The importance of having a Digital Identity

in #hive-167922last year

The general topic of brand building is a popular one nowadays on X. Everyone is an expert and has an opinion on this topic, some are delusional but other arguments have an actual foundation and make a case for using social media for brand building.

The main problem is that these people are using X to build their brand and grow their network.

This approach would be wrong for any brand builder on any non-web3 topic, but for people who are versed in the Crypto and NFT space, using web2 to build a brand is simply unwise - to avoid using the word idiotic.

Brand Building in web3

Anyone who knows about blockchain technology and actually understands it, knows that building a brand in web2 is the biggest liability, and the best hedge against big tech is to have your headquarters in web3, but let's get in-depth on this for those who don't get it.


Having a Web3 Digital Identity is going to be extremely important very soon.

Centralized platforms have full ownership of your account, content, and followers.

They even control your monetization funnels.

The second they decide you're no longer an asset for them, you will get erased.

  • You will lose access to your account.
  • Your content will disappear.
  • Your comments and interactions will get deleted.
  • Your follower will be gone - for you.

Your brand and your ability to monetize your network will vanish.

You will leave no trail.

Except maybe for the account name that will no longer have anything under it.

You never existed.

The worst part is that you brought this upon yourself.

In the end, you focused all your time, resources and effort into building your brand in web2.

You had it coming.

And there's nothing you can do about it.

You are playing by their rules. You signed their terms and conditions. You gave them this power.

You spent all this time, resources, and effort into building a brand that you don't own.

They own your digital identity.

They own you.

Big Tech already controls the narrative, and they are in bed with the government.

We still have free will, but there is barely any privacy for the average citizen.


How long until they go from trespassing your privacy into controlling what is privacy?

And then of course, deciding that you are not entitled to said privacy or control.

The only way you and I can deal with this, and start a silent movement, is by having a web3 digital identity.

A web3 digital identity that we fully control, that we own completely.

A digital identity that nobody can take away from us.

And that can only happen in web3.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


We hiveans are the trailblazers of web3 identity

Yet we fail to promote and brand ourselves on web2. We need to reach more people and let them know we exist before it's too late to become massively adopted!

Nowadays, if you do not have a strong digital identity as a professional in your field (all the more in digital media) or as a company (working in pretty much/almost any given field), you don't quite stand a chance to the competitors and, worst, you can't be found which means you can't do business essentially. These are my opinions. All the best!

I agree, branding is important as fuck right now, people are not following corporate accounts but real people who have made a brand of themselves. But imagine building such brand and giving web2 the power to take that away from you whenever they want to?

Yes, very good points and accurate indeed. That's why web 3.0 will come up with better solutions regarding digital identity in professional and financial regards! All the best!

All we need is to stop catering to degens and quick money grabers!

That seems a very good way of thinking, indeed! All the best and plenty of success!

Yes, I agree. That is what social proof is important, Having a wallet that can collect badges and gains social credit can be a good way to act as verification in the future. Poaps, is one such platform. Good read!

Imagine if Hive became the only true authentication method for the fringe people who don't want to play ball with big tech and the system?

The true matrix.

The real deal lol

O.O and now we branded as InLeo. Time to make this a big name O.O bigger than meta, instagram, x etc. Counting on you Eric . world domination

LEt's go! But first, X domination, then we can think of bigger plans hahaha

I see then good luck building your following there :3. i like x but i just use it mainly to share my post or get whitelist for nft projects xD

Web-2 has many limitations besides it is not user friendly. Web-3 and decentralized platforms are therefore gaining popularity nowadays. Thanks for explaining this very well.

I think the user friendliness of hive sucks, but we're improving every day so maybe one day we can actually have a flawless onboarding funnel for grandmas all around the world. In the meantime we can target the tech savvy and cater to them. Thanks for your comment mate!

It is a great content you have shared, which talks about the transition and development from web 2 to web 3 and also brand building and digital identity

This migration will never trully happen on a mass scale, but as long as those who care find out about hive and use it for digital identification and branding, we can have 100M users by 2030.

The problem is, marketing, fren. But we're working on it

That's a good one to hear, and I believe we are all going to make it to that point together.. The goal of thriving is when you are able to communicate and you have people who can support your goals.

Imagine if all of hivers went to X and promoted hive in an organic way. We'd get 100k users in no time.

Thats true, but I believe it's ita gradual step. We are getting there in no time

Having one's digital identity erased after spending years building it on web 2 will be a huge nightmare for many. Building on a rented property is really unwise. Better to own one's property and then build on it. This is what web 3 offers.

Imagine spending ten years building your brand and having 500k followers only to be considered unnecessary or not needed by big tech and poof, you are erased from their database. Using Hive is a no brainer for digital, immutable identities.

Exactly! It's truly a no brainer as building on web2 carries a high stake and odd of getting nothing from it. Besides, people want to own what they build and build what they own :)

I feel bad for all those users building a brand on X, but luckily we heard about hive way before that.

I guess the new socialFi building on web2 could be completely control since most of their user base rely on x for their content.

Glad hive is independent and it keeps building more utility to attract web2 users thanks for the share.

Yep, this socialfi narrative sucks balls, but they came to the space first and punched hard, now we not only need to make a name for ourselves but compete with these toxic platforms that cater to degens and quick money making.

That quite true because no web2 site or platform you actively signed up that won't , direct you to accept and get agreed on their term and conditions.

From there at time they might even have rules to safeguard your identity.

Far beyond all of that Web3 is indeed the future of web , and internet of a thing in relations to social media platforms and an applicable brand building. As well as wide range of exposure due to worldwide connectivity.

Thanks'much for sharing such informative and knowledgeable post write up.

Digital identities is the future, the UK is already implementing a secret credit score system where you can't interact with society if you don't have a good score. Bananas, man.

Thanks for your comment and positivity fren, I'll try to keep bringing this kind of content to hive.

Just moments ago i’ve watched a ted talk video who mentioned that the next global superpower isnt a particular country like the us or russia or china. But rather a tech company. To which I agree. They hold vast amounts of data and as many says, data is the digital oil. The question remains with what they will do with all that data. Web 3 has never been more important now.

Tech companies already control governments, but they also depend on them to thrive so it's kind of a symbiotic relationship where the upper hand is for big tech, just because they control narratives more and more by the day. People are moving on from TV and news to social media, so this power is only going to keep growing.

We make this assumption that people care so much about privacy, agency, identity, etc but the reality is most people do not. Most people just care about connecting with other people irrespective of the medium even at their own expense. Would this change any time soon? I doubt.

This is why web 3 platforms need to focus on growth and creating usable dapps. Connect with core essence of social media--which is simple just a medium to connect with the world. Maybe when we do get that right we wont have to preach so much about the benefits of web 3.

Yeah the reality is that they will only start valuing all of this when they need it, and by then it will be too late.

You just pointed it out so clearly! I have seen so many big accounts get banned or suspended because they violated some rules and sometimes, for no good reason too. It's like you don't even truly have full ownership of your own account since it can be taken from you anytime and the hard work all in the drain. Web3 reasonably seems like the better option to invest your energy and time in building an internet identity!

Exactly! And people prefer to depend on these centralized platforms and then complain they got deplatformed instead of planning in case it happens.

Web3 is going to grow, and we need to work to make hive the central focus of this narrative.

This is the digital age and while we have no choice but to keep pace with the time, these days it seems nearly impossible to run personal lives with such "digital identity".

But in the perspective of questions whether to avail of the opportunity of web2 or web3, the differences are enough to choose what to avail of mostly.

China already cripples their unwanted citizens through their centralized digital identities. If we manage to create a system where we don't use these identities but the hive ones, and frienldy entities on hive provide services based on these digital identities instead of the government ones, we'll be gold.

Gracias por explicarlo con dedicación, considero que es de suma importancia ya que es un tema extenso.🤯

Gracias a ti por leerme amigo! Saludos!

Hello. Are we not facing a similar danger in web 3.0 when digital identity is mandatory and CBDCs are implemented?

Having a Web3 Digital Identity is going to be extremely important very soon.

How soon?

Big Tech already controls the narrative, and they are in bed with the government.

An accurate statement that I agree with 100%.


@anomadsoul! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @rzc24-nftbbg. (1/1)

Soon as in within our lifetime (I'm 34).

We are the underdog, the system is posed against us in every way and there's nothing we can do about it except for adopting incumbent technologies like Hive.

Let's go! Thanks for the BBH

Wow! You still have lots of years with you to witness all the changes that will take place in fintech from 2030 onwards.

Yeah man, how old are you?

I am eager to see what 2030-40 have in store for us!

I will be 63 by the start of that decade.

I totally agree. Owning a Web 3 digital identity is the safest for anyone out there. Having control over your activities without anyone threatening or bossing over you is something one should consider now before thinking of building a brand.

Imagine building a brand and then relinquishing control of it on every aspect! web2 is toxic and yet people keep using it as if they are the true owner of their account, followers and content.

Web 2 is indeed toxic. People who are still engrossed with it are yet to come across the beauty of digital identity until they lose control of their accounts.

And they will, especially the web3 X warriors, at one point they'll get deplattformed.

Building a web2 digital identity is similar to a slave serving his master, the master literally controls all the slave does and when the master is no longer in need of the slave services, he discards the slave. few days ago a friend of mine that has been verified on an web2 platform and has lots of followers got her account banned for no just cause or even reason. People need to wake up from their slumber and embrace web3 now.

Pretty much, and you're helping them make money with your data. It's Stockholm's syndrome 100%

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