
Oh nice what should I buy with my $50?
You play any interesting video games lately?
JK it's time to flip all my payouts to 100% powered up.
Get that HBD out of here.

And yes, I know it is not measured in US Dollars. Believe me, I know that :)


On a different note: Physical pain is challenging. Please take care of yourself, as you said, we are part of the same team.

I suffer from many sport injuries that I have accumulated during my youth. I have a torn right anterior scalene muscle/ligament. The muscle that holds the shoulder to your neck. Also both my achilles tendons are torn for years.

I have learned to manage and live with pain without any medication. I mostly do stretches, exercise and acupuncture. Together, with the help of these procedures I can lead a normal life.

Please take care of your pain, there are remedies available. Indeed it can affect your mood. Have a good day!

That's very good advice.
I used to do yoga.
It helped a lot.
Need to get back on that physical therapy track for sure.

I've always thought about acupuncture but I'm not the biggest fan of needles.
Is it worth it? Seems like it might be worth it.

I was "cured" of plascenta previa during my second pregnancy with acupuncture. Saved me from three months of bed rest.

I was very thankful.

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I was skeptical myself. Its no magic, and improvement is slow. It did help me a lot. Last December, my heel was so bad that I could barely walk. I was limping. Now after 8-9 months, I can't say my pain is completely gone, but I can walk normally for long distances. I am a field geologist, and I love to walk in the bush all my life. Acupuncture allowed me to get back to it.

Hard to find a good one though. Please consult your Chinese friends if you have any nearby.

will do

@azircon For the last couple of months (8-10), I'm dealing with something quite similar. Currently visiting the physio, but he kind of told me I was a bit too late to sound the alarm (hooray for low self-judgment regarding health and pain :D). The attachment point at my heel spur is super sensitive as if I'm stepping into a piece of glass every time I make a step. Did you have something similar (and did acupuncture help)?

Every time I start thinking about taking my blogging "more seriously" on Hive I think about people like you.

Seems like I put the right amount of effort in.

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When will the whale experiment commence again?