Hive Price Broke Down Great Support Line - No Idea for Bottom

in #hive-1679222 years ago

I was wrong about Hive price prediction due to FTX FUD. All crypto market was damaged. Hive was one of them. Beacuse Hive broke down great support line...

I was certain that Hive would not break down this trend line but It happened...

Ekran Resmi 20221109 23.06.56.png

I have no idea about the bottom of Hive. The bottom of Steem was 0.07 USD. May we see this bottom?
I can say that it will take too long time to recovery...
We will have a few months for consolidation.

As You remember, Hive price was as stable in 0.12 USD..

Hive price will find new bottom for stable..

Ekran Resmi 20221109 23.12.32.png

We may see huge bowl pattern on all crypto charts.. Long season is waiting for us...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


So we will see what happens, first of all to have patience, to wait for the moment when the currency is stable again and recovers, but it is a bit worrying at the moment.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 131 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!