Sweet Home(2015)

in #hive-16684722 days ago


I strangely woke up at the devil's hour and thought of watching a horror film as it's been a while since I saw one. While going through different suggestions on my FYP, I stumbled on this one. The intro was appealing plus I liked the fact that it runs for just an hour and twenty minutes.



The plot follows Alicia, a real estate agent, who surprises her boyfriend, Simon, by taking him to an old duplex occupied by an old man which she checked earlier in the day to celebrate him as it was his birthday. Their evening suddenly turns sour when the lights in the house go out. Alicia opts to go find out what happened, leaving her boyfriend in the room.

On her way to find the fault, she encounters three muscular men coming out from the old man's room and she knew there was trouble.


Prior to this, during her visit to the duplex earlier in the day, she had a talk with the old man and he informed her that sme real estate agents wanted him out of his house so that the building can be reconstructed and used for good business but he was adamant and turned down numerous offers. With this information, it is clear that the people who wanted the old man out of his house had sent killers to murder him but unfortunately, the old man had company that they also needed to terminate.

My review and Rating


Sweet Home is a 2015, Spanish film directed by Rafa Martinez. The title of this film is ironic as there's nothing sweet about the home. The setting basically revolves around the old house as Alicia and her boyfriend seek ways of survival after their encounter with the killers. They managed to take down two but the last one called for backup rather too quickly and when the backup arrived, he was even more ruthless than the other three put together.


My issues with the film lie in the annoying characters particularly Alicia who makes foolish decisions and noises that put them in greater danger. The killers on the other hand are incompetent as professional killers wouldn't give their victims time to think or fight back especially when the victims lack combat skills. Despite these flaws, the film is gripping and violent, with gory graphics that may appeal to horror fans. However, it falls short of being truly horrific and relies too much on familiar horror movie tropes.

I rate it a 3.5/5, and while I don't strongly recommend it, fans of horror may find it entertaining. However, it's not suitable for younger viewers due to its graphic content.


Me parece interesante cómo lograste captar tanto la trama como las debilidades de los personajes. Es cierto que a veces las decisiones tontas de los protagonistas pueden frustrar, pero eso es lo que suele pasar en el género de terror, ¿no? Al final, parece que vale la pena si eres fanático del horror. ¡Gracias por la recomendación