Hive July 21st What's New and Goals

in #hive-1679222 months ago

Hive is never short of drama which is both entertaining but also very annoying but that's what you get with a decentralized system and often why they crumble when there is no leadership. That being said let's take a look at what's new on hive this week and also run through some of my own goals.

The goals section of this weekly article are for a number of reasons. To keep me on track with my own personal goals, to show others what's possible with work, building connections and investments and to highlight changes within applications running on hive.


First I like to look at price action over the last week.

We have a small blip towards the upside for once now pushing $0.23. Which might look good but it pails in comparison to the negative pressure that's been on hive for the last two years. Perhaps we have finally hit the bottom and most sellers are now out? Time will only tell and it's always a guessing game for sure. As for me I'll just keep on stacking which is far easier to do when prices are low like this.

As far as what's new with hive there really hasn't been too much again. I think the biggest attention drama was the DHF proposal for Splinterlands which is asking for funds in order to help with expenses of the project right now. Which to me is a no brainer but apparently to higher ups they rather just see their top performing game application fail which kind of shows a lot about the drama and sentiment around here on hive. If you're interested to cast your vote on this proposal to fund it visit: At the time of writing this it only needs around 6 million more hive to be passed my hopes are it does.



Goal: 250,000+ Current: 112,508

Week over week we pushed another 441 hive that was powered up worth roughly $100 is fiat money. However that also means it's a little less again this week at just 63 hive powered up per day with my goal being 100. I ran a little math and I would need roughly 1.2 million hive in order to passivity earn 100 hive powered up per day. I don't see that happening soon but it's possible and now a target to strive for.


Goal: 182,500 Current: 4,511
I realize that last week I forgot to include my HBD. So I'm adding it in this time. It's been slow going on the HBD levels mainly because I'm converting it into hive while prices are down. I personally feel I'll get more benefit out of it in the long run converting the HBD earned into hive and beating that 20% APR rate HBD offers. However I don't want to dump it all and would like to continue to grow this still towards that ultimate 182,500 HBD as long as the APR stays at around 20% APR.


Goal: 150,000 Current: 140,864

Week over week we pushed 393 LEO powered up. That means a little over 56 Leo powered up per day. This is putting me on pace towards my target but I want to reach it faster. This also does not account for any liquidity pools I have going on right now with LEO for that I count it as bonus extra mainly because it changes so often it's hard to keep track of.

I'll most likely be dumping a little more hive over into the leo voter for a few months to make sure I hit that goal sooner than later. What's cool though is we will be well on our way and hitting that goal this year which is a huge milestone.

After I hit that 150k goal I'll most likely simply be focused on liquidity providing at that point.


My personal Splinterlands goal is to have 1 million SPS. But when I see others with multi million I'll be honest at under 1 cent right now I want to super stack!

My other goal however is an expensive one in which I want to get my 142 plots of land up and running. So far I only have a small portion of them launched but I'm maxing out my SPS earned from land, research and grain. I've also dumped some into the grain DEC liquidity pool.

Overall I do still feel like if this game can make it into 2025 and work on reduction of expenses then we are going to be sitting good. It may not be an explosion of growth like we saw in the 2021-2022 bull run but I could see SPS at $0.10 - $0.20.

What are some of your own hive goals?

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