
oh I like that one, hehe loving that blue too!
Happy PUD day and yesss I did it, did my PUD JIT and trying to answer comments and get to PUD posts to comment, I sent 2 Hive to Eylz this morning so she could power up too

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hehe I love it too

My notifications today have been on fire Super Ed, the After Eights saga 🔥 and well I have a bigger saga 🔥🔥 every time I think I'm done with Littlebee comments, I get another notification 🐝 🤣🤣 So ride that Harley faster 🤣.

Good thing you helped Eylz, I didn't know she needed help she didn't tell me

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

another notification jeje yes i noticed that. vroom vroom well I will do what I do no excuses like oh doing so much offline hehe cannae be arsed with people making excuses
Yes Eylz well I asked how much she had and told her to do pud and write a post hehe so bossyEd jaja

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

vroom vroom 🏍️🏍️
I think deep down, you're bossier than me 😉😆

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

vroom vroom 🏍️🏍️
jaja vroom vroom 🏍️🏍️
I like that bike vroom vroom 🏍️🏍️
Deep down hehe I think I am persuasive without people realising it!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Deep down hehe I think I am persuasive without people realising it!

I bet you are 😉

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

haha yes shall I say .... guilty again jaja

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

jaja guilty guilty


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