Crypto Enthusiasts Ought To Embrace Volatility | That's The Beauty Of Peer-To-Peer Solutions

in #hive-1679223 months ago


Would you rather play against “the house” or against a random individual that's probably as degenerate as you?

Monetary transactions often include two parties: either an individual transacting with a company/business or an individual transacting with another individual.

The company or business is what I've referenced above as “the house.” That said, the term is more applicable in the gambling industry to refer to a Casino’s parent to which games are optimised to give it statistical advantage and ensure long-term profitability.

Growing up and seeing many people around gambling, one of my pressing questions was always: where does the settlement money come from and how do these platforms stay profitable despite these heavy payouts?

Of a surety, the average gambler doesn't ask these questions, cause why turn gametime to lecture right?

What matters to them is seeing potential winnings displayed in hundreds to thousands of dollars, underlying algorithms can go fuck themselves.

But unfortunately, the only one being fucked every fuckin time are the players passing on the middle finger.

Okay, enough swearing.

Stability and profitability works when a business that has to write and report revenue is involved, otherwise, a system is naturally left to chaos, and that's the beauty in it.

Stability Is Asking For Government Regulations

Essentially bringing the house into the mix and limiting profitability for the average Joe.

I'll always reaffirm that the only regulation crypto needs already exists via consensus mechanisms and DAO structures. If specific projects or ecosystems believe that their mode of operation needs adjustment, they can make necessary changes via their predefined system of governance to achieve that evolution.

Anything secondary to this is simply surrendering to the very system crypto was designed to get away from.

High volatility is evidence of a free market. Surely there are numerous whales and market makers artificially inflating volumes to lure in unsuspecting investors but even them, are a part of said “free market” and can do whatever the fuck the want — even if it is illegal.

As crypto enthusiasts, we have to come to embrace volatility as a part of this ecosystem as that sets us apart from a controlled economy that isn't centralized for public interest but to reward a select few — the house.

Peer-To-Peer Builds Inclusivity And Ensures Fair Access To Opportunities

The future of finance being decentralized is the best thing that can happen to the world. Surely, numerous businesses are scared of how much money they'd lose to this transition, but rather than building up stress over worrying, they should be researching the market dynamics of the DeFi ecosystem to tailor a business transition that fits the market segment and can ensure continued profitability.

There's quite a growing amount of evidence that generating heavy revenue is possible even while respecting the ethos of the cryptocurrency industry.

Peer-To-Peer solutions is the future of most things, it doesn't kill the business sector, it just demands a change in channel designs for the exchange of data, be it information, goods, or money.

Surely, when it comes to Casinos, the house will always exist so long as traditional gambling still remains a thing. That said, provided enough interest is poured into decentralized bookmaking, this could become a reality, and the good thing with said decentralized alternatives would be that accrued revenue would typically be channeled to incentivize active participation from key individuals ranging from players to technological contributors like oracle node operators and smart contracts developers.

The cryptocurrency ecosystem offers unique opportunities to the average person, this is achieved through the elimination of a central body that acts against public interests. This design leads to increased volatility and chaos but also more fortune-filled opportunities for the masses without central limits but flexibility to the extent of fundamental platform designs.