Sequel to the first video on our ALL ABOUT NFT SERIES FOR BEGINNERS, I decided to make this video based on the feedback I got from interested viewers regarding understanding common and popular buzzwords used in Web3.
As an experienced community moderator, I understand firsthand how users especially beginners struggle with grasping terms used in discord servers and generally in the web3 space. Many beginners have dropped out due to frustration since basic knowledge like this is not easily learnt.
It is important to understand the terminologies used generally in the Web3 space to help defeat confusion and easy transition especially for beginners thus the need for this detailed video on COMMON AND POPULAR BUZZWORDS USED IN WEB3. This is the first part of the video to avoid having a very long video which most times gets boring on the long run and doesn't encourage learning. The other part will be a continuation with more advanced buzzwords.
Well, enough of the plenty talks. Let's jump in now and learn. Ensure you have your notepad and you are open to learning. LFG!!
A special shout out to my brother @starstrings01 for helping me make this video.
WAGMI frens🥰
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