Week 3 Aug What's New With Hive 2024

in #hive-16792225 days ago

Each week I'll be writing up a recap report of all the things I've been seeing happening here on the Hive blockchain. This will range from everything I know of such are core development, game updates, new releases and more.

It's a way to keep myself informed but also help others with a quick snapshot of what's going for old and new users.

So let's dive into it starting with price action.

HIVE Price

Price action this week was pretty much non existent. The price hardly moved at all. That's actully a welcomed change because for the last 5 months the price of hive has only been falling from a high point of $0.45 and a far cry from the last bull run that saw hive hold over $1 each for roughly a year!

There's a few things happening with the DHF as of late which I'm happy with. While not fully happy as I really feel like we need to start cutting out the overly expensive dead weight we are getting action in terms of lower slimmer requests for DHF funds for projects.

For example Hivewatchers is now only requesting 95 HBD per day instead of their proposal before this which was a massive 290 HBD per day. Might not sound like that much but over a year's time that saves over 71,000 HBD being paid out. Now personally I rather see this project just die I can see there however being a need for verification for larger accounts which someone might be spoofing to get the rewards pool for. That's really the only case in which I support such a project. I've been told but unsure if it's true that the downvoting from these accounts will stop. But let's be honest I'm extremely skeptical of that.

Outside of that Splinterlands might end up getting funding here in the next month. The issue with that however is it's going to really be only a partial of what was asked for and might end up being too little too late. It would effectivly nix off over 100,000 of what was being asked for and the "agreement" with that reduced amount of funding coming in seems like a horrible move on the DAO front. For some reason the DAO is being forced to stock more Hive to give the company DHF funding from hive. It legit is ass backwards if you ask me and it's an "agreement" I don't agree with in terms of what's required and how it's worded. Of course everyone is entitled to their own thoughts and opinions as well. I just think a few whales got a little hung up on simply wanting to get the DHF passed no matter what type of vibe.



Goal: 250,000 Current: 116,098

Week over week we had a nice bump again and this was mainly due to repositioning of assets in particular moving some HBD out of savings and into other areas of Hive. Week over week this pushed me up 1,732 hive being powered up.


With HBD I've sold out some and moved it into other areas within hive. However I believe those moves are now done and I'll be staking the HBD again as long as it holds over 10%. If it falls under 10% that's most likely going to be the sell off event for myself. While I believe the interest rate on this should be more like 5%-7% I feel like a mistake was made over a year ago when we pumped it to 20% for some ungodly reason. Now it's just native any time you set it back which it needs to be.

If we would have started slow and then slowly moved up each time to 10% and made a big hype about it on socials etc every time I believe we would have received a lot more traction.

But this is kind of the double edge sword of hive. Node operators are normally tech, developers and in any business I've been in a code developer hasn't got a clue how to market or create a new UI lol.


Goal: 150,000 Current: 143,064

Week over week that pushes us up another 722 leo which is a little over 100 per day or double the progression we need to hit end of year goals. However in a few days I'll be kicking over a large portion of my hive over to leo.voter to collect 16% apr while I do a little traveling. This should quickly and drastically move me towards that end goal very quickly. The plan here is to complete the 150,000 goal by end of month.

I've been making moves with LEO as well as of late. Honestly I'm on par now to hit my goal by end of September.


This hive game has become a major focus of mine again. The goal here is 1 million SPS or more by end of year and I drastically moved the needle this week. While it's still a bit of a trek to get there I believe I'll hit this goal by end of year including many of the others I have which is getting my lands up and running, buy new lands while they are cheap, build out my card decks while they are cheap as well in particular chaos mainly because I'm going to need them for my lands and they should have a decent earning rate on them for price ratio.

Now what's a little wild to me is how few people are gobbling up SPS right now at these prices. I personally believe that SPS will return to $0.05 at least and potential of $0.15 each if we really hit a crazy bull market again. But even at just $0.05 that would be a massive $50,000 held in SPS on the account at 1 million SPS. There's huge upside potential at these levels right now with lower risk as the buy in is cheap. In fact I picked up a ton at $0.0053 this week. The price is now $0.006. It might not sound like a lot but it actully is as it's nearly a 20% GAIN in a single week. Plus it earns a 12% APR being staked (but does have a 28 day unlocking period) That's a gain in a single week from what I would have made all year with HBD locked up in savings. That's the power of being able to make market plays instead of relying on passive income which is often crazy slow.

*this article is for entertainment purposes only and is not financial advice. Do your own research before investing and understand the risks.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha





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I didnt notice the cut in funding for Hivewatchers. I did notice the fall in Hive the last weeks and not really bouncing back with Bitcoin trending up. Too much sell pressure maybe?

I think it's a combination of a lot of things.

  1. Heavy DHF funding that's not returning the income in which it's taking. That needs to change which I'm hoping that's starting to happen.

  2. More focus is needed on supporting real application development on hive. Splinterlands isn't doing great and I'm still going to say Splinterlands was a LARGE factor in why hive's price went high during the last bul run.

  3. General sentiment around hive is eroding away. When you step back as an outsider of Hive and you look if you should spend your time here I'm sure you'll come up with many reasons of why not to bother. Price being a big one, no real development happening on the chain, what is getting developed feels half baked and will never amount to anything large scale in it's current condition or how it operates and so forth.

Hive has to change its ways and myself along with 90% of the other people on hive are too small potatoes to be able to make that happen. It's gotta come from the wealthy up top sadly.

Yes, I agree with that. The last 2 years seems to have been totally lost sadly.