Stakecube policy explained and another report/

in #hive-167922last year


It turns out I was right! The Stakecube will buy back debt tokens purchasing them from the market (filling lowest asks). This is good as long as these debt tokens will be burnt and not put on the market again. I'm especially happy because I was made fun of on Stakecube channel for implying this scenario.

We are pleased to announce that all our debt token trading pairs are now live and available for trading on our platform. You can find these pairs under the Debt group on our exchange.
These tokens represent the debts StakeCube owes to our users in each of the four coins. Furthermore, we have enabled trading pairs so you can trade your debts with other users on a free market. The trading fee for the tokens will be burned, meaning it will not go to StakeCube or a team member.
We have seen some confusion regarding the debt token markets. Please be aware that you are in control of setting the prices on the exchange. For example, if you're seeking a 1:1 value, set your sell orders at 1:1. However, if you're willing to accept a lower value, adjust your sell orders accordingly.
We would like to inform you of our strategy moving forward, which involves a buy-back of debt tokens on our platform. We will announce when we start buying, and we will purchase tokens from the lowest sell orders on the order book, working our way up to ensure a fair price. Over time our final purchase price will reach 1:1 for those last holders of remaining debt tokens.
Please note that this buy-back process will take time as we clear market orders, but we are committed to resolving the debt situation and providing the best possible outcome for our users.
In addition, we will be offering a swap feature on our platform at a later stage, which will allow users to swap dust of debt tokens in a 1:1 ratio to clear out their accounts completely. For example accounts with less than x sat of a debt token. We will provide more information about this feature later.
Thank you for your continued support and patience as we work towards resolving our debt situation. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team.
Best regards,
The StakeCube Team

The good news is, we are growing, buildin this account. The bad news is I won't get enough liquid funds to power up on #hpud.

Piggy Bank Report proper part

Welcome to my stakecube piggybank report. My aim (now known as the Plan A)is WAS, I guess it's IS again, to collect enough funds to make stakecube list Hive on any of their markets (StakeCubeCoin or BTC). But since Hive does not pay for being listed, we are going to pay stakecube users directly via community faucet. We don't need to raise thousands of dollars to make it worthwhile. If we won't succeed by 31st May 2023 all the funds will be returned as stated in rules - I don't know if that's a valid option anymore.

The rules under this account operates can be found here.

There's a slight correction - I mean all the posts will be published with 50/50 ratio and H-E tokens will be converted into HivePower.

How much did we raise? The best thing is that we can only go up from the start, in terms of Hive. Of course, in terms of dollars the raised funds may decrease, but since on Hive you can put your funds to use without entrusting them to anybody I hope I can beat the bear market. Nothing really happened on H-E wallet.




Our monthly savings income has increased to .24$

Curation rewards are always getting higher report by report.

Let's head on to the numbers:

AssetQuantityValue in USDChange since last week
HP135.868 HIVE (+2.963 HIVE)XX
HBD16.706 (+0.287 HBD)XX

TOTAL: 74.20$

We are already at the beginning, but if you take in mind that StakeCube's faucet claims give about 0.005 $ which means we have already gathered enough funds for 14 840 claims.

SOL donnors list

This list will be updated:

  1. @jocieprosza 14 SOL
  2. @sk1920 5 SOL
  3. 3 @asia-pl 6 SOL

Why list Hive

If you're an outsider and wondering why would or should Stakecube be interested in listing Hive at all. Hive is the only working implementation of Web 3.0 in terms of both infrastructure and control - it has no central entity that can be served or banned. The Hive is a community of over 30k active users (currently) onboarding hundreds of users daily.
In order to properly asses Hive market one needs to sum up it's whole ecosystem of first layer (let alone second layer) and its diverse variations. To sum up - Hive has many avatars.

  1. Hive is undervalued and its marketcap is bigger than coingecko shows,
  2. It may bring you another stream of revenue (you might introduce staking, delegating and leasing options for your users),
  3. It may improve your income stream by publishing reports/announcements on Hive,
  4. Hive and its soft-peg stablecoin HBD have prooven to be working and safe during crises,
  5. Hive is actually used,
  6. Listing Hive is a forward escape from CEXes issues by sending the message 'Hey, we're sound enough to list new projects'

Native Hive

Hive Backed Dollar - Hive stablecoin

Hive Backed Dollar - on Binance Smart Chain

Hive on Binance Smart Chain

by @jocieprosza
P.S. If you have any questions, please do ping @jocieprosza so that I won't omit the message.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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