"Loud Noises": Is America Awake?

in #hive-1679222 months ago

I can't ascertain the exact time in DC right now, and I won't bother to check. It's likely still night there, but if you just woke up and opened your Hive feed without reading the news yet, you should know that Donald Trump has just survived an assassination attempt.

Someone located on a rooftop, armed with a low-caliber weapon, tried to kill him while he was talking on stage. His ear was injured, but apart from that, the orange man is perfectly fine. The way the secret services have reacted, despite some citizens warning the police officers of an armed individual on the roof of a nearby building, appears staged.

Many have warned about a potential Trump assassination over the past year or so, with Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson being two notable examples. I discovered the event from Twitter, which has proven to be an excellent alternative news source since Elon took over, and I also learned that Elon recently endorsed Trump.

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It seems almost everyone is endorsing Trump now, as meme coins with his name have skyrocketed overnight. The only way the deep state can avoid him being elected is to actually kill him. This guy is quite the chad. I genuinely mean it...

News outlets, however, don't even mention anything about him being shot when reporting on the event. Instead, they claim that during one of his speeches the other day, "loud noises" were heard, and he fell to the ground.

What about the shooter, who is now dead, and the supporter who died "accidentally" at this rally? The media is corrupt, and the deep state is desperate...

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"Enough talk about the debate, it's time to put Trump in the bullseye," said Joe Biden after the shameful debate he had with President Trump a while back. It appears the fucker wasn't joking...

I know some of you might think I'm a lunatic when I talk about the deep state, but JFK did the same, and he was killed for it. The puppets you see on TV, portrayed as American politicians and world leaders, are nothing more than puppets of the elites.

Who are the elites? Well, the warmongers and destroyers of freedom and democracy: George Soros, Henry Kissinger, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, and so on...

Putin has also spoken about them, which is why they're so desperate to corner him. However, as mentioned in a recent post of mine, all they've managed to do is strengthen the relationships between him and other world leaders even further. They've essentially granted Trump's re-election with this failed assassination attempt.

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But what if it was all just theater, allowing them to kill Biden and blame MAGA for it, thus ruining Trump's reputation? There are many "what ifs" in this equation... The desperate elites are so obvious about their deeds, they don't even try to hide anymore, which is scary.

No matter the hour currently in America, I hope this country wakes up and realizes who the puppeteers really are and what the game is all about.

Thanks for your attention,


It's currently 4:47AM here on the east coast of America. All four US Presidents who have been assassinated Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy, all either tried to help the common man or break the power of the big banks. That should tell you something.

The deep state doesn’t like such leaders.

No they don't. For some reason the attempt on Trump reminds me of the assassination of President Mckinley in 1901. I think I'll swap this photo out for that video. We do not need any more assassinations here in America.

Damn, I need to pay more attention to the news! I heard about it from my father, lol.

I’m almost always on twitter. As soon as I wake up 😉

Wonder if there will be effects on the stock market on Monday.

We will have to see.

It's really alarming how the media and the deep state are handling this situation. Feels like a setup. This was a very close one though