Train to Busan & Pennisula Movie Review || The Sequel was Nothing Like The First. [ENG - ESP]

in #hive-1668478 months ago


Pennisula Source

Before watching Train to Busan back in 2017, I was never into horror or zombie movies and was even afraid of the dark. I watched it when I traveled to my aunt's place for Post Utme (Post Utme is an exam for admission into university), though at that time, I didn't have any phone, I could not think of a way to watch it, so I watched it on my aunt's laptop. However, after watching this movie, I was captivated by everything in it.

So, watching Pennisula (Train to Busan Sequel) last week, it gave a different impression which may be totally different from the original movie.

Antes de ver Train to Busan allá por 2017, nunca me habían gustado las películas de terror o de zombis e incluso me daba miedo la oscuridad. La vi cuando viajé a casa de mi tía para el Post Utme (Post Utme es un examen para la admisión en la universidad), aunque en ese momento Sin embargo, después de ver esta película, me cautivó todo en ella.
Así que, al ver Pennisula (Train to Busan Sequel) la semana pasada, me dio una impresión diferente que puede ser totalmente distinta de la película original.

Train to Busan (Korean: 부산행; RR: Busanhaeng; lit. To Busan) is a 2016 South Korean action horror film[4] directed by Yeon Sang-ho and starring Gong Yoo, Jung Yu-mi, Ma Dong-seok, Kim Su-an, Choi Woo-shik, Ahn So-hee and Kim Eui-sung.[5] The film mostly takes place on a KTX from Seoul to Busan as a zombie apocalypse suddenly breaks out in the country and threatens the safety of the passengers. The movie successfully launched the Train to Busan film series, with the animated prequel Seoul Station released in 2016 and a standalone sequel named Peninsula released in 2020. Another installment and an American-produced adaptation are also in development. Source


Train to Busan Source

Train to Busan is a movie about an outbreak in South Korea whose cause wasn't really clear. Well, for the entirety of the movie, most of it focuses on the train, where a father named Seok-woo and his daughter, along with other people, were entrapped in a train when going to Busan. Before starting, a zombie noticeably stepped into the train and ultimately infected another person. As the train moved, more and more people became infected, and the number of people in the train reduced drastically. They thought they had hope, but as they reached each station, hope became lost as they saw others infected outside, which made their survival rates drop. Despite all these problems, the father and his daughter tried their possible best to survive, forming alliances with other people while trying to survive the horde of zombies as the movie went on.

Train to Busan es una película sobre un brote en Corea del Sur cuya causa no está muy clara. La mayor parte de la película se centra en el tren, donde un padre llamado Seok-woo y su hija, junto con otras personas, quedaron atrapados en un tren cuando se dirigían a Busan. Antes de arrancar, un zombi se introdujo notablemente en el tren y acabó infectando a otra persona. A medida que el tren avanzaba, más y más personas se infectaban, y el número de personas en el tren se redujo drásticamente. Pensaban que tenían esperanza, pero a medida que llegaban a cada estación, la esperanza se perdía al ver a otros infectados fuera, lo que hacía que su índice de supervivencia disminuyera. A pesar de todos estos problemas, el padre y su hija hicieron todo lo posible por sobrevivir, formando alianzas con otras personas mientras intentaban sobrevivir a la horda de zombis a medida que avanzaba la película.


Pennisula Source

Pennisula, however, doesn't directly continue with the story of the original Train to Busan. In fact, it is the exact opposite of the first, as the movie takes place four years after the apocalypse has occurred. The sequel follows the story of a former marine soldier named Jung-Seok trying to make ends meet in the underworld of Hong Kong. Eventually, he takes on the task of returning to Korea to retrieve a food truck filled with money ($20 million) alongside some other soldiers. Upon arriving in the country, they're ambushed by a millitary rogue known as 631 who attacked with a horde of zombies. Unfortunately, they took away the money, thinking that it was supplies. Some of the groups died in the process, while others were saved by others. The protagonist, Jung-seok, was saved by two girls, who took him back to their mother. So with the help of the family, he must find a way to retrieve the truck in order to go back to Hong Kong. A series of activities came into play in the process, and there were different plot twists as the story went on.

Pennisula, sin embargo, no continúa directamente con la historia del Train to Busan original. De hecho, es exactamente lo contrario de la primera, ya que la película tiene lugar cuatro años después de que se haya producido el apocalipsis. La secuela sigue la historia de un ex soldado de la marina llamado Jung-Seok que intenta sobrevivir en los bajos fondos de Hong Kong. Finalmente, acepta la tarea de regresar a Corea para recuperar un camión de comida lleno de dinero (20 millones de dólares) junto a otros soldados. Al llegar al país, son emboscados por un granuja militar conocido como 631 que ataca con una horda de zombis. Desgraciadamente, se llevaron el dinero pensando que eran provisiones. Algunos de los miembros del grupo murieron en el proceso, mientras que otros fueron salvados por otras personas. El protagonista, Jung-seok, fue salvado por dos chicas, que lo llevaron con su madre. Entonces, con la ayuda de la familia, debe encontrar la forma de recuperar el camión para volver a Hong Kong. En el proceso entran en juego una serie de actividades y hay diferentes giros argumentales a medida que avanza la historia.


Train to Busan Source

Everything about Train to Busan was so perfect that I had to rewatch it when I had a proper phone; the stage, the cinematography, and the CGI were indeed beautiful. The part I enjoyed the most about this movie was the zombies. Those zombies are so deadly that I can feel it, and there is emotion in the play. I really enjoyed it.

So when Peninsula (Train to Busan prerequisite) came out, I had a lot of hope in it. Though I had expected it to be a little different from the first, I still had high hopes for it, so I downloaded it immediately. I'm a bit disappointed in what the sequel gave.

Todo en Train to Busan era tan perfecto que tuve que volver a verla cuando tuviera un teléfono en condiciones; el escenario, la fotografía y el CGI eran realmente preciosos. Lo que más me gustó de esta película fueron los zombis. Esos zombis son tan mortíferos que puedo sentirlo, y hay emoción en la obra. Realmente lo disfruté.
Así que cuando salió Península (requisito previo de Train to Busan), tenía muchas esperanzas puestas en ella. Aunque esperaba que fuera un poco diferente de la primera, seguía teniendo grandes esperanzas en ella, así que la descargué inmediatamente. Estoy un poco decepcionado con lo que ha dado de sí la secuela.


Train to Busan Source

First, the original "Train to Busan" focused more on the story and the characters, showing various struggles for survival among the citizens as the story progressed. However, the sequel had a completely different feeling. Instead of focusing on the characters and the story, it dove straight into action, using guns, explosives, and intense gunfights where people were being killed left and right. While it provided a very action-packed zombie apocalypse vibe, I wished it followed a different storyline, perhaps focusing on the process of rebuilding the city or exploring other ideas to make it more interesting.

Moreover, in the original ("Train to Busan"), emotions came into play. We could all agree that in the first movie, we had people we liked and disliked—the people we wished to die and those whom we wished not to die. So the original introduced emotions in the story; it felt real, painful, and interesting. But in the sequel, the whole cast of characters was just neutral in the story, with no emotions whatsoever; the feeling was not felt at all. Even though the story focuses on the protagonist and the family, the emotion in the story was a bit cringe-worthy.

En primer lugar, la "Train to Busan" original se centraba más en la historia y los personajes, mostrando diversas luchas por la supervivencia entre los ciudadanos a medida que avanzaba la historia. Sin embargo, la secuela tenía una sensación completamente distinta. En lugar de centrarse en los personajes y la historia, se lanzó directamente a la acción, con pistolas, explosivos e intensos tiroteos en los que la gente moría a diestro y siniestro. Aunque ofrecía un ambiente de apocalipsis zombi repleto de acción, me hubiera gustado que siguiera una línea argumental diferente, quizá centrándose en el proceso de reconstrucción de la ciudad o explorando otras ideas para hacerla más interesante.
Además, en la original ("Train to Busan"), entraban en juego las emociones. Todos estamos de acuerdo en que en la primera película había gente que nos caía bien y gente que nos caía mal, gente que deseábamos que muriera y gente que deseábamos que no muriera. Así que la original introdujo emociones en la historia; parecía real, dolorosa e interesante. Pero en la secuela, todo el elenco de personajes era simplemente neutral en la historia, sin emociones de ningún tipo; no se sentía nada. A pesar de que la historia se centra en el protagonista y su familia, la emoción en la historia era un poco deprimente.


Train to Busan Source

In addition, we all know who the zombies in the first movie were. They were very fierce and ready to pounce on anybody that came into their midst, though the characters had already discovered the weakness of the zombies; the zombies aren't as fierce as they were in the first (perhaps no feelings).

Además, todos sabemos quiénes eran los zombis de la primera película. Eran muy fieros y estaban dispuestos a abalanzarse sobre cualquiera que se les pusiera por delante, aunque los personajes ya habían descubierto la debilidad de los zombis; los zombis no son tan fieros como en la primera (quizá no tengan sentimientos).


Pennisula Source

While "Peninsula" doesn't have the same level of horror and excitement as the first, it was still enjoyable. It was fast-paced but packed with interesting actions. It pretty much started on a great foot, as we see some interesting fighting scenes. The car chase was very interesting to watch; the way they maneuvered the cars and the intense collision between cars made everything interesting. Though it gave a familiar feeling, it will still keep you on your seats watching it. It shows that the producer really focused on the action side of things.

The CGI may not be as good as the first, but it's still okay. The zombies look fantastic, and though I would've preferred them to have changed in shape compared to the first movie, I really hope they've evolved and mutated and have different strengths, which will make the whole story more interesting.

Aunque "Península" no tiene el mismo nivel de horror y emoción que la primera, aún así la disfruté. Tiene un ritmo rápido, pero está repleta de acciones interesantes. Empezó con muy buen pie, ya que vimos algunas escenas de lucha interesantes. La persecución en coche fue muy interesante de ver; la forma en que maniobraban los coches y la intensa colisión entre coches lo hacían todo interesante. Aunque daba una sensación familiar, te mantendrá en tus asientos viéndola. Esto demuestra que el productor se centró en la acción.
Puede que el CGI no sea tan bueno como el de la primera, pero sigue estando bien. Los zombis tienen un aspecto fantástico, y aunque hubiera preferido que hubieran cambiado de forma con respecto a la primera película, espero de verdad que hayan evolucionado y mutado y que tengan diferentes puntos fuertes, lo que hará que toda la historia sea más interesante.


Pennisula Source

At the end of the movie, I felt lost; I had problems connecting all the dots between the first and sequel. It was my friend who explained how the first was connected to the second and how it unfolded, which was a bit disappointing.

Overall, if you're a fan of an action-type zombie apocalypse, you'll very much enjoy it. But if you're using the prospect of the first to watch this, I wouldn't recommend it. With this, I give the first movie a 9.5/10 and the sequel 4/10.

Thanks for reading my post. I hope you enjoyed it. See you next time. Bye 👋.

Al final de la película, me sentí perdido; tuve problemas para conectar todos los puntos entre la primera y la secuela. Fue mi amigo quien me explicó cómo se conectaba la primera con la segunda y cómo se desarrollaba, lo cual fue un poco decepcionante.
En general, si eres fan de un apocalipsis zombi de acción, lo disfrutarás mucho. Pero si estás usando la perspectiva de ser el primero en ver esto, yo no lo recomendaría. Con esto, le doy a la primera película un 9,5/10 y a la secuela un 4/10.
Gracias por leer mi post. Espero que os haya gustado. Hasta la próxima. Bye 👋.

Translation done using Deep L


Made by me using Canva


That movie was so good, I really enjoy it, and I think the zombies were the best part! Greetings!

Well, the action part was quite enjoyable give the car chase and the car driving. But using the prospect of the first, it's entirely different.

Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks for the reply, I really appreciate 🙏 ❤.

The second film is genuinely terrible in comparison to the first. There's even an animated spin-off which is even worse!

Exactly. I'm quite disappointed with what they did in the second film considering the prospect of the first. It looks like Sequel trap which is common with apocalyptic movies, when the first film will be very good but the sequel will go straight to the action part and won't be as good as the first. It's so disheartening.

Anyway, thanks for the reply, I really appreciate 🙏 ❤.

Yeah that's precisely what it is. That animation they did was even worse, it's insane how bad it is.