Need For Speed(Automation)

in #hive-1679222 months ago

I believe I need to start practicing meditation or something because recently I've been losing my temper too easily. I almost punched a guy in the face today after he insulted my father. We were at an electronics store waiting for an employee to order my father's smartphone when the guy started behaving rudely towards the employee...

Then he had the audacity to say, "Why does he have to wait so long for an old man to have his order taken when he's waiting just as long for someone to sell him a pair of headphones?" I lost my temper, started yelling and swearing at him, and I was very close to punching him.

I might have gotten into trouble if I had done that, but I managed to restrain myself. However, this post isn't about anger but rather the shift we're going through - not a spiritual one, but a technological one.

Today, when I arrived at the gym right before opening, I noticed something peculiar... There was a barcode scanner on the right side of the door handle where we're supposed to scan our unique barcodes to gain entry. That smells like automation to me, and I have nothing against it.


If you read my older posts, you'll notice my radical stance against automation, but that's changed a lot in the past year or so. It's because of technology that I have the chance to do what I love and enjoy more free time than I did when I was just an employee. And once "the tokenization of everything" is in full swing, there will be opportunities galore.

Without that barcode reader at the gym the owner had to be there and make sure everyone was scanning their code and has a valid subscription, or pay someone to do that. Now he can even have a second business...

Sooner rather than later, we'll see tokenized ride-sharing vehicles, tokenized shared memory space, and many other things. Some might argue that automation will lead to alarming levels of unemployment, but the opposite might be true. This process will stimulate individuals worldwide to find ways to leverage technology for their personal gain.

We've seen the impact of YouTube on monetizing content - this was just the beginning. The digital era is upon us, and it doesn't have to be all doom and gloom. Someone paid over 8 bitcoins a couple of days ago to cover the costs of Julian Assange's flight after he was released from the UK jail where he spent more than five years.

Once crypto, whether in the form of stablecoins or volatile assets, becomes more widely accepted as exchange currencies, we'll enter a new era - an era of abundance where geolocation will be almost irrelevant. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to become a barcode, but I appreciate technology more than I did a couple of years ago.

NVIDIA is on everyone's lips due to its parabolic stock rise, and if you look at stock indices and the bull market, you'll see that technology stocks are the best performers. The bull market will end, but that doesn't mean progress will halt during the bear market. Fun and abundant times are ahead of us...

And for that reason, I need to temper myself so I don't end up in jail... Technology is pretty useless there.

Thanks for your attention,


Smiles 😊

You sure need to be out here to enjoy all this era of innovative technology advancement to the fullest. I sure agree with you that automation can be used to our own advantage rather than against humans. If it takes away some jobs, more would be eventually created in the process and I belive monetization would be a big part of that opportunity.


Yeah. As they say, think before you act. Well, it's good that you were able to control yourself and did not create damage to yourself and to the people around you. I would like to say, You did a great job.😊😊

I did good indeed. I need to be more careful though.

Yeah.. The good thing is you gain learnings on that event.😊

It's true brother, these advancements can open up new opportunities and even create more jobs in unexpected ways. Embracing change is what we need to do

They will probably reduce the number of jobs but definitely bring more opportunities to the masses.