in #hive-1668472 years ago



Hi there!
I have been away from blogging movie reviews for a while now, as some things have been keeping my schedule tight lately. But I have been watching some series and movies nonetheless. And today, I'll be talking about a movie from my own country, Nigeria.

The limited series, Blood Sisters, has been all over all my profiles on Netflix recently. And I must be candid with you, dear reader, that I have not really been one to watch movies from my country. Reasons for which you will discover later, so as not to disrupt the structure of this review And as well, my opinions about movies from Nollywood, the Nigerian film industry, will be stated much later.

He estado alejado de los blogs de reseñas de películas por un tiempo, ya que algunas cosas han mantenido mi agenda apretada últimamente. Pero he estado viendo algunas series y películas, no obstante. Y hoy hablaré de una película de mi propio país, Nigeria.

La serie limitada, Blood Sisters, ha estado en todos mis perfiles en Netflix recientemente. Y debo ser sincero contigo, querido lector, en realidad no he sido de los que ven películas de mi país. Razones por las cuales descubrirá más adelante, para no interrumpir la estructura de esta revisión. Y también, mis opiniones sobre las películas de Nollywood, la industria cinematográfica nigeriana, se expresarán mucho más adelante.

ᴡɪᴛʜᴏᴜᴛ ғᴜʀᴛʜᴇʀ ᴀᴅᴏ, sʜᴀʟʟ ᴡᴇ ʙᴇɢɪɴ? // sɪɴ ᴍᴀ́s ᴘʀᴇᴀ́ᴍʙᴜʟᴏs, ¿ᴄᴏᴍᴇɴᴢᴀᴍᴏs?





Sarah and Kola are having a glamorous and elaborate wedding ceremony in which people of high calibre are in attendance. Mysteriously, Kola, the husband-to-be, goes missing.

Sarah and Kemi, her maid-of-honor and best friend, seem to have a hand in the mysterious disappearance of Kola, but no one suspects it yet. The majority assume the wife to be, Sarah, did something to upset the gentleman to cause his disappearance.

The gentleman, or not so gentle a man, according to Sarah, now has his disappearance shaking the atmosphere and the ceremony is left in shambles.

His body is discovered buried a few days later, and Sarah and Kemi are on the run. As fugitives, they face a brutal chase as they try to avoid the Ademolas, Kola's family, who are on the hunt for the killer of their beloved brother and son.

As the chase continues, more deep secrets are unveiled.

Sarah y Kola están teniendo una ceremonia de boda glamorosa y elaborada a la que asisten personas de alto calibre. Misteriosamente, Kola, el futuro esposo, desaparece.

Sarah y Kemi, su dama de honor y mejor amiga, parecen tener algo que ver con la misteriosa desaparición de Kola, pero nadie lo sospecha todavía. La mayoría asume que la esposa, Sarah, hizo algo para molestar al caballero y provocar su desaparición.
El caballero, o no tan gentil, según Sarah, ahora tiene su desaparición sacudiendo el ambiente y la ceremonia queda en ruinas.

Su cuerpo se descubre enterrado unos días después, y Sarah y Kemi están huyendo. Como fugitivos, se enfrentan a una brutal persecución mientras intentan evitar a los Ademola, la familia de Kola, que buscan al asesino de su amado hermano e hijo.

A medida que continúa la persecución, se revelan secretos más profundos.

Sarah and Kemi




The maid of honour, and best friend to Sarah Duru. A brave lady with a strong heart. Her strong will to survive played a key role in the bloody chase she and Sarah got themselves into.

La dama de honor y mejor amiga de Sarah Duru. Una mujer valiente con un corazón fuerte. Su fuerte voluntad de sobrevivir jugó un papel clave en la sangrienta persecución en la que ella y Sarah se metieron.


The character is played by Nancy Isime, a Nigerian actress. She also starred in many Nigerian movies such as Merry Men: The Real Yoruba Demons (2018) as Sophie and Superstar (2021) as Queen.

El personaje es interpretado por Nancy Isime, una actriz nigeriana. También protagonizó muchas películas nigerianas como Merry Men: The Real Yoruba Demons (2018) como Sophie y Superstar (2021) como Reina.



The bride to Kola, and best friend to Kemi Sanya since she was 5 years old, is a simple and reserved type of person. She would not have been able to take the big decisions and actions she took without her best friend being by her side all the way.

La novia de Kola, y mejor amiga de Kemi Sanya desde que tenía 5 años, es una persona sencilla y reservada. No habría podido tomar las grandes decisiones y acciones que tomó sin su mejor amiga a su lado todo el tiempo.


The character is played by Ini Dima-Okojie, a Nigerian actress. She also starred in movies such as Namaste Wahala (2018) as Didi.

El personaje es interpretado por Ini Dima-Okojie, una actriz nigeriana. También protagonizó películas como Namaste Wahala (2018) como Didi.



The family's golden boy, Kola is the best representation of what the family wants to portray to the outside. He is the second son, and he heads the family company. To the outside world, he is intelligent, hard-working, an excellent leader and well-mannered. But beyond what meets the eye, he is a man with many secrets.

El chico dorado de la familia, Kola es la mejor representación de lo que la familia quiere mostrar al exterior. Es el segundo hijo y dirige la empresa familiar. Para el mundo exterior, es inteligente, trabajador, un excelente líder y de buenos modales. Pero más allá de lo que parece, es un hombre con muchos secretos.


The character is played by Deyemi Okanlawon. He also starred in movies such as King of Boys: The Return of the King as Adetola Fashina.

El personaje es interpretado por Deyemi Okanlawon. También protagonizó películas como King of Boys: The Return of the King como Adetola Fashina.



The oldest child of the Ademola family, who is always upset about his younger brother leading the family business and not himself. More than anything, he wants to be in the spotlight. And with his wife, Olayinka, they develop schemes to upstage his brother.

El hijo mayor de la familia Ademola, que siempre está molesto porque su hermano menor dirige el negocio familiar y no él mismo. Más que nada, quiere estar en el centro de atención. Y con su esposa, Olayinka, desarrollan planes para eclipsar a su hermano.


The character was played by Gabriel Afolayan. He also starred in movies such as For Maria Ebun Pataki (2020) as Afolabi.

El personaje fue interpretado por Gabriel Afolayan. También protagonizó películas como For Maria Ebun Pataki (2020) como Afolabi.



The cold mother of the Ademolas. She showed absolutely no support for the marriage between Sarah and Kola right from the beginning. She only shows love to her favourite child, Kola, and hates and dislikes Femi and Timeyin. She plays the biggest part, as revealed in the movie, in the cause of such a dysfunctional family disguised in wealth and influence.

La fría madre de las Ademolas. Ella no mostró absolutamente ningún apoyo al matrimonio entre Sarah y Kola desde el principio. Ella solo muestra amor a su hijo favorito, Kola, y odia y detesta a Femi y Timeyin. Ella juega el papel más importante, como se revela en la película, en la causa de una familia tan disfuncional disfrazada de riqueza e influencia.



The character was played by Kate Henshaw. She also starred in movies such as The Women (2017) as Ene Enweuzo.

El personaje fue interpretado por Kate Henshaw. También protagonizó películas como The Women (2017) como Ene Enweuzo.



The youngest child and only daughter of the Ademola family, is an addict who appears brash at first. The show portrays her struggles with her addictions as she tries to show her family that she is not a useless child.

La hija menor y única hija de la familia Ademola, es una adicta que al principio parece descarada. El programa retrata su lucha con sus adicciones mientras intenta mostrarle a su familia que no es una niña inútil.



The character was played by Genoveva Umeh.

El personaje fue interpretado por Genoveva Umeh.



As the hype was all over the place, I could not but click the play icon on the streaming service, Netflix. I needed to see for myself if it really was worth the hype.

I will admit, from the first few scenes of the series, I was confused about whether I was actually seeing a Nigerian movie. I became hooked on digesting all that was offered to me to really access for myself. So, let's talk about some specifics of the series.

Como la publicidad estaba por todos lados, no pude sino hacer clic en el ícono de reproducción en el servicio de transmisión, Netflix. Necesitaba ver por mí mismo si realmente valía la pena.

Debo admitir que, desde las primeras escenas de la serie, estaba confundido acerca de si realmente estaba viendo una película nigeriana. Me enganché a digerir todo lo que se me ofrecía para realmente acceder por mí mismo. Entonces, hablemos de algunos detalles de la serie.


  • Storyline.

The title of the first episode, It's a Bloody Affair, gives off the vibes of something tense about to happen. But that alone could not be the determinant.

At first, it seemed to want to have a predictable story, but along the line there were many intriguing and interesting turns. It had me thinking, for many parts of the series, "How are they going to pull this off?"

The series was sufficiently able to deliver in portraying a strong bond between two women, along with dealing with aspects such as abuse, addiction, corruption, and dysfunctional family systems.

  • Argumento.

El título del primer episodio, It's a Bloody Affair, emite las vibraciones de algo tenso a punto de suceder. Pero eso por sí solo no podía ser el determinante.

Al principio, parecía querer tener una historia predecible, pero a lo largo de la línea hubo muchos giros intrigantes e interesantes. Me hizo pensar, durante muchas partes de la serie, "¿Cómo van a lograr esto?"

La serie fue lo suficientemente capaz de presentar un fuerte vínculo entre dos mujeres, además de tratar aspectos como el abuso, la adicción, la corrupción y los sistemas familiares disfuncionales.


  • Cinematography, lighting, and music

I'm not an expert on film images, but I can say that, in my humble opinion, the producers did an excellent job of presenting the series.

The camera angle they used for some of the scenes was epic, in my opinion. There was a scene where there was a dramatic zoom on a character in the heat of a tense atmosphere.

The lighting for the daytime was just right, and the lighting in the night scenes was just excellent. There are some series where whenever it comes to dark scenes, it becomes tedious to see the details clearly.

The music they used for the series was of such excellent taste. I would not have expected less from Kulanen Ikyo, a seasoned Nigerian composer and sound editor.

In all, the production of this movie was above my expectations. This series clearly benefited from deliberate and impressive efforts.

  • Cinematografía, iluminación y música

No soy un experto en imágenes de películas, pero puedo decir que, en mi humilde opinión, los productores hicieron un excelente trabajo al presentar la serie.

El ángulo de cámara que usaron para algunas de las escenas fue épico, en mi opinión. Había una escena en la que se hacía un zoom dramático sobre un personaje al calor de un ambiente tenso.

La iluminación durante el día fue perfecta, y la iluminación en las escenas nocturnas fue excelente. Hay algunas series en las que, cuando se trata de escenas oscuras, se vuelve tedioso ver los detalles con claridad.

La música que usaron para la serie fue de tan excelente gusto. No hubiera esperado menos de Kulanen Ikyo, un experimentado compositor y editor de sonido nigeriano.

En general, la producción de esta película estuvo por encima de mis expectativas. Esta serie claramente se benefició de esfuerzos deliberados e impresionantes.


  • Characters

Now, this is a section I am most impressed with. There were big shots playing the majority of the character roles in the series. But surprisingly, which is not usually done in Nollywood, some of these big names played roles that may be considered minor ones (waka pass roles). It was weird for a big actor like Ramsey Nouah to play a bodyguard. And he did so well at playing the role quite excellently.

Ini Dima-Okojie was probably the best person to play the character of Sarah Duru. She presented the sad emotions really well, as that was a big shoe to fill for a bride in such circumstances.

Nancy Isime, who played Kemi Sanya so solidly, was consistent with the character, and effortlessly gave the perfect vibes for a loyal, brave, and strong-hearted friend.

Kate Henshaw can not slip off the list of best actors in Nigeria. That sinister, heartless, fierce and tough character of a mother was done so much justice by her.

In all, I cannot say that there was one actor that did not play their part well enough. Even the extras did very great jobs in filling the scenes with life.

  • Caracteres

Ahora, esta es una sección con la que estoy más impresionado. Hubo peces gordos que interpretaron la mayoría de los papeles de los personajes de la serie. Pero sorprendentemente, lo que no suele hacerse en Nollywood, algunos de estos grandes nombres desempeñaron papeles que pueden considerarse menores (papeles waka pass). Era extraño que un gran actor como Ramsey Nouah interpretara a un guardaespaldas. Y lo hizo muy bien interpretando el papel de manera excelente.

Ini Dima-Okojie fue probablemente la mejor persona para interpretar el personaje de Sarah Duru. Presentó muy bien las emociones tristes, ya que era un gran zapato para una novia en tales circunstancias.

Nancy Isime, quien interpretó a Kemi Sanya con tanta solidez, fue consistente con el personaje y sin esfuerzo dio las vibraciones perfectas para una amiga leal, valiente y de corazón fuerte.

Kate Henshaw no puede escaparse de la lista de los mejores actores de Nigeria. A ese carácter siniestro, despiadado, feroz y duro de madre se le hizo tanta justicia.

En total, no puedo decir que hubo un actor que no interpretó su papel lo suficientemente bien. Incluso los extras hicieron un gran trabajo llenando las escenas de vida.



This series has set a standard for Nigerian films to come. Now, I am eagerly looking forward to seeing more Nollywood movies, for this is definitely just the beginning.

I would definitely recommend this series to anyone.

I would rate this series at a 8/10.


Esta serie ha establecido un estándar para las próximas películas nigerianas. Ahora, tengo muchas ganas de ver más películas de Nollywood, porque esto definitivamente es solo el comienzo.

Definitivamente recomendaría esta serie a cualquiera.

Calificaría esta serie con un 8/10.


## ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴇsᴛᴇᴅ ɪɴ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴏғ ᴍʏ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ/sᴇʀɪᴇs ʀᴇᴠɪᴇᴡs?

ℂ𝕙𝕖𝕔𝕜 𝕠𝕦𝕥...


ᴜɴʟᴇss ɪɴᴅɪᴄᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀᴡɪsᴇ, ᴀʟʟ ɪᴍᴀɢᴇs ᴀʀᴇ ᴍɪɴᴇ.

𝕀𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕖𝕟𝕛𝕠𝕪𝕖𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤 𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕥, 𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕝𝕪 𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕒 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥, 𝕣𝕖𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕘, 𝕠𝕣 𝕦𝕡𝕧𝕠𝕥𝕖. 𝕀𝕥 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕓𝕖 𝕘𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕝𝕪 𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕.

T͜͡H͜͡A͜͡N͜͡K͜͡ ͜͡Y͜͡O͜͡U͜͡ ͜͡F͜͡O͜͡R͜͡ ͜͡S͜͡T͜͡O͜͡P͜͡P͜͡I͜͡N͜͡G͜͡ ͜͜͜͜͡͡͡͡B͜͡Y͜͡


This production has been well received by the public, I have read several reviews in the last few weeks posted in the community. Most have been positive, I have not seen any Nollywood production, this could be an opportunity to see something different. What other productions from your country would you recommend?

This production has been well received by the public...

Yes,very well received. And it continues to do well.

...this could be an opportunity to see something different.

Oh you should try some Nollywood movies, they have excellent movies out there now.

What other productions from your country would you recommend?

I would recommend the following.

This one is about a lady that has an unfaithful husband. She finally finds a way to hurt him, but couldn't get away with it.

This one is about a woman who has big appetite for power. Hunger for power drives her into politics and business, but soon drives her into deeper unspeakable acts.

Thank you for checking this post out, @moviesonhive

Oh. King of Boys is my best Nigerian Movies of all time. I kept watching it over and over again..... No matter how much space I need for more movies in my phone, I can't simply delete that movie.

...I can't simply delete that movie.

When the movie is just too good to let go😁😂

Nigerians are really great in the film industry. And they need to be applauded for them.

Is Nollywood really a term? That is very itneresting. Also this show sounds very coll, especially if yous ay that it will set standards for the complete industry in your country. Those actors will be superstarts in your coutnry soon :D

Is Nollywood really a term?

Yes, Nollywood is actually a term for the Nigerian film industry.

...will set standards for the complete industry in your country.

Yes, because, over the years till now, many of Nigerian films, in my opinion, have not been able to deliver world class content. There are other very good movies and series just as good as Blood Sisters but they did not received such recognition.

I mean, we have always very skillful and exceptional actors and creative movie producers, it's just that these recent times they having been bringing the full package together.

Those actors will be superstarts in your coutnry soon :D

Actually, on the contrary, most of them have been superstars for good long time.

Thank you so much for taking the time to check this post out @ga38jem.

Hola, @olujay

Empiezo por reconocer que sabes cómo atraer al lector con tu presentación, me gustó la estructura. Luego tenemos ideas organizadas para acompañen la lectura al lector de tu posición en cuanto a la serie. La serie promete un argumento familiar a través de un clima turbio entre los integrantes y allegados para que suceda un crimen y lo importante que los actores lograron transmitir el mensaje y sentimiento que los describes muy bien. Ya sé que serie ver, gracias

Hola, @amandaj.

Gracias por tus amables palabras.

Pongo lo mejor de mí cada vez para dar a mis lectores el contenido más eficiente.

Espere más de este tipo de este post en el futuro.

No hay comentarios en este post todavía.

I'll give this movie a 10/10. For someone who isn't a fan of Nigerian Movies, take it from me.

Every scene and character was perfect. Everyone did their roles well. And you are right there were characters given the Waka pass roles that took it to the next level.

The producers and directors did great with this movie. And they ought to be applauded. Like you, I am hoping Nollywood will give more of such movie that takes care of details, presentation, lighting, and the rest.

By the way, what's the PDF, that @starstrings01 is talking about?
I want to read it too.🥺

Can you mail it to me? 🤲 Thank you. 💚💚

Smiles.. I can just send you the link. I gave him a pdf that explains how to make a movie review.

The link to the PDF or ?

Oh. Ohk. Thanks alot boss. ❤️

I'll give this movie a 10/10. For someone who isn't a fan of Nigerian Movies, take it from me.

I get your perspective.

Like you, I am hoping Nollywood will give more of such movie that takes care of details, presentation, lighting, and the rest.

This really should be the lowest as standard for future Nollywood films.

Man... You have way improved in your movie writing and that's good. You are taking good use of that pdf. I should learn from you.

I am still wondering why the wife to be would have a hand to the death of her future husband?

I should learn from you.

But then, it is you I am actually learning from. 😂

You have way improved in your movie writing...

Thank you so much bro. I'll keep trying my best.

I am still wondering why the wife to be would have a hand to the death of her future husband?

Now, to get the answer to your question, you would have to see the movie for your self sire. 😂😂

Interesting how you explained in a succinct manner the movie "Blood Sisters". I couldn´t get myself until I watched the movie and I would rate it excellently. I am not a fan of Nollywood movies because of how they act but watching this got me captivated and they all played their roles perfectly, especially Kemi and Sarah.

It was weird for a big actor like Ramsey Nouah to play a bodyguard. And he did so well at playing the role quite excellently.

In fact, I should commend this guy too. He acted superbly and I love his actions. Kemi got me hooked with her brave act and skills in speaking especially the pidgin language.

The movie is such a great one and I would recommend it to those who haven´t watched it yet.

Interesting how you explained in a succinct manner the movie "Blood Sisters"

Oh thank you @princessbusayo. I try to give my best.

I'm glad you like this post.
Thank you for your kind words.

You are welcome 🙂

Kemi got me hooked with her brave act and skills in speaking especially the pidgin language.

Gosh, princess, I loved her fluency with pidgin too. She made me I could do pidgin as fluent as she did.

Right now, I struggle with doing pidgin, my English Conversation are mostly full of grammars

Anytime I shift to pidgin my friends will laugh hard and most of them will be surprised I communicate with pidgin because they are not used to it. 🤣🤣

my English Conversation are mostly full of grammars

🤣🤣🤣 At least make me too speak English with grammars...I no sabi speak Pidgin, I will only be stammering to say one sentence 😂😂😂
I just love the lady's fluency.


I no sabi speak Pidgin, I will only be stammering to say one sentence

I swear, I can relate 😂😂

I just love the lady's fluency.

Me too 🥺🙈

Kemi got me hooked with her brave act and skills in speaking especially the pidgin language.

Gosh, princess, I loved her fluency with pidgin too. She made me wish I could do pidgin as fluent as she did.

Right now, I struggle with doing pidgin, my English Conversation are mostly full of grammars

Anytime I shift to pidgin my friends will laugh hard and most of them will be surprised I communicate with pidgin because they are not used to it. 🤣🤣

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