The Tiger's Apprentice || A Vintage Animation.

in #hive-1668474 months ago

For sometime now, I've searched for watch-worthy animations but to no avail. I do not know if it's just me but the movies produced these days lack one element and that is excitement. It feels like we just watch movies, get educated and that's it. The after effect that makes an individual yarn for more is usually missing. Again, this could be just a personal notion.

However, I came across an animation “The Tiger's Apprentice” a few days ago and immediately saved it to watch during my free-time. The name alone was quite captivating and I was just eager to see what the animation had in store for the viewers.

About The Movie

The Tiger's Apprentice is a 2004 animation film directed by Peter Hastings and produced by Paramount Pictures. It's genre is mainly: adventure, fantasy, action and a touch of comedy.


The film tells the tale of a young boy,Tom, who was instantly chosen to be the apprentice of a powerful Tiger in order to continue his family lineage. Stuck with no other option but to oblige, Tom goes through the necessary training because he has the fate of humanity hanging from his neck, literally.

The film is a classic tale of good versus evil, with a young protagonist learning valuable lessons about courage, loyalty, and friendship and above all, leadership. The film is a subtle reminder that some kids are abruptly whisked into adulthood due to certain circumstances. One day, they are learning basic algebra and the next day they are solely responsible for the well-being of others.


I would like to throw some light on three particular characters that stood out for me.


First, the wise dragon. A majority of the time, dragons are portrayed to be fire-breathing monsters who just want to be left alone but this dragon was different. For a change, this dragon was one of the most endearing and loving characters.

She played the role of that friend who could see through your hard shell. Not only could she see through you but she did well to tell you your faults in the most polite way. I admire the dragon because she stood her ground and never sugarcoated the truth.


Second would be Tom, the protagonist. Tom played the role of an adorable teenager who listened and took advice from his elders. This is obviously rare with teenagers these days.

His attentiveness got him through a lot of situations. It also helped him to become a selfless leader who wasn't quick to raise weapons. Instead, he made use of his mind and his heart.

The third and most vicious character was the tiger. Tiger was the complete embodiment of an insecure leader who always wants to do things his way. This trait obviously helped him to get where he was but he failed to realise that being extremely rigid and tyrannical can cause people to flee.

His growth and developmental process was really charming and captivating to watch.

My Opinion

The animation is very vibrant and colourful, with beautifully rendered environments and characters. It really beat my expectations when it came to clarity as I didn't feel like it was a twenty year old animation until after I finished the film. Also, the action sequences were well-choreographed and visually stunning. I say this because I didn't notice any glaring flops during the sequences.

I observed that the animation had a predictable plot and stereotypical villain. From the start of the film, one could already tell what was going to happen and even why it was going to happen. A person with a great sense of imagination would have also detected how the events were going to turn out. Also, the villain was so stereotypical. Do all female villains have to be monsters with fully made-up faces who have a sweet yet treacherous side to them too?


One other perturbing thing I noticed was the lack of emotional depth. There was a scene where Tom lost his grandma, the only parent he had ever known, to a villian and after that he was practising to fight. For a minute, I thought he was covering up his grief with the training but along the line I realised that he wasn't. The director didn't allow the viewers to feel the emotions. Emotions that come when a loved one is lost or emotions that come when you realise that you have to train to save the human race.


Nonetheless, some scenes were captivating and suspenseful. Take the scene where he came in contact with the villain the second time. The suspense build-up was quite interesting. Overall, I would say that the movie has a charming and engaging narrative.



The Tiger's Apprentice is a fun and entertaining animated film that's suitable for all ages. While it may not be extremely thrilling or groundbreaking, it's a charming and engaging movie that's worth watching. Judging from its year of release and the few amazing scenes, I would give the movie a 3/5 rating.

All images used are screenshots from the movie except stated otherwise.

Love 🤍

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Yah I love this cartoon, I love everything about the movie, to me it didn't seem like a cartoon cause it felt more real.

That's very true. The animation felt so real