"War grips the world and the most powerful nations on earth go to battle once more. This time, however, it is machines that are doing the killing, operating free from all human oversight and accountability." This introductory line from a recent ZeroHedge article marked me deeply.
The war is real, and it's not just psychological. People are dying in Ukraine, Israel, and other places of armed conflict. We will probably soon have a US proxy war in Taiwan as well. Wherever there's American involvement, you can bet a proxy war is going on.
Machines are taking over; there's no doubt about that. Artificial intelligence is becoming super-intelligence, and we are just beginning to see the limitations humans have against AI. It's been said lately that Germany and the EU are behind in developing and implementing AI on a mass level.
In this regard, I will say that we have only scratched the surface of AI. There's more to come, and whatever the public gets to touch, the military industry is ten times more advanced in AI implementation.
"Machines will do the killing, but who's going to die?" I guess the answer is easy to see...
"China is pursuing development of AI-enabled lethal autonomous weapons. The best available indications suggest that China's strategy is ambitious, moving beyond any sort of on-the-battlefield human supervision into increasingly autonomous AI-enabled warfare. U.S. leadership in the realm of military AI is not at all guaranteed. While the United States has important advantages, China may be able to quickly take the lead in government and military adoption of AI capabilities. This is an outcome that the United States should seek to prevent.
Machines will do the killing, and they'll do the thinking too. So, what's left for us? Well, some say that we're going to become "entrepreneurs of such technology" and that AI shall expand as much as we allow it. Really?
I know it's just algorithms and databases, but I wouldn't underestimate that. The world has changed a lot since 2020. It feels like that year was a hiatus for us as a species/society. Once the pandemic started, we lost many of the freedoms we used to have, and too much banning was born...
"Macron's 8th May VE Day celebration was a 'no crowd' show because all gatherings have been banned to ensure there are no protests. Banning those who won't comply with the narrative is only just beginning!"
There's a continual centralization process currently taking place, and we're not just witnessing a transfer of wealth. The rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer, but there's also a transfer of control over our fundamental freedoms and rights from our hands to the hands of the technocratic governments.
"The EU and Dutch governments are now forcibly buying 3000 farms to 'protect' the planet." This kind of reminds me of the tales my grandparents had from the communism era where the individual would not be allowed to own land or any business. It all belonged to the state, and the people belonged to the state too... somehow...
Now we are seeing the likes of Bill Gates on a spree of buying farmland with money made "pirating other people's software" and making antivirus software for the viruses Microsoft itself created, just like in the case of the Covid virus. The same story repeats itself over and over again. The goliaths of the world are getting bigger while the individual is becoming more and more limited.
So, where's the way out of this?
There's not an easy answer to this question, but looking at decentralized blockchain technology like Bitcoin and Hive and how they have impacted the likes of El Salvador, Cuba, Venezuela, and many other users across the world, it is clear that these are out of the reach of the elites and potentially a handful of tools in the hands of the individuals in trying to circumvent the totalitarian and authoritarian practices of the elites.
Cash will be obsolete in probably less than ten years from now and we're gonna be forced to be using CBDCs instead of the traditional money that we currently have on a daily basis, but at least we know that we can have a reserve currency such as Bitcoin and HIVE(HBD) that would allow and escape from the system.
Hive is gradually becoming a society, expanding beyond its social media/blogging platform stigma and there's nothing the elites can do about that...
Thanks for your attention,
Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha