Let's Escape the System Before It's Too Late

in #hive-16792211 months ago


Lately I've realized that our society is becoming increasingly monitored and controlled. It seems we're dangerously close to a social credit system like the one in China. I'm very concerned about the direction the world is heading in. I feel that little by little our freedoms and privacy are being taken away. The State and large corporations want to know every one of our moves.

Through social media, mobile phones, and other technologies they have us completely surveilled. They know what we eat, where we go, who we talk to, etc. And the worst is that many people don't seem to notice or care. It appears the ultimate goal is to eliminate cash and implement digital currencies controlled by central banks. That way they would have absolute power over our finances and lives.

If one day we protest or go against the system, with one click they could leave us in ruins. We wouldn't be able to travel, buy food or gasoline. We would become digital pariahs. It sounds terrifying. They've already started implementing social credit systems in China and other parts of the world. Basically they grade you like a product and treat you as such. If you're not a "good citizen," your rating drops and you have fewer rights.

Many people are so distracted and hypnotized they don't realize this dangerous trend. They have been brainwashed into believing it is for their own good and safety. But the truth is they want to turn us into submissive slaves. Sometimes I feel I'm one of the few who sees the whole picture. But I'm not going to stand idly by. I've decided to activate my "monk mode" to protect my energy and not be influenced.

I'm going to focus only on my personal growth and creating the life I really want. I won't allow fear and hatred from outside distract me from my goals. I know many people are going through difficult times. But I refuse to be a victim. External circumstances don't define who I am.

I have the power to create my own reality, as crazy as it sounds. If you focus your energy on the positive, you can attract more of that into your life. On the other hand, if you spend your time watching negative news and complaining, you'll only attract more of the same. The energy you emit is a powerful magnet.

That's why, starting today, I commit to being more aware of how I use my energy. I will surround myself only with positive, inspiring people. And I will focus 100% on making my dreams come true. Whether I want to start a business, learn a language, write a book or whatever, now is the time to act.

I'm clear that I'm on this planet to make a difference, however small. I'm not interested in meeting the limiting expectations of society. I want to think big and go after the epic life I know I can create. Of course there will be obstacles, but my determination is greater.

I'm ready to take the bull by the horns. I'm going to take calculated risks to generate the financial freedom I crave. That's the first step to never relying on the system again. Once I have that foundation, I'll be able to focus on my passions and help others wake up.

I want to use my voice and influence to inspire positive change. I know together we can create a brighter future. It may sound naive, but I'd rather be a dreamy optimist than a cynical defeatist. This world needs more people building and fewer people destroying.

So this is my statement of intent. I will do everything in my power to have a full, free life. I won't let any crisis or conspiracy take away my power. My motivation comes from within. If you're reading this, I hope it serves as inspiration. You too can escape the system and create the life you want. You just need to want it enough and focus on solutions instead of problems.

Don't be afraid to think big and shine bright. This world needs your light now more than ever. Let's get to work!

The images presented in the publication are my property and creation.
