evolution of photography. So as you know it is one of the most common things in today's day-to-day life because photography is one of the best ways to show your personality in front of the world through social media to one of the major role play by Social Media in the point of view of photography is a one of the best way to collect your memories for the future. Let's know who is the inventor or who is the of photography in the world.
20th-century The official birth of photography is credited to Joseph Nicephore. The founder of photography in the nation. Created the first permanent photography from 1826 to 1827 this was a long time for safe photography because at that time the technology was very poor compared to the 20th century show on that time this photography technology is also called in the name of heliography. The reason for using of polished pewter plate coated with bitumen of Judea (a type of asphalt) and exposing it to light.
This is one type of process to taking a permanent photograph. So let's know about what are the Evolutions will be nowadays saw by the 20th generation. So first of all we know about photography as you know photography is the one of the oldest thing in the nation will be exist since the ancient times. From the time of the king and the kingdoms. Also the Mughal Empire when exist in India. On that time photography will be as a form of the art or painting.
So in the time of DC photography is a known as a paintings because on that time there will no Technology will be exist to taking any photograph of Kings or the kingdoms so on that time there are some best painters or artist are exist on that time so the kings or the Queens who want to taking a picture so on that time they use a painting procedure for the physical existence of that person to showing for future generation. That's why now a days we explore so many types of old paintings.
So painting converted to photography as you know DC will be changed . And now 18th century coming up with some new technology to introducing the photographic things to the world. In the 18th century the creator the photography as I mention in the above paragraph. For that person nowadays are social media will exist . The all credit goes to Joseph Nicephore. So nowadays in the 20th century there are variety types. Photography will be created nowadays for like marriage , anniversaries, and now a days the most viral thing is pre wedding shoots also there are so many types of Suits will be exist in nowadays.
Evolution of the photography is a one of the most important thing for upgrading the photography system in the nation. Now a days the photography is one of the most viral thing and every person are familiar with photography because for social media. On social media platform we share our photograph for showing our personality and the emotion. Photography is a one of the best way to showing your emotions with telling no words to the opposite person .
Now let's know that throughout in the 19th Century photography increasing their popularity on that time because the 19th Century coming with some increasing awesome improvement in the photography sector. And people are improving the technology of the processing and particularly affordable for the people. So the mainly 19th century known as the Revolutionary year for photography because in the 1870 photography was introduced in the world. After in 19 century the people made some upgrades in the Rolling film the 19th Century made the photography more convenient and portable.
So as you know in the 18th or the 19th Century photographs are totally in black and white the colour combination of the colour thing will be not use in the photographs because they dealing with low technology and on that time the technology will be not so increasing capable of colour photographs. So on that time all photographs will be deal with black and white. Now I told about my personal thought about photography when my age is something 12 or 13 from that time onwards my hobby will be creating on the photography and that time I taking my photos from smartphone. And my interest of the photography in the sector of the environment. I love to click the environment pics and edit in LR full form of the LR is lightroom. Let's Back to the topic.
So as you know the photography is a one of the way to collect your memories but the device will be required for clicking preserving your photo. So camera is a one of way collect your memories. So in the 18th century the proper camera will be introducing by the company of Kodak camera . In the 1888 George eastmen introducing Kodak camera and the features of this camera is the preloading with a role of flexible film capable to take 100 exposures.
Now let's talk about the colour revolution in the photography sector. The time will be passing out and the people will be trying make better the photography sector . And finally the mid-19 is a time when the color photography will be introduce or the practice by the nation. So there are two brothers who introduced or the creator of color photography in the 1907. The autochrome process introduced by the Lumière brothers in 1907, was one of the first commercially successful color photography processes.
So in the mid 19 the continuity of the colour photography will be introduced in the nation and the peoples are very attracting to colour photography because is the first time when the peoples are showing the colourful photos as comparison to the black and white photos will be going on in the nation. So day by day passing and the colour photo will be introduced in the mid 19th century and now a days people are also will trying to make a better Technology for the compact device like a camera should carry here and there for collecting their memories.
The digital Era will be came in the 20th century when the photographic thing will be going the next level and now a days it should going one of the best and advanced platform in the nation because the photography the one of the way now a days we do or Express our emotions our thoughts social media and nowadays the photography thing will be upgraded to the movie . So the big Revolution will be come in the 20th century because the digital revolution of the photography will be saw in the 20th century because the advanced cameras advance technology will be coming up in the 20th century.
Nowadays there are so many companies who make cameras in the 20th century and nowadays every person have a personal camera in a smartphone. When the smartphone thing will be introduced in the India or other countries the camera will be also coming with the smartphone so on that time onwards the camera thing or the photography thing will be increasing day to day because the smartphone populative will be increasing day by day that's why the photography will be including with the smartphones.
So that's all for today's the photography evolution will be coming a very 19th century to the 20th century so give me some feedback about my information about my evolution of photography.
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