Democracy doesn't work because people are vastly opinionated but not knowledgeable

in #hive-1679225 months ago

Not every opinion should be valued, that goes to say that not everyone deserves “a voice”.

We live in a world that is swayed by opinions, mindless loud mouths with hyper emotional tendency, not such a surprise that the opinions of such a people is highly volatile, yeah?

For the record, I am in the self same way, opinionated.

We all are, if not, what the fuck are we doing here trying to dream up a new money solution tied to a new governance system?

This entire new social layer and financail network is evident of the failures of democracy - which is a system powered by billions of opinionated people - if you missed the point there.

Universal Basic Rights = A Stupid World

We all love to tell ourselves little lies once a while and there are three sets of lies that cracks me up every time and they are:

-That we have freedom of speech - but consequences makes them not so free.

-That we have freedom of movement - except private properties or worse, government properties, honestly tho, who's fooling us?

-That we have rights to “a voice” - well, we'll see.

But what does reality say about all these things?

It's rather simple but we sought after complicating things every single day.

First of, we all have limited rights, it's by nature's design, I'd say, that these limitations exist.

I mean for Fs sake, did anyone ask if I wish to be on earth before having a beautiful soul shit me into a world only beautiful at the first 5 seconds of arrival?

Of course “consent” of mine, existed not in that process, so what would then make me so delusional as much as to expect heightened influence over things down here?

It's absolute bonkers but dreamers gotta dream anyways, yeah?

Stay with me, promise I'm not deviating from the original topic.

We all have limited freedom(rights) to things and that is absolutely fine.

Why oh why?

There's a reason babies are not required to carry on certain responsibilities and that reason is that they are simply not capable of doing anything reasonable or call it, in the context of our ecosystem of focus - economically valuable, hence, what we have access to should be limited at all times, to our abilities not served to us for merely existing.

Power in the hands of a fool is what?

Now hold on to that truth, and sleep on it for 15 secs as you read this question:

If babies have to grow in knowledge and strength before being assigned tasks, why then do we allow “underdeveloped humans” assign political powers off to representatives to rule?

I would imagine that this should cause us to reflect on how the whole idea of “universal basic rights” is bullshit and a self-damaging structure upon which we've built what we fancy-named - DEMOCRACY.

Today is self-burn Sunday

We all are the problem for wanting a voice for simply existing rather than earn one for being knowledgeable and contributing “actual value”.

It's comical how it took a not so popular(I suppose) Sci-fi/Alien movie to get here.

Here's a summary: In the movie “The Orville” S01 EP07, a world governed entirely by “the people” is explored. We have people walking around with badges made out of a like and dislike button.

What gives?

Basically, everyone has a record in real time and this record is determined by everyone. If you do a good thing, someone can hit that like button, if a bad thing, a dislike.

In this way, you're building a reputation, sort-of.

That actually sounds awesome, is probably what you're thinking but like me introduce to our friendly tech ecosystems - Social Media Networks.

How has that played out with social networks?

That's right, badly! You can be loved today and hated tomorrow, that is how volatile this shit is and some still wonder why YouTube hides dislikes counts and Facebook and Twitter doesn't even have it?

And guess what, there are consequences for getting loads of dislikes, such as not being allowed in certain spaces in town based on the number of your dislikes and also potentially getting your brain fried if your dislikes count up to 10 million.

Surely seems like a huge number until you find out that we're billions on earth.


This particular episode shows a world where governance happens in real time as “the people” - who are emotionally wired more than half the time, by the way - have instant influence on great decisions.

An 18 year old that barely knows shit gets to vote who should be the next president? Or wait, what about the 42 year old in the same self way, lacking enough knowledge to pick the perfect man?

Before we even look at the real world, let's talk about crypto for a second.

We've all talked or watched others talk about a world where everyone had equal rights to influence things being built on crypto and blockchain technology.

Well, I hope this day that it never happens as that is not what we need.

I mean, do we really think that the at least 400 million crypto users are fit to make governance decisions if we were to operate on a 1 person - 1 token/vote(% influence) system?

Of course a great deal of these people are simply opinionated in one way or the other, the vast majority don't know enough shit to direct the chain or ecosystem in the right direction.

Most will just end up voting on what some other figures they may simply “like” in the space is voting, not what they've taken the time to assess.

In the real world, it is evident, democracy is a failed system. We keep gunning for “equal rights” some other bullshits but what we should actually be gunning for is “equal risks and rewards opportunities”.

Equal rights is a stupid chase because we are not intrinsically designed to see each other as equals, and frankly, we are never equals, we were all born into a world where nature itself proves that no two things are equal.

That said, equal risks and rewards opportunities is what might just put us in a much more stable world, economy-wise and harmony-wise.


Where there's reasonable rewards and risks associated to something, humans will tend to play by the rules and if that entails being “fair and true”, we can expect to see this materialize most of the time.

Crypto mining and governance mechanisms proves this.

Everything that has to do with “equality for mere existence” is bullshit, someone always gets an unfair advantage at the end of the day and another, unfair disadvantage because this is all being applied to a world of vastly opinionated(emotionally-wired) and not knowledgeable people.