500 Days Later

in #hive-16792227 days ago


So, the Bitcoin halving is not that far behind us, and many people seem to forget that every halving year—and the one after—is extremely bullish. Quite a few feel the opposite and see it as total bullshit. Personally, I’ve burned myself too many times not to believe in the four-year cycles anymore.

Bitcoin bottomed 547 days prior to the 2016 Halving but topped in its Bull Market 518 days after the 2016 Halving

Bitcoin bottomed 517 days prior to the 2020 Halving but topped in its Bull Market 549 days after the 2020 Halving

Bitcoin bottomed 517 days before the 2024 Halving but may very well top in its Bull Market ~549 days after the 2024 Halving

That's October 2025

I’ve been following this guy I just quoted for probably close to five years now, both on Twitter and YouTube, and I have to say, he’s pretty damn good at what he does. He didn’t nail the price prediction for the last cycle, but the timing he shared for the top was spot on.

According to him, we’re about to see a new cycle peak in October next year, which is roughly 400 days away. That’s not much if you ask me. For someone who's been in crypto for seven years and still hasn’t made life-changing money, 400 days isn’t that long. I know some folks are throwing charts around, claiming the cycle has shortened because of the premature ATH this year, but I no longer subscribe to that idea.

I don’t encourage anyone to believe in a super cycle either. This is mainly why I screwed up the last bull market. As things heat up, smart money is going to pull profits out. Only a fool wouldn’t take something off the table when their portfolio hits 10x or more on their initial investment.

But unfortunately, there are still plenty of crypto investors who treat this space like a casino. To some extent, it is, but dealing with your hard-earned money as if you’re betting in a casino is something I would definitely avoid. You’ve got something like half a year or less to really make it in crypto.

Still, there are plenty who don’t believe we’ll see a bull market this cycle, and some refuse to believe altcoins will have their season again. Just yesterday, I was talking to a gym mate, and he said he thinks Bitcoin will do great, but altcoins won’t.

Why wouldn’t they?! If that were the case, we wouldn’t have all these dog and cat-themed coins pumping and all the so-called Solana killers. It doesn’t make sense for it not to happen. People are going to gamble, and they’ll do it all the way to the top, same as in every cycle. Our job is to sell to the optimists in the next 400 days or so.

I wouldn’t bet on a precise month for BTC’s peak this cycle, like October 2025 or something, but I can’t help but share how bullish I am for the months and years to come. You won’t catch me holding any shitcoin into 2026 though. That’s when we short all these worthless memes to zero. Yeah, zero...

In the meantime, don’t forget the halving happened a few months ago, and the best is yet to come. That’s about it from my side. Wishing you all the best, and see you next time.

Thanks for your attention,


It's always mid November right around my birthday :D
Tops and bottoms in November is the standard.
I mean let's be honest if you're one or two months off you're going to do quite well.
DCA is the way.

We’re pretty much the same age if I remember correctly.

Oh? It'll be 41 come November.

Neah. You’re three years wiser than I.

Ah well once you get this high multiple years don't mean anything :D


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