Using Ecency Points for Others

in #hive-1679222 years ago

Hi fellow Lions,

Today I wanted to enjoy being able to help others in a different way, via Ecency.


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Using Ecency Points for Others

The other day I was thinking that there would be a different way for me try and support others and I was trying to think of a way to do that. I have been a pretty solid user of the Ecency front end for a long time now, especially when it comes to getting to commenting on posts in the Rant community so that I can earn a little bit of points to do that engagement, and it dawned on me that I should be using those Ecency points I'm earning not for the content I write but to try and support other people's content!

I know that the Ecency platform allows you to use the points you earn on their platform to boost your own posts, although there is a decent caveat that it is not guaranteed that you will be getting a vote, it does get a little problematic in some ways for those of us who have been on here for a long time. It kind of feels like the self voting that is largely frowned upon.


I know one of the underlying ideas/beliefs of the Hive platform since the days of bid bots and other unsavory concepts that occurred for a really long time on our former platform (Steem) which comes to self voting, one of the lessons that I haven't thought much about was using my Ecency points for the things that I wrote. I know that isn't really a bad thing and for the most part people aren't going to go down voting my posts because I used points to boost it, but I think that it's probably a better idea for me and others if I use the points I'm earning to help better support others. I'm not part of a curation group like Curangel or OCD but I'd like to think that I can do my own thing but with using Ecency points!

Granted the Ecency points that I've got aren't infinite lol but I have been collecting quite a bit of them and think I'm over 1,000 of them at this point which is good. When going through curating, it does get spent quite quickly but that's okay. Once I get going more I think I should be able to keep the points at a decent level so that I'm earning quite a bit points per day and week and spending them as well regularly.


Now I know it's not something that's going to make big differences but for me, I enjoy doing things that give back and try to help other people. It's my own way of having a curation initiative, it goes through similar processes that the curation groups go in that they submit a post to the group and they determine if it's going to be truly curated or if they reject it. I'm sure there are going to be some that get rejected which is fine, I'd like to think that I would be selective of the posts that I try to help out in a beneficial way.

I think I'm a little excited to do my own minor part of having a curation initiative besides just my normal voting of posts. I think it's my own way to do this that I enjoy. I respect the curation initiatives and groups and know that many people do well with those but for me, I can't do all of the extra documentation and all that which is important for the people who run the programs to keep track of who's doing what and all that. Those are definitely important pieces of the initiatives so it doesn't vote on bullshit or a bunch of circle jerking but sadly I don't have the time to do all of those extra steps so I haven't tried to get into that aspect of it. I was invited to help with the newbie stuff for OCD a while back but it was the extra steps, which are as I said important, that I couldn't do at the moment in my life which is why I had to say no thanks to it all.


I'm looking forward getting to the curation for the posts in the Rant community, not all of them are going to get it of course but for the ones that do get it, it's going to be nice to be able to give back in my own little way.

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-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI.

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It's been a while since I had my last rant. Think there might be something to rant about at this time on my life.

You know where to go my man! Lol

I'm really liking to see you're able to save some funds and keep a lot of Hive powered up! Hopefully you can keep that streak going man, that's awesome. I remember when you were pretty upset about having to power down to pay for some things. Hopefully you don't have to do that again and can depend on the HBD savings for any of those unexpected expenses that pop up!

Man, don't remind me of those dark times! 🤣

It isn't like my head is above water, but I gotta stake and keep growing the account. Powering might be a thing to do if Hive goes up, I still need a laptop.

Rant about not ranting.

That could be a thing. There's actually stuff to rant about, but they are all very small things.

Rant about there not being big things to rant about.

The meta rant.

There's many rants to choose from; a plethora.

I know 😅

Hahah yup pretty much

I'm loving how you intersperse that wonderful photography between your paragraphs.

I haven't used ecency much myself, but I've heard that have a pretty easy sign-up process, so I have recommended it to friends in the past.

Thanks I’ve been trying to add in my pictures to change up what people seem on the Leo side of it. Most people use the Pixabay images but I got a good suggestion from a whale that it’s lame and I should use my own stuff.

Ecency is good for using it for comments and engagement. They’ve got other things too but I primarily use it for comments since they reward you with points for using it. Writing is done via PeakD for me and the wallet stuff too but I try to use Ecency for comments so I can earn points to spend on people!

Good on ya man. Always good to give something back, some nominations for points are @killerwot and @niallon11

Thanks man I enjoy trying to figure out different ways to give back to the community like this. I’m certainly not the first one but I can try to be a good one!

I’ll check them out! Thanks!

That is a nice initiative to help others out. I've thought of rewarding with the points I've earned.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Give them to someone else, good posts, they'll help you build better relationships as I said I'm a comment elsewhere in this post and will help the community I'm general. If everyone did this the community would be a healthier place.

You should give it a try! Be selective in the posts but it’s a good thing!

Hear hear!

Since I learnt about the usage of Ecency points ( half a year to a year ago? ), I mainly have been using Ecency boosts to help out others.

Not only can I give them more value, this way, than with my current 100% upvote, it also leads to them getting more traction and thus increases their discovery ( chance to be curated, etc ).

Keep up the good work!
Meanwhile, I will do the same, in my unique way ;<)

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I'm not a fan of Ecency for posting and have only done so once or twice if Peakd was out of action. I went there a couple weeks ago for some reason and saw that I had 5500 points; I have no idea how. I started to use them for other people's posts immediately.

I've downvoted (to zero) some users who have used them for their own posts and sometimes left messages for them also. I think there's a better use case for them.

Finding a post worthy of a small boost, leaving a message (not the automated Ecency one) and then boosting it is a good way for people to build relationships.

Imagine a small user doing that to me for instance, then engaging a little on some of my posts. I'll see it and think, ok, here's someone I need to pay attention to. That could mean multiple ongoing curangel votes, and many ongoing votes directly from me also, maybe even a follow and an seems like a good way to go rather than selfishly saving up points to drop a vote on one's own posts. Doing that won't help with exposure and relationship-building and could end with many downvotes in some cases. I hate self-voting.

I think Ecency should not allow self-voting with their points but I don't think that'll happen.

Sharing Ecency points out is the way to go...Be selective, make them count and don't just give them simply because they posted in your community. Rewarding shit will attract shit so have standards and reward those doing the right thing. Just my unsolicited advice.

Yeah I hear you on the self voting. It’s tempting and I won’t lie I’ve done it about 15 times or so over the past few years but I’ve tried to evolve in the way I’m doing things. Trying to take a more active role in improving the community in these things so that we improve the community instead of ruin it.

I absolutely planned on being selective with the posts that I submit for votes but didn’t think to add a comment explaining why. It makes sense and can certainly foster a friendship with the people that are posting in the community.

It would be cool to see more people doing this type of stuff!

If more people start doing it, more people will see people doing it and might do so themselves as it will look like the thing to do.

Right now, Ecency letting people vote themselves makes people feel that's the thing to do. Greed is a powerful motivator.