What is web 3? Does anybody know? Is there a definition? I don't think so, yet so many people mouth off this term like it has any sort of meaning or merit. Web 3 is a grift, a marketing term, used to perpetuate a narrative game, venture capital wants you to participate in.
They sell you on you own your data, you hold the keys, you have more freedom, you own stake in the protocol, but the truth is, that it's all a shell game.
Web 3 is repackaged hot shit
The web 3 story is a very simple one, it's repacking of the utility coin narrative of the previous cycle. In 2017 it was all about how you need a coin to watch porn, a coin to shop, a coin to buy tickets, to take an uber, there needed to be a coin for every niche use case that money already solves.
Once liquidity drained from the market and took the brainless ideas with them, we got back to a sense of focus, then with bitcoin's natural halving pricing in a new level, the market became a wash with cash.
Cash that is freely available for you to funnel into your pocket if you have a compelling story. The marketing firms worked day and night to repackage an old shitcoin story into a new shitcoin story and out popped web 3.
Source: - u.today
I think I know how the web works
I've had an internet job for a decade now, I work in the back end of the internet, I've worked with venture capital, I've worked with startups, I've worked in corporate, and I've seen how it operates. I'd like to think that experience taught me a few things, that I share with you in my blog but people choose to ignore.
Most people spouting off web 3 don't even know how a webpage loads in their browser, so how can you trust anything they say? If you have no clue how the thing you're supposedly improving works, how do you know you're improving on it?
The truth is, you're not! All you are is a useful idiot for these venture capital firms and founders, you get to have the privilege of pulling your friends and family into a tool that is doomed to fail and get to hold the useless coins that will be left over once the premine holders exit, pay their commissions and return their capital with interest to their LPs.
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