First Leo Power Up Day

in #hive-1679222 years ago

Hi fellow Lions,

Today I wanted to participate in LPUD!



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First Leo Power Up Day

I unfortunately missed the last Leo Power Up Day that was hosted for the first time last month. I made sure not to make the same mistake though! I've saved my LEO from recent posts and rewards and bought some more so that I could participate in my first #LPUD.

It's funny that we have Hive Power Up Day and have had it for a long time but we mistakenly haven't had any #LPUDs but glad that we finally rectified that!



I was able to have a pretty good Leo power up, the most since I initially started to put more funds and time into the Leo community. 240 LEO is great! I am hoping to match or exceed that amount next month, let's see how it goes!


One thing I'm really happy about is getting to a point where I've got over 1,500 Leo Power staked in my wallet and used on my account! I love it! It's good to be able to participate and reward people on one of the other sides of the community here! Commenting is great and all but also having enough stake to provide an upvote that's over the .025$ dust threshold is great! Not to mention the curation rewards that I'm getting consistently now. I was only able to power up the .5$ reward that piled up for the Leo curation rewards once a week if I was lucky. Now it's almost every day. When the price of Leo was up in the bull run we had and the votes were higher I think I got more rewards than I do now but I'm still stacking away!


Hopefully we can all take best advantage that we can of these downturns associated with a Bear Market to get out in a community like Leo, and earn as much as we can so that we can benefit from the rewards of it all later! Onward and upward!

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