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jaja I would be a wild mess indeed jaja and good afternoon Super Eli:)

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Jaja! You're Wild already, so imagine being a wild mess, Eddie W šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

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oh shoot you got me, yep wild already guilty
a mess guilty
so a wild mess , guilty quite often jeje!
Eddie W will be off on his travels tomorrow to Raith Lake it is a public holiday tomorrow and Friday here to celebrate the Queen and her 70th jublilee

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Jaja!! guilty guilty guilty, all the time guilty šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

And that's cool, you'll tell me about Sylvia then ;) say hi to her and her coconut bra šŸ˜‚
Enjoy it, Super Ed!

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Siempre jajaja

Well I am hoping her chicks will be born, so will take plenty of food and yes will see if the coconut bra is still there jeje

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I hope you'll see the chicks and take a lot of pics :)

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Me too, it would be so so so cool!
One real reason why I got the toy:)

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