Biden Out Kamala In? Her Views On Crypto

in #hive-1679222 months ago

Well apparently it was clear that Biden would have lost the election for sure. I mean we all pretty much knew this months ago and so a late runner gets pulled in. It's not official yet who will be running for the dems we wont get that until Aug. 7th 2024. But so far it seems to be leaning towards Kamala Harris. Well we all know for the last 4 years as the vice president she's pretty much been a meme for everything and never really highlighting anything she did. I mean I can't even stand here today and tell you one thing she did but then again I really don't follow the politics much.

Her chances of winning are most likely low as well. They are a little higher than Biden but not by much so she still might be the pick of the dems and thus it's important for us as the crypto community to get her viewpoints on things.

  • As a side note if there's a Kamala Harris laughing meme coin that launches before the election it might do well lol

Basing It On History

Often the vice president will follow the president in terms of views and also the party. This would in theory mean she would be just as heavily anti crypto as biden was. What most people don't understand about the USA is that the president is more of a figure head more then anything else. There are multiple people in the party that actully pass and make the calls and the dems have clearly shown they are extremely anit crypto.

This would speculate us that this would continue from the dems side of things and that people would continue to be replaced and put into power where these decisions are made with pro viewership of such things. I'm sure as the campaign rallies start to drum up we will get better insights on this through her talks, questions etc.

Her History

What we know of her history and crypto is actully VERY limited. She hasn't spoken much about it at all nor has she voted on anything big when in congress or as VP for any crypto projects.

She's also been very quite on the matter and it might be exactly what the dems want. The smart thing would be for her to be quite about it until two weeks before the elections and come out and say she's pro crypto which could take power votes away from trump that may have been swaying to his side.

Now while that wouldn't change my vote because I know people in power or after power will legit say anything and they don't have to follow up on any of it when voted in there are still many that would believe it and possibly change their vote in her favor.

Being that we know little other then she seems pro silicon valley which is semi crypto focused in terms of adoption of crypto it would be a view into what is to come.

Aug. 7th is for sure going to start opening up a lot more questions in terms of who the dems will be running and how much information we can get out of them before the elections take place. What was once a a for sure loss with Biden could be manipulated into a success with a new candidate now.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Her voice wasn't really heard as vice president expect being more of a moral support. Let's she goes about wanting to contest as well.

From what I read she isn't that big on crypto, but that doesn't really mean anything. What has any vice president ever done quite honestly. Except maybe Al Gore who invented the Internet :)

This is true being the vice president is like coming in second. No one care or remembers 😂

I don't really think it can be overly manipulated to guarantee success, the fact that they are anti crypto and biden putting America where it is and trump doing otherwise in his tenure already has a much more better effect unless it is rigged or the masses are stupid.

We all know a promise once seen is better than a promise never seen, that's why biden even got a chance there initially, I expect the same case to be one the reasons for his win, she's being somewhat passive according to your review is that what the people truly want.

I don't think Harris will be significantly pro-crypto or anti-crypto. Just like Trump, she will take position of that issue based on short-term political calculations, namely, whether being pro-crypto helps her with Silicon Valley and younger crypto bros or damages her chance among Boomers and environmentalists.

She was endorsed by Elizabeth Warren, but I don't think that this represents much of an indicator at this point.