Greetings my people from #Hive, I hope everyone here is phenomenally well. Normally I see very little coins, with this I mean that I am not a collector, nor an amateur, but I do appreciate the history and value of our monetary past. Today, I wanted to get out of the routine and for the first time, I allow myself to share in the #LeoFinance community, the reason for being here? Well, basically it is summed up in a piece of the monetary history of my country Venezuela.
Recently, my son Santiago received a gift from his paternal grandmother for his 2nd birthday, I immediately saw a piece of silver metal, I confess that I am ignorant of ancient things, but at first glance it was a coin, and not exactly a small coin, it was rather a coin like those that you think can be contained in a treasure chest hidden under the sea depths.
I needed to take a closer look at this characteristically large object, and before looking at the engraving, I was able to appreciate how worn the particular coin was, it was not strange, looking at its reverse I could read the year of circulation "1902", this historical coin It is 120 years old since its creation.
I asked my grandmother a little more, she told me: you have in your hands "a silver fort of 5 bolivars", I know the name of our local currency "the bolivar", but this coin did not have its value engraved, and I 32 years of age had never seen a 900 sterling silver coin with the face of our liberator Simón Bolívar in such detail.
The legend on the reverse of our currency was even more interesting. United States of Venezuela? My mind quickly traveled to school, yes, in our 1864 constitution, this was the name adopted by our country Venezuela, "United States of Venezuela", and this occurred in the government of Juan Crisóstomo Falcón.
Keep looking at the reverse, quite worn, but I have been able to appreciate our beautiful national coat of arms, where there are two branches, one of laurel and the other of spikes, which are intertwined by a strip with the legend: "April 13, 1864" and in the other side where it should say "July 5, 1811." Years where education is decreed free and compulsory and the date corresponding to the signing of the act of the declaration of our independence in that order and respectively, here is a description of the currency. detailed
I would have liked to know a little more about the circulation of these 25 grams of silver Law 900, information engraved on the back of our currency, on the internet I could see that the value at auction of our silver fort of 5 bolívares, is greater than the historical value, its commercialization is appreciated more than its historical contribution. Here I leave a link to the closest reference in the description of the coin. I hope you appreciate it as much as I do, greetings.
Translated by: google translator.
All photos are my property.
The collage were made with the collage maker android app.