Moonfall 2022 Review (And It All Came Crashing Down)

in #hive-1668473 years ago


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Hey there awesome cinephile family. I hope you all are doing great and holding strong through the bear market 😅. Don’t worry guys, we’ll get through it.

Today I want to talk about a type of movie that I don’t normally like to see. I am a sci-fi fan but I don’t really like movies with an outer-space or extraterrestrial story. Still, I decided to see this movie because I’ve had it in mind for months and I wanted to see Patrick Wilson and Halle Berry on screen together. The name of the movie is Moonfall and it was released back in February. Follow me as I say a word or two about this movie.

Hola, increíble familia cinéfila. Espero que todos estén muy bien y aguantando fuerte durante el mercado bajista 😅. No se preocupen chicos, lo superaremos.

Hoy quiero hablar de un tipo de película que normalmente no me gusta ver. Soy un fanático de la ciencia ficción, pero realmente no me gustan las películas con una historia extraterrestre o del espacio exterior. Aún así, decidí ver esta película porque la tenía en mente desde hace meses y quería ver a Patrick Wilson y Halle Berry juntos en la pantalla. El nombre de la película es Moonfall y se estrenó en febrero. Sígueme mientras digo una palabra o dos sobre esta película.

About The Movie/Sobre la película



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The title “Moonfall” is used in a literal sense in this movie. The story starts with three astronauts on a mission in space who are suddenly attacked by some strange force. One of them dies, one (Fowler played by Halle Berry) is left unconscious and the other (Brian played by Patrick Wilson) witnesses the whole thing. The surviving astronauts return to Earth and Brian tries to explain what he saw but his claims are dismissed.

Years later, it is discovered that the moon had shifted its orbit and is hurtling towards the Earth. NASA tries to make the moon assume its original orbit but fails. Because of the moon’s gravitational pull on the earth, tsunamis, major earthquakes and other high profile disasters begin to occur. Parts of the moon even break off and fall into the earth. In an attempt to save the world, Brian is called back to NASA where he teams up with Fowler and a guy called KC (John Bradley) for an outer-space mission to discover the problem and find a solution.

The mission is challenging as the astronauts make discoveries that test their knowledge of the universe and open doors of possibilities for conspiracy theories. Can these people redirect the moon before it hits their home planet? What mysteries does the universe have in store for Earth’s only hope?

El título "Moonfall" se usa en un sentido literal en esta película. La historia comienza con tres astronautas en una misión en el espacio que de repente son atacados por una fuerza extraña. Uno de ellos muere, uno (Fowler interpretado por Halle Berry) queda inconsciente y el otro (Brian interpretado por Patrick Wilson) es testigo de todo. Los astronautas sobrevivientes regresan a la Tierra y Brian intenta explicar lo que vio, pero sus afirmaciones son desestimadas.

Años más tarde, se descubre que la luna había cambiado de órbita y es precipitaba hacia la Tierra. La NASA intenta que la luna asuma su órbita original, pero falla. Debido a la atracción gravitatoria de la luna sobre la tierra, comienzan a ocurrir tsunamis, grandes terremotos y otros desastres de alto perfil. Partes de la luna incluso se desprenden y caen a la tierra. En un intento por salvar el mundo, Brian es llamado de regreso a la NASA, donde se une a Fowler y a un tipo llamado KC (John Bradley) para una misión en el espacio exterior para descubrir el problema y encontrar una solución.

La misión es desafiante ya que los astronautas hacen descubrimientos que prueban su conocimiento del universo y abren puertas a posibilidades para teorías de conspiración. ¿Pueden estas personas redirigir la luna antes de que llegue a su planeta de origen? ¿Qué misterios tiene reservado el universo para la única esperanza de la Tierra?

My Opinion about the movie/Mi opinión sobre la película.



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The first thing I’d like to mention about this movie is that it has a unique story to it. The story is based on conspiracies on the formation of the moon and the beginning of the Earth. If you think about it, we can’t really throw all beliefs away because what do we really know about the moon and how it was formed? All we have are theories but none of us were there to really say what happened. So, it’s safe to say that any theory is a possibility.

This movie opens the mind of the viewer to other possibilities to the formation and structure of the moon and the beginning of life on Earth. It’s one that would make you ask the question, “What if?” as you question the little knowledge you have of the universe around you. It is the uniqueness of the story in this movie that makes the falling of the moon possible and reversible too.

Lo primero que me gustaría mencionar sobre esta película es que tiene una historia única. La historia se basa en conspiraciones sobre la formación de la luna y el comienzo de la Tierra. Si lo piensas, realmente no podemos desechar todas las creencias porque, ¿qué sabemos realmente sobre la luna y cómo se formó? Todo lo que tenemos son teorías, pero ninguno de nosotros estaba allí para decir realmente qué sucedió. Entonces, es seguro decir que cualquier teoría es una posibilidad.

Esta película abre la mente del espectador a otras posibilidades de la formación y estructura de la luna y el comienzo de la vida en la Tierra. Es uno que le hacerle preguntar: "¿Qué pasaría si?" mientras cuestionas el poco conocimiento que tienes del universo que te rodea. Es la singularidad de la historia de esta película lo que hace posible la caída de la luna y también reversible.



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After what I have said, you might be shocked to hear that I did not like this movie. Well, as with many other bad movies with a good story, this one was destroyed by how that story was told. The plot of this movie was a total disaster. Sometimes it felt like the scenes were poorly patched together for the plot. There were a lot of quick scenes in the first hour that were not sustained and kept me hanging. At some points the movie just gets boring and annoying. It took me three sittings to finish it. For a movie of over 2 hours, you’d expect the plot to have been worked on better but it mostly felt like a waste of time to me.

Accompanying the bad plot is the really poor character development. The characters are so poorly developed that I didn’t feel any connection with them. It was so bad that when they were in trouble or someone died, I didn’t feel it that much. Combined together, these poorly developed characters created scenes that were totally unnatural and cringey to watch. In fact, many things that happened in the plot were just conveniently done to keep the story alive.

Another thing that made the character relationships cringey was the bad scripts. Like the scenes, some of the dialogues were very unnatural and just awkward. Like really awkward. If that wasn’t enough, the comedy elements failed to make me laugh in any way but added an extra layer of awkwardness ultimately making me dislike some characters.

Después de lo que he dicho, puede que te sorprenda saber que no me gustó esta película. Bueno, como muchas otras películas malas con una buena historia, esta fue destruida por la forma en que se contó esa historia. La trama de esta película fue un desastre total. A veces se sentía como si las escenas estuvieran mal ensambladas para la trama. Hubo muchas escenas rápidas en la primera hora que no fueron sostenidas y me mantuvieron colgando. En algunos puntos, la película se vuelve aburrida y molesta. Me tomó tres sesiones terminarlo. Para una película de más de 2 horas, esperarías que la trama se hubiera trabajado mejor, pero en general me pareció una pérdida de tiempo.

Acompañando a la mala trama está el desarrollo de personajes realmente pobre. Los personajes están tan mal desarrollados que no sentí ninguna conexión con ellos. Era tan malo que cuando estaban en problemas o alguien moría, no lo sentía tanto. Combinados, estos personajes pobremente desarrollados crearon escenas que eran totalmente antinaturales y vergonzoso de ver. De hecho, muchas cosas que sucedieron en la trama se hicieron convenientemente para mantener viva la historia.

Otra cosa que hizo que las relaciones entre los personajes fueran incómodas fueron los malos guiones. Al igual que las escenas, algunos de los diálogos eran muy poco naturales y simplemente incómodos. Como realmente incómodo. Si eso no fuera suficiente, los elementos de comedia no lograron hacerme reír de ninguna manera, pero agregaron una capa adicional de incomodidad que finalmente hizo que no me gustaran algunos personajes.



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Everyone appreciates good effects in a movie. It's great CGI that makes you wonder if the things you see on screen actually happened. Well, the CGI used in this movie was very good. When the moon was falling into the earth you can ALMOST feel how terrifying the situation must have been. The falling moon parts, tsunamis, avalanches and other disasters felt so real that I'm sure I would have been really petrified if I saw this movie in 3D. However, the good CGI was met with poor lighting and colors. The color of this movie is really far from what you’d expect from most modern day apocalyptic sci-fi films because it looked like something that was produced in the 90s. This made the scary scenes a lot less scary.

The soundtracks used in the movie were ok in my opinion. I pay close attention to soundtracks in shows and movies and I think I like the ones used in Moonfall. In most of the scenes the soundtracks were just right but in other scenes they could have been better. Overall though, the soundtracks were just ok.

Todo el mundo aprecia los buenos efectos en una película. Es un gran CGI que te hace preguntarte si las cosas que ves en la pantalla realmente sucedieron. Bueno, el CGI usado en esta película fue muy bueno. Cuando la luna estaba cayendo en la tierra, CASI puedes sentir lo aterradora que debe haber sido la situación. Las partes de la luna cayendo, los tsunamis, las avalanchas y otros desastres se sintieron tan reales que estoy seguro de que me hubiera quedado realmente petrificado si hubiera visto esta película en 3D. Sin embargo, el buen CGI se encontró con poca iluminación y colores. El color de esta película está realmente lejos de lo que esperarías de la mayoría de las películas de ciencia ficción apocalípticas modernas porque parecía algo que se produjo en los años 90. Esto hizo que las escenas de miedo fueran mucho menos aterradoras.

En mi opinión, las bandas sonoras utilizadas en la película estaban bien. Presto mucha atención a las bandas sonoras de programas y películas y creo que me gustan las que se usan en Moonfall. En la mayoría de las escenas, las bandas sonoras eran correctas, pero en otras escenas podrían haber sido mejores. Sin embargo, en general, las bandas sonoras estaban bien.



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For this review I have saved the worst for the last. What I really disliked about Moonfall is the lack of closure in the end. For a movie that is over two hours long, the producers should have really put some work in the ending. Some characters died and were mentioned for just a split second like they never mattered and the living characters showed very little emotion for their loss. We don't even get to know if some characters survived. Some were never even mentioned making their contribution to the entire story seem like it didn't matter.

To save the world, someone had to sacrifice themselves but before they died, they asked that a message be delivered to their loved one. Well, this message was never delivered and that made the ending so annoying. The loved one was not even shown again and it makes you wonder what relevance they had to the story. If this person had even been celebrated in the aftermath of the whole thing, I really believe this movie would have been a lot better.

The final scene in the movie was probably one of the most awkward. It suggested that there might be a second part for this story but I don't think that would happen given the fact that this first part was a failure. I think that if the last scene was presented as a post-credits scene instead, it would have made more sense.

Para esta reseña he dejado lo peor para el final. Lo que realmente no me gustó de Moonfall es la falta de cierre al final. Para una película que dura más de dos horas, los productores realmente deberían haber trabajado un poco en el final. Algunos personajes murieron y fueron mencionados por solo una fracción de segundo como si nunca hubieran importado y los personajes vivos mostraron emociones muy pequeñas por su pérdida. Ni siquiera llegamos a saber si algunos personajes sobrevivieron. Algunos ni siquiera fueron mencionados, lo que hace que su contribución a toda la historia parezca no importar.

Para salvar el mundo, alguien tuvo que sacrificarse, pero antes de morir, pidieron que se le entregara un mensaje a su ser querido. Bueno, este mensaje nunca fue entregado y eso hizo que el final fuera tan molesto. El ser amado ni siquiera se volvió a mostrar y te hace preguntarte qué relevancia tuvieron para la historia. Si esta persona hubiera sido celebrada después de todo, realmente creo que esta película habría sido mucho mejor.

La escena final de la película fue probablemente una de las más incómodas. Sugirió que podría haber una segunda parte de esta historia, pero no creo que eso suceda dado que esta primera parte fue un fracaso. Creo que si la última escena se hubiera presentado como una escena posterior a los créditos, habría tenido más sentido.

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Should you watch this movie?/¿Deberías ver esta película?

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Moonfall is a movie that has a good concept but drags on for way too long with awkward characters and way more awkward scenes. The poor chemistry between the characters was a necessary ingredient in the disaster recipe that this project was. Honestly I don't like the movie but it made me Google the question "Can the moon ever fall?"😅 I won't tell you the answer to that. Google it yourself!

Well, some people liked this movie so if I had to recommend I would say, Maybe. If you decide to see the movie just don't expect so much and you just may like it. In my opinion, it's not so great which is why I'm giving it a rating of 5.5/10.

Do you want to see the moon fall? Check out the trailer below for a taste of the chaos it would cause. Why are trailers always so cool? :(

Moonfall es una película que tiene un buen concepto pero se prolonga demasiado con personajes incómodos y escenas mucho más incómodas. La mala química entre los personajes fue un ingrediente necesario en la receta del desastre que fue este proyecto. Honestamente, no me gusta la película, pero me hizo buscar en Google la pregunta "¿Puede caer la luna alguna vez?" 😅 No te diré la respuesta a eso. ¡Googlea tú mismo!

Bueno, a algunas personas les gustó esta película, así que si tuviera que recomendarla diría, Tal vez. Si decides ver la película, no esperes tanto y puede que te guste. En mi opinión, no es tan bueno, por eso le doy una calificación de 5.5/10.

¿Quieres ver caer la luna? Echa un vistazo al tráiler a continuación para ver el caos que causaría. ¿Por qué los trailers siempre son tan geniales? :(

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Thanks for your time!/¡Gracias por tu tiempo!

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I've wanted to see it for a long time, but some other commitments prevented me from seeing it. Then, I saw a lot of negative reviews of the movie and it took away my desire to see it. I've seen all the reviews of this movie saying it's bad. I'll pass on seeing it for the time being.

Hello @jcrodriguez
Honestly I would say that it’s good that you haven’t seen this movie yet. You should probably pass on it forever because it’s just not entertaining and drags for way too long. You may like the CGI and effects but many movies have those and so it’s really nothing special.

Normally I don’t like to listen to negative reviews but I wish I had listened in this case. Moonfall is not a good movie, overall.

Thanks for stopping by my post! 😁

Moonfall es la peor película que he visto en mi vida, trata de abarcar tanto que la convierte en algo ridículo y lo peor es que ni si quiera puede tomarse como una parodia porque no da ninguna gracia.

Yo vi esta película porque quería constatar si en realidad era tan mala como leí en algunas críticas y sí tenían razón, es lo peor del año y creo que toda Review debería tener una advertencia para que absolutamente nadie pierda su tiempo viendo este film.

🤣🤣 Moonfall is awful but I won’t say it’s the worst I’ve seen in my life. Still, I understand how very terrible productions can get someone so emotional when criticizing it. I saw this movie because I wanted to see Halle and Wilson work together but I was very disappointed. I wish I had just paid attention to the reviews and not wasted my time. Oh well, it won’t be the last disaster of a movie I will see in my life.

Thanks for checking out my post today!

I have not seen the movie, actually these last few weeks I have not had time to watch series or movies, but from what I read it is nothing, absolutely nothing attractive in any of the existing perspectives. Although, when I read about the moon and its orbit it caught my attention a little bit, but what can I say.

Hey there my friend
The idea behind this movie is really interesting to me. The explanations of formation of the moon and how it came crashing to the Earth were very unique conspiracies. However, the idea was very poorly managed resulting in a project that turns out to be a waste of time and money. If I were to advise you I would say you should go ahead and check out the other movie options out there and just leave this one alone. It’s too long with so little effort in the plot. I really did not like it.

Thank you for reading my post @neruel :)

Why do good stories have to be ruined by bad plots and mediocre acting 😪. I would still watch the movie though because the CGI sounds like something I'd like to experience.

Man I don't know why good concepts just have to go to waste because of negligence. The CGI is good though. That's an aspect Roland Emmerich movies don't really fail in. You can go ahead and check out the movie but don't say I didn't warn you 👀

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Hey my great friend you know that I saw this movie some time ago and the truth I will be very sincere I lost valuable time of my life because this movie has neither head nor feet and we are clear that it is pure fiction and everything that is said or shown in the film should be seen with a magnifying glass as it would be a nonsense, but we can not cover the sun with a finger and let them go beyond the great or the ridiculous and that is little.

The movie had something interesting, not innovative or anything like that, but the idea of the moon eating the planet has a unique entertainment potential and is a point in its favor, but they did not know how to take advantage of it and took it down another path that left aside the main intention.

It's a total waste of time, the twists are so unnecessary and out of context that they lose all the way to give a twist that honestly is one of the worst I've seen in a science fiction movie and I take it very seriously I am clear that none of it is real, but at least the deception is good not this mess of ideas.

A hug Brother! @theawesononso

Hey there brother. I totally agree with you that the idea behind the movie was unique but it was hugely mismanaged. For me the movie just wasn’t natural. It was really embarrassing to see the characters try to do things or relate in a very rigid way. Saying the movie was boring might just be an understatement because this movie was a waste of time, money and idea. For something that lasted for 2 hours, it was too long yet too underdeveloped.

To be honest this movie almost made me dislike the word “ancestors” 😅.

Thanks for stopping by my post friend @ronycine !😎

I laugh to keep from crying when I come across these movies and hey not that I can do any better, but fuck these folks are professionals I think they can do better.

They definitely can. I really don't know if they're ok with putting out trash or they don't have people that are honest around them to tell them that they need to improve. These guys shouldn't produce trash and go around hyping it everywhere. It's embarrassing.