Staying On Track For The $1 Million Challenge

in #hive-1679222 months ago


The one thing that crypto has taught me is that anything is possible.

Over 2 years ago I set myself the challenge to achieve a $1 million portfolio valuation by the time we see the peak of this crypto cycle which is hopefully at the end of next year. The idea or personal challenge came about after seeing my portfolio achieve $250K after only 44 months and more importantly starting from zero. At the time $1 million seemed like a big number, but 2 years on and that number seems rather inadequate with all the inflation, that number needs to be much more and only a step in the right direction.

That $250K dwindled away once the Bear market hit, but the crypto tokens remained and have subsequently grown considerably since then. My HIVE Power has grown by another 95% since then along with staking other crypto projects outside of the HIVE ecosystem. This was mainly down to the idea of diversifying risk and not having all your eggs in one basket. We know crypto projects grow in value at different speeds due to what they offer and finding crypto projects with real life use cases or services has been my main focus.

Today everyone needs as many income streams as possible due to the world economy and crypto makes a whole lot more sense right now than it did 6 years ago. Back in 2018 you were one of a few who everyone though was a little crazy to get involved in something no one quite understood and still don't. I still regard anyone getting involved now as being early and that move could be life changing.

The passive income idea I once had has since left the building and been replaced with far more ambitious targets of earning $10K monthly through crypto rewards. The original idea was 10 crypto stakes generating $25 monthly and to slowly grow those over time. Finding 10 genuine crypto projects with real life use cases is easier said than done so the idea blossomed into growing bigger stakes over the number of stakes. The $1 million challenge I have no doubts will be achieved whether it is in this cycle or the next one and possibly that figure could be far higher than expected. Doing a 10 x your portfolio value within 1 x 4 year crypto cycle seems to be a given these days so this should be the minimum growth.

Growth is slow and tedious with a prime example of this above with one of my 4 pools staked on COTI. Don't look at the 21.55% as hat is misleading and this week is actually 13.08% up from 13.01% last week. A growth in APR of only 0.07% but none the less growth and that is what is important. Currently the entire stake generates 33 COTI daily with all the various rewards valued at $125 monthly. This should increase to $150 by mid august once I can rectify a staking error on my part. I guess I am currently adding $1K monthly to my overall crypto portfolio value which is literally only 10% of the goal.

600K HBD staked would give you the $10K monthly, but I kid of doubt that the 20% APR will remain in place long term and will drop at some point. All this means is bigger stakes are required and why growth will unlock these huge targets. One step at a time is all it takes.

A far cry from the $10K monthly target and why this is a proper challenge that will only be realised once values rise through use cases. Still these numbers are being compounded continuously over time which as we know time along with consistency being the real key to achieving success. Very few people are investing $1K monthly into crypto projects and who knows what these values may be worth in the years to come.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Two things that caught me from your post is the image cover, cool how it cuts out the IM and how you mention "whether it is in this cycle or the next one" thats a lot of conviction where most ppl would think "he doesnt need that money" recently I have been very focus on my targets trying to improve and grow realizing there is no look back on real conviction, either you make it happen or make it happen if not I think there was never real conviction to a target, Im so close to my yearly target between 20k-25k HP that I might buy some more if Hive gets to $0.15, great time times to accumulate most alts before the market rally again, thx for sharing your post ✌️

Yes I think it is more about self belief and being realistic on what is indeed possible. Of course I need the money, but there is no rush because I know the $1 million will be achieved and will be a much bigger number. It has to be as one cannot live freely on a million anymore and that is reality. Maybe in Panama you could, but what happens if you would like to move?

259K in 44 months, now that's epic achievement bro. Indeed anything is possible in crypto. It's impressive how you're setting and achieving those ambitious goals. Diversifying and focusing on real-life use is the best advice