AskLeo - Where Are We At RightNow?

in #hive-1679222 years ago


Everything is on fire right now... but not the kind of fire that we had in 2021 in the crypto market, which I blew in such a way. By "fire" I mean that pretty much every market out there, including crypto, goes through hellfire. There's a lot of FUD right now, not just in the crypto world, and I rarely hear anyone around investing in anything.

Crypto has been in a continuous downtrend for over a year now and the downtrend is not yet completed...probably. At least we have no confirmation yet. There are all sorts of views and opinions on Hive and other social media websites regarding "the bottom".

Some say that according to "their indicators" we have bottomed, or are in the process of doing that, while others claim that we won't see anything of that until BTC revisits the $12k area and alts are getting purged through hellfire while the king nosedives that low.

Markets, as you have probably noticed already are on a continual "emotions rollercoaster" and emotions are detrimental in paving the path for our future investments and returns on investments.

A few days ago I watched an interesting video on @threespeak of @taskmaster4450 where he shared his opinion regarding the time when he expects the markets, crypto included, to start a new trend(an uptrend actually). As he confessed, his timeframe for that was until recently the end of this year, but 2022 is almost over, and probably if we wouldn't have the FTX collapse his prediction would have been right.

Now, Task sees Q2-Q3, 2023, as a future time frame for that change in trend. We will have to see if he's right. Meanwhile, let's have a look at the cycle of the market emotions map and try to point out where we might be right now... I have a 99% chance to be once again wrong on this one, as many times before, but I believe we're somewhere between hopelessness and depression.

At least that's how I feel. I live off crypto, I mentioned that one more time on one of the @daltono posts today where he was detailing how he feels right now while being in pretty much the same position as I am, and tbh I kind of feel a bit hopeless, and depressed. I am about to put my Mcdonald's cap on my head soon :).

But what about you, where do you think are we in this cycle of market emotions?

Thanks for your attention,

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It’s an emotional time, but resiliency will prevail.

for sure. with or without that hat I'm sticking with hive.

I think cycle of emotion is a better way to invest first off lol. Understanding peoples emotions because that's how a majority trade sets you up rather nicely.

I would put us in the depression sell sell sell but towards the end of it and moving into hope in summer 2023.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

kind of how i see it.

This is a good question and if in the previous bear market I kinda "I give up" for a few goods months, now I will not do the same mistake twice. Just keep on building and grabbing as many tokens as I can. This is the way!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

good luck!

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I'm usually wrong, but if you ask me, I don't think we'll see a real uptrend until 2024. And don't even think about new all time highs until 2025. 2023 is going to be nothing but death and destruction.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm not expecting aths in 2023. But we might get a chance in late 2024.

I do not think the bottom is there yet. The rate hikes happening in markets is triggering the collapse. I do not thin we will have upward trend until we know for sure that rates are not going up and the inflation data is coming to at around 3%.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That might be true. Some fear that the real dump will begin when the FED will announce cutting rates.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Imo.. we are here..


Like right there... Hmmm.

I see a good year for accumulation.

I remember many times the maximum bottom happened while we couldn’t take advantage of it unless the buy order was placed well in advance.

It wicked down and CEX crashed, and blockchain was bogged down by panicked people moving funds, fees were through the roof.

Right now is a slow burn, quite orderly in comparison.

We might see the sentiment looping between depression and hope and bottom out before we even know it.

Based on market sentiments, I think we're between Panic and I Give Up phase. That's the two emotions I'm battling these past weeks. In reality, it could be much worse before it gets better. Maybe end of 2023 or early 2024 will we see the crypto summer.