Alchemy of Souls Review, Colossal Waste of time?? | [ENG/ESP]

in #hive-1668472 years ago


When it comes to movies, Kdramas to be precise, there are usually two kinds of people;

  1. those that absolutely love them and are die-hard fans that know the real names of most of the characters in the film and
  2. those that abhor kdramas and think that anyone who loves them needs to book an appointment with a psychiatrist 😂 (a little extreme maybe but you get my point).

I can safely say I'm in neither of those two categories. I'm comfortably sitting on the fence on this one. I've seen horrible Korean films and in contrast, I've also seen great ones.

Alchemy of Souls is definitely one of the good ones.

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This film crossed off most things on the stereotypical "things to expect from a Kdrama" list. This isn't in any way negative. It has its normal martial arts action scenes, some overly dramatic characters, a dashing group of young men and of course romance. I don't think I've ever seen one without a hint of romance.

The entire story revolves around a magic spell that is used for moving souls from one body to another and the way it affects the characters, basically. The name of the spell is conveniently alchemy of souls too but I think the title suits the film perfectly.

The storyline is well-developed and entertaining. It had most of the makings of a good film in the right amount. Interesting roles executed by skilled actors, an engaging plot that makes you keep watching, good cinematography, great graphics etc.


There's one thing I must commend, Asian films make use of good music. They have the perfect songs for the different moods and emotions in the film. These songs aren't always words, they are mostly just instruments being played and they sound really good.

I don't always take note of them because of how cool they are, it's like I can hear them but just as background sounds so when I eventually listen and really hear, the experience is something else. Their use of music makes you feel like the song is one with the film, it just blends nicely. The song transitions are smooth too, almost unnoticeable sometimes.

The plot is airtight in my opinion. Everything eventually makes sense if it doesn't at first. The characters have solid backgrounds and the story was pretty believable. As believable as a film about ancient magic set in historical/fictional Korea can be. But it was made for entertainment and entertaining it was.


Only one season has been released. It has 20 episodes of up to 60 mins individual run time. The next season will air in December and I'm holding my breath in anticipation. Hopefully, I'll have the patience to wait for all the episodes to be released before I begin to watch so I won't have to endure the agony of waiting every week for a new episode.

The last released episode ended in a cliffhanger. The episode started like every other one. It was happy and everything but then boom! everything went south in the blink of an eye. It was bittersweet and left me with conflicting emotions.

The filmmakers are a clever bunch, they threw in a teaser when the credits were rolling as if they didn't just leave us hanging. The sneak peek into the next season was shocking and it made me willing to wait months for its release. I'm sure it had the same effect on other people who saw it so they'll have returning fans in December for sure.


There's one thing that was a little disappointing. Most of us know how unrealistic these martial art scenes can look sometimes. I was happy that it wasn't all that bad until the last episode where someone literally flew. It felt like a bad splash of cold water to my face.

I would've preferred it if that didn't happen. This didn't taint the movie for me in any way it was just a little disappointing after my initial happiness that there weren't any of those but oh well.

If you are a fan of Kdramas and you haven't seen this I think you should. And if you haven't seen any before, I think this is a good place to start.

I rate Alchemy of souls a 7 out of 10.

Be sure to check out the trailer here;

Thanks for reading!❤️


Cuando se trata de películas, Kdramas para ser precisos, generalmente hay dos tipos de personas;

  1. aquellos que los aman absolutamente y son fanáticos acérrimos que conocen los nombres reales de la mayoría de los personajes de la película y
  2. aquellos que aborrecen los kdramas y piensan que cualquiera que los ame necesita reservar una cita con un psiquiatra 😂 (quizás un poco extremo, pero entiendes mi punto).

Puedo decir con seguridad que no estoy en ninguna de esas dos categorías. Estoy cómodamente sentado en la cerca de este. He visto películas coreanas horribles y, en cambio, he visto películas geniales.

Alchemy of Souls es definitivamente uno de los buenos.

fuente Designed in canva

Esta película tachó la mayoría de las cosas en la lista estereotipada de "cosas que esperar de un Kdrama". Esto no es de ninguna manera negativo. Tiene sus escenas de acción normales de artes marciales, personajes demasiado dramáticos, un grupo de jóvenes apuestos y, por supuesto, romance. Creo que nunca he visto uno sin una pizca de romance.

Toda la historia gira en torno a un hechizo mágico que se usa para mover almas de un cuerpo a otro y la forma en que afecta a los personajes, básicamente. El nombre del hechizo también es convenientemente alquimia de las almas, pero creo que el título se adapta perfectamente a la película.

La trama está bien desarrollada y es entretenida. Tiene la mayoría de los ingredientes de una buena película en la cantidad correcta. Interesantes papeles ejecutados por habilidosos actores, una atractiva trama que te hace seguir viendo, buena cinematografía, buenos gráficos, etc.


Hay una cosa que debo elogiar, las películas asiáticas utilizan buena música. Tienen las canciones perfectas para los diferentes estados de ánimo y emociones de la película. Estas canciones no siempre son palabras, en su mayoría son solo instrumentos que se tocan y suenan muy bien.

No siempre tomo nota de ellos por lo geniales que son, es como si pudiera escucharlos pero como sonidos de fondo, así que cuando finalmente escucho y realmente escucho, la experiencia es otra cosa. Su uso de la música te hace sentir que la canción es una con la película, simplemente combina muy bien. Las transiciones de las canciones también son suaves, casi imperceptibles a veces.

La trama es hermética en mi opinión. Eventualmente todo tiene sentido si no lo tiene al principio. Los personajes tienen antecedentes sólidos y la historia era bastante creíble. Tan creíble como puede ser una película sobre la magia antigua ambientada en la Corea histórica/ficticia. Pero fue hecho para el entretenimiento y entretenido lo fue.


Solo se ha estrenado una temporada. Tiene 20 episodios de hasta 60 minutos de duración individual. La próxima temporada saldrá al aire en diciembre y estoy conteniendo la respiración con anticipación. Con suerte, tendré la paciencia para esperar a que se publiquen todos los episodios antes de comenzar a verlos para no tener que soportar la agonía de esperar cada semana por un nuevo episodio.

El último episodio publicado terminó en un suspenso. El episodio comenzó como cualquier otro. Fue feliz y todo, pero luego ¡bum! todo se fue al sur en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Fue agridulce y me dejó con emociones encontradas.

Los cineastas son un grupo inteligente, lanzaron un adelanto cuando los créditos avanzaban como si no nos dejaran colgados. El adelanto de la próxima temporada fue impactante y me hizo querer esperar meses para su lanzamiento. Estoy seguro de que tuvo el mismo efecto en otras personas que lo vieron, por lo que seguramente tendrán fanáticos que regresan en diciembre.


Hay una cosa que fue un poco decepcionante. La mayoría de nosotros sabemos lo poco realistas que pueden parecer estas escenas de artes marciales a veces. Estaba feliz de que no fuera tan malo hasta el último episodio donde alguien literalmente voló. Se sintió como un mal chapoteo de agua fría en mi cara.

Hubiera preferido que eso no sucediera. Esto no contaminó la película para mí de ninguna manera, fue un poco decepcionante después de mi felicidad inicial de que no había nada de eso, pero bueno.

Si eres fanático de Kdramas y no has visto esto, creo que deberías hacerlo. Y si no has visto ninguno antes, creo que este es un buen lugar para comenzar.

Califico Alchemy of souls con un 7 sobre 10.

Asegúrese de ver el tráiler aquí;

¡Gracias por leer!❤️


I'll read this after I watch the entire series. Still in EP 10 hehe

No problem lol.
There are no spoilers though, just in case you change your mind 😊

Yay! 🤗
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I may actually fall under the second category. Not that I have Kdramas, but I just cannot but wonder what y'all see in it. Why is it always romance with them? And then there's Lee Min Ho. I have not heard the last of that guy till today.

Anyway, that aside. I love me a well cooked story serve on a decorated dish of awesome execution and visuals. Music! It is so important. The right music and set the right emotions on fire, and the wrong one, well... you know the rest.

Your review of this movie makes me want ot reconsider trying kdramas. But I know that is not happening soon. I, however, may warm up to it and give it a try.

I just cannot but wonder what y'all see in it. Why is it always romance with them? And then there's Lee Min Ho.

😂😂 It isn't all bad man, but I get that it isn't for everyone. You know Lee Min Ho, how???
plus do you have anything against romance?
I'm sha happy that this isn't a strictly girls thing like most of y'all presume. I've seen some dudes that watch kdramas a lot more than I do😂

The right music and set the right emotions on fire, and the wrong one, well... you know the rest.

It sure does. If the music is shitty, the movie will be shitty as well.

Your review of this movie makes me want to reconsider trying kdramas. But I know that is not happening soon. I, however, may warm up to it and give it a try.

😂😂 It's okay if you don't warm up to them. I'd like you to try though.
If you are into serial killer movies I recommend you see Mouse.
It's a Kdrama yeah, but it is also high on the list of terrifying films I've seen.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. Please be open-minded about it will ya?🙂

How will I not know Le Min Ho? When he is everywhere? Don't whine me.

Really, I do not have anything against romance. It can just be appalling to know the plethora of (Korean) films that center upon it.

I could try to warm up to it, however. I do understand that there are countless hours that go into some of them. The least could do it appreciate them.

I have my fingers crossed for my self too. I'll try to be open minded still.

He really is everywhere sha lol.

I have my fingers crossed for my self too. I'll try to be open minded still.

That's good🤗

I'm not in either of the two camps you cite at the beginning of the post either. But I recently tried to get into k drama and couldn't. i tried watching extracurricular and took it off after 15 minutes. but i will try again soon with a k drama called Signal.

This only happens to me with so called K Drama, because I do consume Asian movies, especially thrillers, crime, or even deep dramas, like the Japanese movie Drive My Car, which I thought was fabulous. I also recently saw an Indonesian movie called Photocopier. I recommend it to you

There are many K-drama fans in the community, check the feed, you can exchange opinions with them.

I've seen badass Chinese movies too but I haven't seen any of the ones you mentioned.

This only happens to me with so called K Drama, because I do consume Asian movies,

I think I get why this happens. Most of them are usually very cliche at first so people lose interest quickly. I've seen some that were absolutely silly in the first episode but started getting better in the second episode. It just has to do with patience but I guess not everyone can exercise that after a bad first impression.

There are many K-drama fans in the community, check the feed, you can exchange opinions with them.

I'll be sure to do this.

Thanks for the recommendation😊

P.s: I finally saw " not okay" and it was a little disturbing but with reviews of it swarming here already I don't know if I'll write one.

I laughed when you talked about the martial arts scenes because just when I tried to watch this k-drama for the first time, it was one of the first "fights" shown that made me take the chapter off, personally, I'm not a fan of action sequences that seem very unrealistic.

Still I really want to give this story another chance, especially because many people I follow on social networks have been talking about this k-drama and from what little I've seen from some spoilers it seems to have a pretty interesting story, so I think I'll be writing down alchemy of souls in my to watch list and hopefully by the time I finally watch it the second part will be closer to release :D

it was one of the first "fights" shown that made me take the chapter off,

😂😂 I totally get this and that's okay.

Still I really want to give this story another chance

I think you should. If it wasn't worth watching I'd sure as hell not recommend it but it is.
I really hope you watch it though. I'd like to know what you think when you eventually do.


Your opening text got me laughing though😂😂
I just can't relate why some people loathe K dramas, oh well, maybe I do, cause I loathe Nollywood as much too lol.
I am a huge fan and lover of Kdramas. But Alchemy of soul is one of those I am yet to watch.

And I keep seeing this movie everywhere, I guess it's high time I watch it. Though I tried searching it on Youtube a few days ago but couldn't find the complete episode and I realized that it's not yet complete, that another will be released in December right? That's what I heard.
Perhaps I will have to wait until all are released cause I don't like suspense and having to wait for each episode of movies to be released one after the other. I like watching everything all at once.

I totally get the Nollywood loathing😂😂. This isn't great though seeing as we are Nigerian and all, shouldn't we proudly support our movie industry?😂
I don't feel any guilt though, I know I'll wholly support them if they actually put in an effort to make something worth watching.

Yeah, only the first season has been released. The episodes of the second one will be released in December. I don't think you'd ever find full episodes on yt. I'd suggest using NetFlix if you have a subscription or downloading from netnaija.

I get why you'd want to wait, I dislike suspense too but I'm sure if you watch even one episode of this you'd want to keep on watching. It's worth it though so I'd say go for it despite the suspense thing lol

I totally get the Nollywood loathing😂😂. This isn't great though seeing as we are Nigerian and all, shouldn't we proudly support our movie industry?😂
I don't feel any guilt though, I know I'll wholly support them if they actually put in an effort to make something worth watching.

No be lie, cause what are they doing exactly? 💔😂 I don't know but the feedback I get from most of their fans, they say some of their movies these days are good. Well, I wouldn't know cause I am not even done watching Hollywood and Kdramas to have their time sha💔😂

Yeah, only the first season has been released. The episodes of the second one will be released in December. I don't think you'd ever find full episodes on yt. I'd suggest using NetFlix if you have a subscription or downloading from netnaija.

Oh I see! Maybe I will just download from netnaija then. Thanks

I get why you'd want to wait, I dislike suspense too but I'm sure if you watch even one episode of this you'd want to keep on watching. It's worth it though so I'd say go for it despite the suspense thing lol.

Now I will see about that lol.

I get from most of their fans, they say some of their movies these days are good.

I've heard this too but omo, once bitten twice shy 😂

Oh I see! Maybe I will just download from netnaija then. Thanks.

You are welcome😊

It's been a longgg while, thanks for stopping by❤️.

Lol, it's okay.
The pleasure is mine.

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