Why Are Crypto Investors So Gullible?

in #hive-1679222 years ago


I had a small investment in LUNA and when I say small it was less than a $50 investment purchased a year ago and should have sold months ago, but didn't. A lesson learned never to be too greedy as 30 x should have been good enough and one I will remember.

Snippets of information are being revealed daily regarding the build up to the downfall of LUNA. Not only does LUNA now look like a front to score $2 billion in Bitcoin for their founder as why else would he have dissolved the two Terraform labs in Busan and Seoul?

This all looks too planned and a convenient rug pull as they also protected certain whales who bailed out their UST at the Dollar price into BTC after it had already lost it's peg. If this is not a pre determined rug pull I don't know what else you could call it.

This is just fraud on a bigger scale than we have ever seen before as LUNA was a top 10 coin even though it had no real fundamentals. The sickening thing to realise now is you have the likes of Justin Sun trying to replace LUNA's UST with his USDD version. How gullible are people as we know exactly what he is capable of and is probably the most devious of the lot.

When you invest your hard earned money surely you do your homework as it is not all about the hype. The team behind the project is the most important thing as they ae the ones who you are entrusting with your investment.

A good example is when I invested in #SEED on Leodex it was purely on the individual and nothing else. The same with Kingdoms as we all know the team at Leofinance giving us the confidence to sleep at night knowing they have everyone's best interests at heart.

I am sure whoever is investing in Tron and USDD is hoping for another LUNA eclipse with a sudden price spike in the Tron price. I just don't understand people as they are sitting on their brains being driven by greed.

What we have all witnessed over the last two weeks should be an eye opener as there are too many gullible people in crypto being taken for a ride. You can understand why so many projects fail as so many actually have nothing backing them or proven as a genuine use case and are so over valued it is sickening.

There are so many good projects out there that have proper use cases yet they all seem to be undervalued for what they truly offer. These are the crypto projects that will be around in 10 years time and are building for the future. A lack of development and partnerships should be a red flag to any investor yet billions are poured into projects that offer nothing.

Unfortunately crypto is driven for the now and overnight success and no thought is given to the what if scenario as their is no plan B. There seems to be a severe lack of intelligence amongst the masses and why they are all getting caught in these rug pulls. This will only result in more regulation happening with the excuse that they are only protecting the investor.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


You're giving human beings too much credit.

They're dumb, greedy creatures that are happy to destroy themselves for the possibility of a short term gain.

Wow, that got dark... ;)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I invested in SEED too.

Just a tiny bit, but I did so purely based on the founders HIVE reputation.

Its our new "credit" system. Our reputation.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

When you invest your hard earned money surely you do your homework as it is not all about the hype.

Not me... But 30x on LUNA was insane. I have never had even a 5x on any investment ever.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

Yeah, I would stay away from anything TRON based no matter what. Too much bad juju there. It's just a disaster waiting to happen like anything else that Justin Sun touches.

This is finally a good article talking about how dumb crypto people are, lol. i was like is it just me or are you all the dumbest people in the world. It's almost oxymoronic because you got this advanced tech with all these dumb idiot people and nobody understands why it doesn't grow or get to the next level.

News flash.. you're all dummies for the most part, lol. So listen some of you all probably heard of names like Grant Cardone billions in real estate .. John Mcafee who sadly is not with us anymore spoke about how all crypto needed to do was be the currency of prostitutes, lol.

Grant Cardone said give it to everyone for free. it becomes a currency and we use a more secure money over a government manipulated money. So what is so hard to understand about that and are you guys so dumb you don't understand illegal unregistered risky securities from a currency. We're that confused? We don't have any financial literacy in that manner? Why not get it first instead of losing your life savings and then wanting to off yourselves.

Coffee and crypto although you made a good article i don't see any difference in you and the rest of the crypto space. Anybody who hasn't seriously looked at bitcoin myk or bbd coin here on the hive chain.. that have followed the lead of every other crypto person and crypto idiot.. how are you any different? LIke what do you think is really going to happen here because my friend if you think hive is any different then you havent been paying attention. Not to say hive can't become something with the right application that it really doesn't have besides bitcoin myk and bbd coin. Then my question to you is are you really any different? You dont know the space either or have done the research, lol. YOu follow the rest of the crowd to your peril.

So if you wanna seriously have the conversation we can. If you're full of crap you probably won't but i can tell you that yes the answer lies in i won't even say greed because some of the greediest people are smart enough to make a profit exploiting the situation.. These people just try to be greedy and are dumb.. THey don't benefit from being greedy .. they just losers.

I'll never be a loser because atleast i can say with my project if people do lose money that means somebody somewhere probably still got access to a lunch or a dinner or benefited in some way besides some idiot scammer driving lambos and living in mansions off you guys stupidity. .so that equals a win for me because in our project even in losing we win.. You all just lose.. YOu're all losers for the most part here on hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am not sure there is any more gullibility in crypto than anywhere else.

Wherever there is greed, we will see it. The two cannot be separated it seems.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Also very true as greed is everywhere these days.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I know a few boys that lost 6 figure sums here. Absolute carnage, luckily I wasn't invested myself.

People have given up doing research and they just chase whatever has the highest yield. It's not exactly what I consider that great either. I like SEED and I invested in it due to the person running it also.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta