šŸŽ¬ Una chica del siglo XX y el valor del amor šŸ¤ž [ES|EN] // A 20th Century Girl and the Value of Love

in #hive-166847 ā€¢ 2 years ago

Fuente: Imdb.com



Written in Spanish and translated to English with
DeepL Translator (free version)
(English version below)


DespuƩs de mucho tiempo, pude sacar mi espacio para escribir nuevamente. Querƭa hacer mi post en esta comunidad que me encanta y porque ademƔs tengo muchos films pendientes sobre los que he querido escribir. Sin embargo, ahora mismo no estaba segura y no me decidƭa entre dos, Recuerdos de juventud y Una chica del siglo xx. Ambos son films coreanos.

Como ya comentĆ© en un post hace algĆŗn tiempo, yo pasaba por alto las producciones asiĆ”ticas, la verdad es que no me llamaban la atenciĆ³n, a pesar de la gran popularidad que las precedĆ­a. Pero les confieso que todas las que he visto me han gustado mucho, unas mĆ”s que otras, pero en general todas me han gustado, son frescas, con un sentido del humor que me encanta, y en especial que nos dejan conocer un poco mĆ”s sobre esta cultura.

Puedes leer mis opiniones sobre Woo una abogada extraordinaria y El amor es como el chachachĆ”. Sin embargo, tambiĆ©n he visto El peso del amor, Propuesta Laboral y el Amor es la meta. QuizĆ”s estoy pasando algo por alto, pero eso es realmente irrelevante Āæverdad? Espero poder escribir mis impresiones sobre estas series en un tiempo no tan lejano.

šŸŽ¬Mis comienzos con los K-Drama y producciones asiĆ”ticas


Mis hermosas sobrinas Alejandra (@alelizmp) e Isabella de casi 20 y 10 respectivamente, con sus recuentos de las pelƭculas o series que veƭan, me abrieron el apetito a este tipo de producciones. Es mƔs, la pequeƱa, un dƭa me hizo una lista de las pelƭculas que deberƭa ver.

Hace unas semanas atrĆ”s vinieron a verme y me recomendaron muy entusiastamente la pelĆ­cula Una chica del siglo XX. Me sorprendiĆ³ bastante porque en Netflix solo habĆ­a visto series coreanas. Inmediatamente me dejĆ© llevar por el entusiasmo y les preguntĆ© si era buena para verla con mi esposo y mi hijo de 15 aƱos, pero me dijeron que a ellos no les gustarĆ­a, lo cual me entristeciĆ³. Pero al otro dĆ­a en la maƱana me puse manos a la obra y me dediquĆ© a ver esta pelĆ­cula.

šŸŽ¬ Sobre una Chica del Siglo XX


Te confieso que pensĆ© que esta no era una pelĆ­cula nueva, por su ambientaciĆ³n, que es en el aƱo 1999. Sin embargo, me enterĆ© que si lo es, de hecho, se estrenĆ³ en Octubre del aƱo 2022 y es apta para pĆŗblico a partir de los 13 aƱos.

En esta pelĆ­cula veremos parte de la vida adolescente de Bo-ra (Kim You-jung), quien es estudiante de secundaria y ademĆ”s participa en el club de radiodifusiĆ³n de su escuela. Sin embargo, a lo largo de la trama tambiĆ©n veremos otra faceta de ella ya en su vida adulta.

Bora tiene una mejor amiga que es Yeon-doo (Noh Yoon-seo), pero lamentablemente esta tiene problemas del corazĆ³n y debe ir a Estados Unidos a operarse urgentemente. Por lo que temporalmente desparece de escena.

Fuente: Imdb.com

Ella no quiere ir a operarse aunque su vida dependĆ­a de ello, porque se ha enamorado a primera vista, y si se va, perderĆ” la oportunidad de conocer mejor a este prĆ­ncipe azul que la flechĆ³.

Sin embargo, la protagonista para convencerla se ofrece a investigar todo lo que pueda sobre este joven que tambiĆ©n estudiarĆ­a en el colegio de ambas, y mantenerla actualizada con toda la informaciĆ³n necesaria.

El Ćŗnico contacto que esta joven habĆ­a tenido con su Adonis fue en la tienda de sus padres, mientras el joven entrĆ³ y le prestĆ³ ayuda para levantarla del suelo, donde se habĆ­a caĆ­do por accidente. AllĆ­ ella pudo ver el gafete con su nombre escrito, Hyun-jin (Park Jung-woo), sobre el uniforme del colegio.

Fuente: Imdb.com

Entonces, de manera muy casual Bo-ra se topa con Ć©l en el autobĆŗs camino al colegio y desde allĆ­ comenzĆ³ a ejecutar muy bien el trabajo para el cual se habĆ­a ofrecido. AsĆ­ que estuvo dispuesta a realizar cosas tontas, arriesgadas y complicadas para mantener muy al tanto a su amiga de todo tipo de informaciĆ³n sobre este apuesto caballero.

En el proceso, nuestra protagonista comparte mucho tiempo con Poong Un-ho (Byeon Woo-seok), quien tambiĆ©n pertenece al club de radiodifusiĆ³n y es el mejor amigo Hyun-jin, a quien en principio a ella no le atrae para nada. Sin embargo, Ć©l sĆ­ estĆ” prendado de ella. Pero te preguntarĆ”s ĀælograrĆ” ella enamorarse de Ć©l? Es posible, pero tienes que verla.

Lo que si deseo adelantarte es que el prĆ­ncipe azul, tambiĆ©n comienza a sentir atracciĆ³n por Bo-ra, pensando que su interĆ©s hacia Ć©l es romĆ”ntico, sin imaginar que ella solo intenta hacer algo asĆ­ como el papel de celestina para su amiga.

Fuente: Imdb.com

Poco tiempo despuĆ©s, su amiga vuelve, bastante recuperada de salud y se encuentra con una gran sorpresa ĀæcuĆ”l serĆ”? Te lo repito, tienes que verla.

šŸŽ¬ Una pelĆ­cula mĆ”s sobre el amor


El amor ha influenciado un sinnĆŗmero de producciones a lo largo de la historia y nunca dejarĆ” de hacerlo. Pero en esta serie se respira el amor adolescente, que en el caso de una de ellas no es el primero, y en caso de la otra pasa inicialmente inadvertido. Pero tambiĆ©n, nos deja ver un amor maduro a pesar de las edades.

Fuente: Imdb.com

Pero no solo el amor romƔntico estƔ presente en esta trama, sino tambiƩn el amor de una amistad verdadera, hasta donde llega y lo que estƔn dispuestos a hacer los amigos leales, el uno por el otro.

Cuando todo parece sombrĆ­o, aparece una luz al final del tĆŗnel cuando los jĆ³venes estĆ”n a punto de ir a la universidad. Parece que hay felicidad en el ambiente, cuando de repente una gran ausencia marca la vida de la protagonista para siempre. Bueno, al menos asĆ­ lo parecĆ­a, luego el futuro parecĆ­a brindarle algo de esperanza ĀæNo te da curiosidad saber que es en realidad todo esto? AnĆ­mate a ver una Una chica del siglo XX.

Fuente: Imdb.com

Por aquƭ te dejo el trƔiler oficial para que veas un adelanto.




After a long time, I was able to take my space to write again. I wanted to make my post in this community that I love and also because I have many films pending that I have wanted to write about. However, right now I wasn't sure and couldn't decide between two, Memories of Youth and A Girl of the 20th Century. Both are Korean films.

As I already commented in a post some time ago, I used to overlook Asian productions, the truth is that they didn't catch my attention, despite the great popularity that preceded them. But I confess that all the ones I have seen I have liked a lot, some more than others, but in general I liked them all, they are fresh, with a sense of humor that I love, and especially that let us know a little more about this culture.

You can read my opinions about Woo an extraordinary lawyer and Love is like cha-cha-cha. However, I have also seen The Weight of Love, Labor Proposal and Love is the Goal. Maybe I'm overlooking something, but that's really irrelevant right? I hope to be able to write my impressions of these series in a not so distant time.

šŸŽ¬ My beginnings with K-Drama and Asian productions.


My beautiful nieces Alejandra (@alelizmp) and Isabella of almost 20 and 10 respectively, with their recounts of the movies or series they watched, whetted my appetite for this type of productions. What's more, the little one, one day, made me a list of the movies I should watch.

A few weeks ago they came to see me and very enthusiastically recommended me the movie A girl of the 20th century. I was quite surprised because on Netflix I had only seen Korean series. I immediately got carried away and asked them if it was good to watch with my husband and 15 year old son, but they said they wouldn't like it, which made me sad. But the next day in the morning I got down to work and dedicated myself to watching this movie.

šŸŽ¬ About a Girl of the 20th Century


I confess that I thought this was not a new movie, because of its setting, which is in the year 1999. However, I found out that it is, in fact, it was released in October 2022 and is suitable for audiences aged 13 and above.

In this movie, we will see part of the teenage life of Bo-ra (Kim You-jung), who is a high school student and also participates in her school's broadcasting club. However, throughout the plot we will also see another side of her as an adult.

Bora has a best friend who is Yeon-doo (Noh Yoon-seo), but unfortunately she has heart problems and has to go to the U.S. for an urgent operation. So she temporarily disappears from the scene.

Source: Imdb.com

She doesn't want to go for surgery even though her life depended on it, because she has fallen in love at first sight, and if she goes, she will lose the chance to get to know better this prince charming that she fell in love with.

However, the protagonist, in order to convince her, offers to investigate everything she can about this young man who would also study at their school, and to keep her updated with all the necessary information.

The only contact this young woman had had with her Adonis was in her parents' store, while the young man came in and helped her to lift her from the floor, where she had fallen by accident. There she could see the name tag with her name written on it, Hyun-jin (Park Jung-woo), on the school uniform.

Source: Imdb.com

Then, quite by chance Bo-ra runs into him on the bus on her way to school and from there she started to execute the job she volunteered for very well. So she was willing to do silly, risky and complicated things to keep her friend up to date with all kinds of information about this handsome gentleman.

In the process, our protagonist shares a lot of time with Poong Un-ho (Byeon Woo-seok), who also belongs to the broadcasting club and is Hyun-jin's best friend, whom she is initially not attracted to at all. However, he has a crush on her. But you may wonder, will she fall in love with him? It's possible, but you have to see it.

Source: Imdb.com

What I do want to tell you is that Prince Charming also begins to feel attracted to Bo-ra, thinking that her interest in him is romantic, without imagining that she is just trying to play the role of a matchmaker for her friend.

A short time later, her friend comes back, quite recovered in health and finds a big surprise, what will it be? I repeat, you have to see it.

šŸŽ¬ One more movie about love.


Love has influenced countless productions throughout history and will never cease to do so. But in this series we breathe teenage love, which in the case of one of them is not the first, and in the case of the other initially goes unnoticed. But also, it lets us see a mature love despite their ages.

Source: Imdb.com

But not only romantic love is present in this plot, but also the love of a true friendship, how far it goes and what loyal friends are willing to do for each other.

When everything seems bleak, a light appears at the end of the tunnel when the young people are about to go to college. There seems to be happiness in the air, when suddenly a great absence marks the protagonist's life forever. Well, at least it seemed so, then the future seemed to bring her some hope. Aren't you curious to know what it's really all about? Cheer up and watch a A girl from the 20th century.

Source: Imdb.com

Here is the official trailer for you to see a preview.

WhatsApp Image 2022-09-06 at 17.16.35.jpeg



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I always think Asian and Korean films are all about romance, and that's why I don't watch them much. Some of them, however, do have compelling love stories.

It's been decades with you, @marbrym. How have you been?

Hi @olujay, yes it's true, it's been a long time since we've met at Hive. I have been quite absent, although for reasons beyond my control. But I try to resume my rhythm here and how have you been? šŸ¤—šŸŒ·

You are doing fine, at least. That's good news. I hope you find balance with the things that are within and beyond your control.

I too have not been consistent here on Hive. Things keep getting in the way. I gues that's just how life is.

OHHH, yes sometimes we only see our own situation, but many more are dealing with situations that affect their ongoing participation in Hive, some of them too complex.

So it's a good thing that in spite of everything we continue to meet in Hive. I had already disappeared before šŸ˜„šŸ¤”šŸŒ·

It's okay to leave for a while, especially when one needs the time and space away.

I'm glad to see you back.

Esta pelicula se ve muy interesante, le darƩ un vistazo. Ideal para esta Ʃpoca jajaja saludos y gracias por tu review!

Creo que te va a gustar šŸ¤—šŸ˜œ

Hi @marbrym I am sure that the movie will please many in the community. I have a suggestion: in the paragraph where you talk about the plot, the source from where you copied it is missing. There are several similarities on the internet and it is important to put the source.

Hey I'm going to check, I can imagine where it would be, although I didn't take it, I did look up the name of the club she belonged to. Thank you very much for the observation.šŸ¤šŸ¤—šŸŒ·.

I have already made some adjustments when I start talking about the tyrama of the film. I hope it will be enough šŸ’Ŗā¤ļø

Hola amiga esta pelĆ­cula es estupenda a mĆ­ me encantĆ³, aunque debo confesar que me hizo llorar el final, no me lo esperaba. Pero tienes razĆ³n en todo lo dices, yo cuando decido ver Netflix mi inclinaciĆ³n es con los k-dramas y los disfruto. Todos los que mencionaste ya los vĆ­. Ahorita estoy viendo el viento sopla,como sigo de reposo tengo mĆ”s tiempo para verlos y de allĆ­ salen mis inspiraciones de versos escondidos. Te la recomiendo es sĆŗper emotiva y te dejarĆ” muchas lecciones importante sobre el matrimonio y la fuerza del verdadero amor. Por cierto hoy veo el capĆ­tulo final, espero logrĆ© llenar mis expectativas. Besitosss šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜

Disculpa lo tarde en responderte amiga, se me ha hecho muy dificil mantener la constancia en Hive, pero sigo en la lucha.

Amiga @gardenofcarmen gracias por tu recomendaciĆ³n, en definitiva tratarĆ© de verla. Aun estoy pendiente de ver la otra pelƬcula que me recomendaste par ver en familia. Se lo comente a mi esposo e hijo, pero ese no fue el momento indicado para verla, hasta ya se me habia olvido. Pero ahora que veo tu mensaje la seguirĆ© teniendo en cuenta šŸ˜˜šŸ¤—šŸ˜œšŸŒ·ā¤ļø.

Esta pelĆ­cula es abrumadora, simplemente es una de las mejores producciones coreanas que se emitieron el aƱo pasado. Lamentablemente, el final es abrumador, a tal punto de partirte el alma. AĆŗn recuerdo la galerĆ­a y se me eriza la piel Bo-ra realmente, realmente amaba a Poong Un-ho. La pelĆ­cula tiene alma, de esa que trasmite emociones increĆ­blemente. :*)

Yes it is a very sad thing, how she spent so many years with her broken soul. Until she finally knew what happened. Poong Un-ho's video showed that he also loved her too much. It was really beautifully sad that movie.

Thank you very much for sharing with me your impressions

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This movie is about to be seen, unfortunately at its premiere many people made spoilers by sharing on facebook, instagram even on twitter and I couldn't save myself from the spoilers. ā˜¹ļø

When that happens, they take away that magic of not knowing anything, but I will give him the opportunity to see it since it is something that I would see (also I love all the kdrama that you mentioned, especially Lawyer Woo and Love is like Chachacha) šŸ˜.

Esta pelĆ­cula estĆ” prĆ³xima para ver, lamentablemente a su estreno muchas personas hicieron spoiler compartiendo en facebook, instagram hasta en twitter y no me pude salvar de los spoilers. ā˜¹ļø

Cuando eso pasa me quitan esa magia del no saber nada, pero si le darĆ© la oportunidad para verla ya que si es algo que yo verĆ­a (ademĆ”s me encanta todos los kdrama que mencionaste sobre todo la Abogada Woo y el Amor es como el ChachachĆ”) šŸ˜.

Yeah I get that too with spoilers. But fortunately I haven't suffered spoliers in any of these dramas. I don't know if I would watch it after finding out the denouements, it's like a love disappointment. But there are always new things we can appreciate when we see it for ourselves.

The Woo Lawyer series has been number one for me so far. According to what I read in this same community to a girl who told me in a comment that a second part of the series is coming. I hope that's true šŸ¤ž. Thank you very much for leaving me your comment šŸ˜˜šŸ¤—ā¤ļøšŸŒ·