My Best Actor and Actress

in #hive-1668473 years ago

I love Hollywood movies because they feature quite a number of incredibly talented actors and actresses. And although there are alot of talented actors and actresses, I would love to talk about two of the Hollywood talent that I always enjoy watching.

Dwanye Johnson


The Rock
I'll assume that at this point, we all know that the WWE is not real. It's more of a staged performance, where a named character is written into a script and an individual is paid to play the role of that character.
what I'm trying to say, is that WWE is basically acting and therefore also a movie.

And it is in this movie that I found one of my greatest of all time(my favorite) "THE Rock", played by the legendary DWAYNE JOHNSON.

I picked the Rock as my favorite fictional character because, he's just raw, his energy level always seems to be unmatched, when he talks he is practically spitting fire.
He is basically like Goku, only that he is real and not some an animated figure, plus he can deliver several Rock bottoms (his finisher) with each new one better than the last.
To me, he is the greatest and the most electrifying fictional wrestler of all time.
And even though people watch him on their screen as he plays the role of so many other characters that I may or may not know, there is only just one role that I will forever know him as that is the role of the "ROCK". why??.. well because, where everybody sees, the Skipper guy, the Jumanji guy, the skyscraper guy, and all the other guys you can think of. But I only see the ROCK ...I only see DWAYNE THE ROCK JOHNSON. And it is simply because of him that I'm still so much in love with wrestling and Hollywood movies as a whole(specifically the ones with his face on the poster), he also brings the action to the party and has a God-like physique that makes the hulk look like a stuffed up teddy bear.

Finally, whenever Dwayne Johnson is Infront of cameras, playing whatsoever role that was given to him.
We the viewers, the fans, the people, and me, can smell what the ROCK! is cooking!!.

Can you smell it!!

Octavia Spencer


I admire Octavia Spencer a lot for her role in the movie Witches, and the help. I also like Octavia because she a woman who is proud of her body. Most people would would be ashamed of the way they look on camera, and apply several alternatives to make sure they have that perfect summer body feature. But not Octavia, because she's body positive. And over the years of my seeing her in movies, I have come to appreciate her and and also follow In her footsteps. She help me realize that body type didn't matter, all that matters is your skills and how you take advantage of a given opportunity to show why you deserve to be the best.

Aside from her body positive nature, she is also a great actress, and like I said earlier, Witches is one of her latest movie that I love to watch whenever I'm free. Because, she really nailed the role of a grandmother. She had me believing that she was a fairy god mother from the movie Cinderella.
Even though the movie was a magical mystery kind of movie, her voice and her acting added to the intensity, building every moment in suspense and wonder as it unfolds.

Octavia Spencer is a beautiful woman, she's body positive, and she's an incredible actress.

To me Octavia Spencer is everything I want In a female actor. Beauty, Bold, and fearless.

So why don't you tells about yours -