojatno je 3x stariji od tvog. 😁

Today, I just came across Liketu - it's one of the DApp(s) on Hive blockchain very alike Instagram, and when I saw it your son was my first thought that popped up. I thought, maybe he would be more interested in posting on Hive through that app. Take a look by yourself and see if it could be of some use to you (and your son).

Hey, I am familiar with this app, thanks anyway :)

Here's another one -

lol - I'm stupid! I don't get it! Which one? 🤔

Eh, sorry. The link got truncated while copy-pasting it in Ecency and points to whichever site you are using.

This one -

Lol... That's a nice stunt with the board. Sounds like an interesting outdoor with friends. Hehe.


The trick is to balance the bard under your foot which is off-centred. and to jump on and off in style.

Well, this video should be posted on the @niko.lemark account. I guess I wasn't careful enough while switching accounts on the 3speak interface ...

Folks, sorry for the duplicate. The proper post is here ->