in #hive-1679225 months ago

Today, I decided to finally go to the dentist to fix my teeth. And, it was no fun at all. My last trip to the dentist was quite traumatic so I carried the PTSD with me on this one. The nurse did a good job of calming my begets but the entire procedure still felt hella invasive.

They began by doing an exam, before giving my teeth a professional cleaning to remove plaque and residue. I needed several cavity fillings to be done which wasn’t a big deal expect for one tooth, one of my molars. Apparently, there was a fracture on it in addition to cavity. An Ex-ray was done to get a better look after which they opted for a temporary filling, and if the treatment doesn’t take in a month, an extraction or root canal treatment would be required.

At the end of the day, my mouth felt lighter but I still feel some discomfort and sensitivity to cold temperatures. I especially can’t chew on the side of the most troubled teeth for now. The entire procedure wasn’t fun but I’m glad I finally went to take care of myself. Dental health should be up there with the basic survival needs. It is not secondary nor is it a luxury. They shared several helpful tips which I’m happy to include in my mouth care routine.

Anyways, when I made the call to book an appointment, I was asked if I was under a company’s insurance or a private patient. Before then I had never considered health insurance because it is not exactly a household practice where I’m from. It is definitely not a service provided by the government. ( None that I am aware of anyway).

I did some digging on my way there and found some private health insurance companies with reasonable prices. There are different packages for individuals, families, maternity insurance, et cetera. I’ll do more research and discuss with my family on how to proceed.

It’s been a wonderful day. Cheers to making more not-so-fun impactful adult decisions.

Thanks for stopping by. ❤️

Follow me on my blog atyourservice


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Dentists are not my favourite people! Be good if you got some cheap health inurance to cover the treatments in future.

They are not mine either, Teng.
Yes, I’m working on that insurance.
Thank you for reading! ❤️