Diluting Your Value As A Citizen

in #hive-1679225 months ago


It was never about diversification or boosting the economy.

I find it strange yet amazing people don't talk about the big issues in the world today and there is nothing bigger or more serious than the illegal immigrants. This is too big a problem and people are letting it happen which is even more worrying. I am not political, but I am also not blind and stupid.

Imagine importing all the illegal migrants that you could at the expense of the people of your country and then giving them citizenship and full voting rights. This is what is trying to take place in the US and no doubt in other countries of the world which is another form of cheating guaranteeing election wins.

Apparently the illegal immigrant numbers are north of 22 Million as a number and we know these people would not be voting Republican so these are voters are in theory added to the Democratic Party numbers. The biggest election margin in history was 1984 and that was by 17 million.

The 22 million is another way of guaranteeing an election result through people who do not really care about your country. The right to vote is a privilege set aside for the citizens of that country and what the Democrats are doing is cheapening that honor. This is not democracy and cannot be seen in any other light that election fraud and cheating at the highest level.

When a government abuses it's power for self interest over that of the nations interest you do have a big problem and if you cannot see that then you are part of the problem. I cannot fathom the repercussions from all of this as it will be catastrophically bad for the US and the rest of the World having one party guaranteeing a victory every time there was an election.

What the Democrats are doing is possibly the lowest and most crooked thing any government has done in history and amounts to treason. When you are elected into power you are there to represent the people of the country and to put the country first over and above the interest of the party which is minor in comparison.

When we look at Europe we see something similar taking place and anyone speaking out is regarded as far right even tough they are not. There is a big difference from the far right to someone who is just thinking with common sense and if you think you are then considered anti establishment which in this case anything not thinking far left or has communistic views.

When we hear the term the populace being replaced by illegals it is becoming evident that the replacing is the voter electorate because it suits the agenda. Forget the idea of having skilled migrants who add to the economy because those days have long gone and unskilled is now considered acceptable.

In South Africa we have had open borders for 30 years and the economy is a mess with nearly 50% unemployment and no hope of jobs for the locals due to the number of unemployed illegals. There are no clear numbers on how many people even reside in the country so this is open for election fraud personally knowing of foreigners with SA citizenship given to them by corrupt government officials. The name is wrong on the documents and that is their new identity which no one will even question. This is how the government stays in power and makes no difference if their policies fail or not.

I am an advocate for freedom of movement only when it does not jeopardise the local population and those coming into the country add and not take away. I have seen nothing so far that shows what is happening is right and why I am dead against open borders and allowing just anyone in because that would just be stupid and suicidal for any economy.

All of this will not end very well because at some point it has to come to a head when the people fight back and fix what is wrong.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


This is nothing new. In the U.S. they have always counted illegal immigrants for the purposes of apportioning the numbers in Congress. Though generally I thought this was done based on census numbers. That's sort of the main purpose of the census. The difference, of course, is that there have been far more illegal immigrants the last four years than ever before.

Yes the last 4 years the numbers are off the charts and cannot be compared to previous elections.

Sounds like right wing propaganda to me... 😃

This goes way beyond right or left and is purely ethically wrong. Any party doing this is wrong and any individuals found guilty of such actions should be removed from holding any public office no matter who they are.

That I do agree with.

Sickening !

I've been saying TREASON all along and people can see it, but don't know how to stop it. How else could the dems put in an old man with dementia to run for their party. Whether someone liked him before when he had control of his faculties or not, there is no way anyone with half a brain can't see he is unfit, but they obviously believe they will win anyway, so you know more than one thing fishy is going on behind the scenes including the illegal invaders.

It's so very sad and I think about all the times the US has given the "stink eye" to other countries who did horrid things damaging their elections and here we are, seeing the worst of the worst of it happening here before our very eyes. So sad that we are being taken down by our own political mafia.

I agree this is sickening. This is not about which party you support and goes way beyond that as this is just so seriously wrong. Personally I normally support the candidate and not the party because having only 2 parties is a dangerous way to run a country. What has been going on with the Democrats over the last 6 years is nothing short of treason and they should all hang because they have sold out the country. I wish you had some decent leadership in the States and for that fact the rest of the world, but they are all so similar and very weak individuals.

I've always been registered as an independent, so I have also voted candidates instead of parties. Unfortunately, even at that, it is usually who I believe will be the lesser of the evils instead of having a candidate to really trust.

As far as I'm concerned they are all in on it, otherwise many other politicians would be screaming all over the place about it to try to stop it, but although you hear a little murmur here or there, not that much. It's really sad. This country had such great potential. I'm wondering who will be ruling us next. It's a toss up to me, but probably not to those who are in on orchestrating it as we speak.