Crypto Investment Milestones - 10 Years Lensing//Success Or Consumption?

in #hive-1679222 years ago

10 years, 120 months and 3652 days (along with 2 leap years counting 2 extra days), consists of a decades time and very importantly we are in the end of the starting half of it with 2 years to be on the second half.For any individual or group based targets, the time of ten years is a big landmark to achieve and thats why I have seen some of the biggest scientific revolutionists to focus on their projected productive growth, figures like Steve Jobs,Elon Musk, Bill Gates etc to keep improving their tasks at hand and visions to fulfil for the future.

I am not going to say here that I have the same sorted goals or I possess the same amount of energy like them,but what I have found myself really "not an enthusiastic geek" to have the goal in hand. From the very day I understood value of time is something that is unparalleled and people should be very cautious about the futuristic #goals and career, whether in cryptocurrency or in any other business career. It is too little a time left for a person in life to achieve something greater, at least big enough to be popular globally, with full almirah of crests and prizes,admiration and notable achievements.


A very friend of mine recently asked me a question, he is a newly debuted guy who came to know about #blockchain, cryptocurrency exchanges and the #finances regarding the coins in market. Most of the people come to know about some of the peers that they talk about the current conditions,recent market-price, trading volume,loss-profit or the kind of personal experience with the #currencies and getting acquainted with the terms and potential of the crypto-coins, what I saw in him that he was much of fascinated by the "some rumours and some creditable truths" about them.

He asked me, will the #crypto investment make one rich quickly? I was pretty amazed to see him asking the questions very early in his time, as for when I was in his age and experience, I have had similar questions but I never even considered to be getting rich quick. Its not that, becoming a Millionaire is easy with some successful trade at the end of a tight "few hours" of #exchanges. Because, to be so- lots of insights, knowledge, experience and patience needed that make up to be wealthy in the field.

His questions that I answered wasnt in a typical manner, because all some little experience of mine I have started to learn that - one needs to count on years to be a solidly wealthy person with trading career in crypto. Because, at one stage the chances increase as like the way back in 2010 when the #Btc was first came into #web and the highest price of it was below $10, in some cases 50 cents or so because mining was at its infancy and less popularity for the coin to offer, that time owning the #token was nearly valueless.

But as I said for a solid luck to change, it only takes a decades time to be in a position of success and you could very much understand the BTC price after ten years of time. Back in 2020, the price bulled up to $20k -$25k in fresh #market value and those had 50-100 Btc all combined and accumulated through #trading and buying, they would definitely had jovial face to show as being Millionaire was a matter of minute to become. I just dont want to go to the price it is heading towards.

But, not all the coins have the same luck as BTC, the way it evolved and became the face of crypto- it is absolutely a heroic feat in the realm. But, there is rising risks as not being able to be smart and predictable towards the future . Loss of some asset is a major part in the journey and instead of becoming a millionaire can fall down to floor with collapse in the assets stock. There isnt anything guaranteed in volatile weather and that is the endline.


But still, the greater part of success depends on our own ability to take #risks and minimizing them at times when we need that with "#pricing calculation ".It matters most how we play the game of uncertainty. Each month new benchmark is achieved and only the steady approached take us to the target we set for long time.

To be successful, we have options. But how we saddle the options is what sets the difference. And the difference is big when magnified after 10 years of time.


Nice post! Greetings and blessings!.

Thanks for the read.
Greetings too.
Hopefully, my ideas are understood by you.

To succeed in crypto business, one must take some minor or great risks. So, I think, your friend need to understand that crypto is not a get-rich-quick business. Therefore, let him just invest and wait for bull.

To succeed in crypto business, one must take some minor or great risks

Yeah,that has been the "tone" to move ahead in the different phases. Perhaps in any journey, risks always become an integral part. We somehow get with it, knowingly or unknowingly.

Therefore, let him just invest and wait for bull.

Of course and he just not has to rely on me, once he would gather his takes, he would start making his own moves.

Greetings, 💐🦁