Drunken Rant that deserves an upvote!

in #hive-1679223 years ago



Yah.. fakoff. I'm not providing a link to this image. I'm such a rebel. You all know I don't rip off shit and generally use meme's to convey a message.


The beauty of #HIVE is that most people miss that beauty. We can post whenever we want, how we want, and what we want. The upvote is in the hands of sir circle jerk. Is that why we continuously use this amazing service? Of course the internet could go out and this digital money could go poof.

Rogers failed to provide even life saving services in Canada. I was on BELL the only other competitor. This country is such a banana republic. I can vent on hive.. and write 250 words for that sweet #BRO upvote.

Why do you even listen to this dribble. Why do you follow me and comment. It cannot be because you love your 0.07 cent Upvote!

What can you buy with that! Alright it's kinda free market.

In other news I deleted Tik Toc. One day I might find many things drained from the keystrokes they collected.


In other news it looks like China and Taiwan are going to be a thing. Longing not having electronic equipment for something like that.


I have been draining some #HIVE lately. No it's not for this new ECO FLOW DELTA PRO (no affiliation). Yah I paid the insane price for some juice #energy

When I became religious a voice (my voice) told me to go back to basics. This isn't basic.. but it's a nice buffer from gravity.

BearBear Signing out

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Post edit:

0.05 cents


First time reading your post.
I read this fine but why am I trying to understand you?.

I don't know because I may never understand a thing just yet.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

probably because it's a drunk post

With some bit of lesson for my inquisitive self.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great post ;). You have my upvote.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

do you think china and taiwan will actually be a thing soon as in a couple weeks?

i am rooting for china to be glassed by b2 spirits and israel and brazil shortly after, those are my top 3 must-have, gotta-go places first in the exterminatus bucket list.


Yah why Brazil and Israel?

israel for obvious reasons.

brazil for obvious reasons.

Oh but nobody in the rest of the world.. just those ambiguous entities. Okey Doke!

why aren't those places on your exterminatus lista de cosas por hacer antes de morir?

I don't want to exterminate anything. Nature will do that by the almighty command. One thing for sure.. am Israel Chi works for 1000's of years. I'm gonna go with that than having exterminatus lists.

Both Israel and China are glorified oblasts that have their entire histories bathed in blood, rape, vivisection, financing of ALL wars on this planet in the last 2000 years, and you are saying you support Israel and China?

Bear. What. These places must, at all costs, be removed from the entirety of this plane of existence via swift neutron bombing of all major junctions of power, first decimating the elite, then working the way down to their subordinates. innocents will be taken care of in a refugee type system, as is the basic decency we should afford them.

The world is grey. Looking at it black and white with scapegoats has been done for thousands of years already. Translation = A lot of innocent people would die if we were to take your approach. I don't subscribe to genocide. It's more the central banking system that needs to be removed with sound money put into place. Placing blame on one particular community or country is prejudicial, biased, and down-right dangerous.

exterminatus lista de cosas por hacer antes de morir


this is the way.
