Time To Do More, Not Less

in #hive-1679222 years ago


With the prices in crypto dropping fairly sharply this is the signal to get busy by rolling up your sleeves and doing more than normal. I have noticed the various feeds from the various tribes I follow gradually slow down over the last few weeks. This is normal and actually makes no logical sense as the Hive and Leo and whatever else you might be earning remains the same.

Why are so many concerned about price if the long term goal is what is in mind unless you are kidding yourself. Personally I haven't cashed out 1 HIVE to FIAT and don't know what that feels like yet as the value is just way too cheap. That view may change when HIVE is in double digits, but that time can wait as there is no rush as growing is what is the key to unlocking future fortunes.

The problem is everyone looks at the dollar values on the rewards which actually is meaningless as this is the time to earn crypto and stake. The biggest growth periods I have ever experienced was when HIVE was at 20c. Subconsciously you want HIVE at $5 but realistically HIVE at 80c is actually great news for those thinking long term.

Treading water trying to keep your account stationary dollar value wise is a fun game to try and play during these times. You will always lose but it encourages you to do more and go that extra mile.

Just think logically if there are less posts coming through the feed then there are more votes up for grabs as everyone is looking to curate. During these times the opportunity to grow your following as this is "prime time" having more eyes on your content. Don't be like the majority by doing less as what a wasted opportunity you have just given up.

What is the difference to having a post at $20 or $12 as it is only the dollar value as the HIVE earned in some case has actually increased. Don't let your mind play tricks on you as it is easy to go and check the figures. Funny as Hive at it's high of $3.41 I was earning less Hive than now which is what is going to happen when HIVE is at $10 and you would have wished you had been busier during the cheap HIVE periods.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Hive will find it's way back to those larger prices, it is only a matter of time IMO

Yeah, I sure as heck am peeved that I got distracted in the last bear market whilst the good folk like yourself carried on and 'made hay' in building your stake!

Waaaay behind you now!

There is no behind. There is just the path and selections we make. Months after signing up I am now just seeing what true value the community and blockchain offer.
I am just trying to figure out the basics of digital community, local community, meet ups and such, but the strength of the community shows its roots and selections made.
Last I looked Hive was 3X the price of Steemit.
To me that is a powerful statement and shows the force of this DAO.

Plenty time to catch up and this strategy will be rinsed and repeated over and over as that is the best time to grow.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We've seen it all before and know what will happen if the prices crash.

Stock up on HBD and ride it out.

Get active and build even more HP as things get quieter around here.

Wait for bull run.

Win at life.

Something like that i think.

Spot on and yes this is actually good news either way as knowing the winning strategy is something we have done before.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We know the ones who will stick it out and to be fair i think that a lot more of the current crop will ride out the next bear with us when it comes.

Anybody who came through the last period has seen the same as us and should be here for the long haul.

We will lose a few of the newer members in the next bear but i don't see the core group going anywhere.

Especially when things are becoming sustainable with revenue for splinterlands and Leofinance. Projects with real external income and that will keep paying out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

For the long term thinking Hive is the best and i like Hive among all of those platform. Wish Hive will be at 5 soon.

I have noticed that there has been a little less posting as well. At least from the normal people that I follow. I have started to venture out and look as some new faces via ListNerds and it has helped.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Finding new faces is actually one of the most fun parts on here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

For sure!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Seems like I stepped back in at exactly the right time.

Cheers :)

Never a bad time to step back in and happy to see you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta