In the chronicles of the Battle of the Three Armies, a tale unfolds of shifting fortunes and valiant warriors. The grand saga began with the White Lion Pride, guided by their wisdom and mastery of icy winds. Their initial onslaught was relentless, sweeping aside all who opposed them. The fields were stained with the fallen, and victory seemed certain.
Yet the Brown Lion Pride, resilient and unyielding, rose from the dust with a fiery determination. From the sun-drenched plains of the Sunfire Savannah, they unleashed their elemental prowess, engulfing their adversaries in blazing infernos. The tides turned, and the Brown Lions ascended, clawing their way to the forefront of the battle.
But then, from the depths of darkness, emerged the Black Lion Pride. Cloaked in shadows, they rallied their forces with an uncanny resolve. With each passing engagement, their cunning strategies unraveled the defenses of their foes. The battlefield echoed with their chilling roars, instilling fear in the hearts of all who heard.
As the climax neared, the Black Lions surged forward with an unstoppable momentum. None could stand against their might, and their dominance became undeniable. In the final moments, they emerged as the victorious force, leaving their adversaries in awe.
Yet, trailing from afar, the Brown Lions exhibited unyielding resilience, refusing to be forgotten. Their efforts earned them a commendable second place, with the White Lions closely trailing behind. Though victory eluded them, their valor and skill remained etched in the annals of this legendary battle. Thus, the tale of the Battle of the Three Armies became an enduring testament to the ebb and flow of fate and the indomitable spirit of those who fought.
The Final Score is as follows:
The performance of the Brown Lions General @nonsowrites and his Lieutenants @rmsadkri and @tsunsica played a big role on them being 2nd place:
Almost 40% of the White Lions attacks were displayed by their top performers @jfang003, @ksam, @globetrottergcc, @garorant and @freecompliments, but it wasn't enough to bring them to victory:
More than 20% of the total attacks of the Black Lions were made by the top Captains @lebey1 and @shawnnft, this helped them a lot to secure the victory!
And here's each Lion's personal attacks:
Can you find your name?
How much did you contribute to your Team's Total Scoring attack?
Congratulations to the Black Lions!
The victory is yours, and you deserve it!
Go claim your Experience Points and prepare to receive the Limited Edition NFT very soon!
Brown and White Lions
You have battled fiercely and with honor, there is also Experience Points for you waiting on Zealy, you deserve them!
Remember that only those who contributed at least 0.5% of their total army's score will be able to claim the Quests for the winner, the 2nd place and the 3rd place. And only the Black Lions will receive the NFT...
Or will they?
We have decided that the Top Lieutenants from the other Teams also deserve the NFT for their valor, courage and dedication to their team and to the Battle!
Those who contributed with more than 5% of their Teams attacks will receive the NFT. If you think this is a controversial decision, put yourself in the shoes of these Lieutenants who gave everything for their cause but it wasn't enough to guide their armies to victory... there is also honor and pride in giving a great battle even if you lose.
So now you know... go claim your Exp Points, Lions, and thank you making Leo Finance such a successful Dapp.
Together we will reach Mass Adoption!
Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha