6 Billion More UST Printed In 2022! | A Look At TerraUSD

in #hive-1679222 years ago

UST keeps making headlines with its 20% APY on Anchor. The algorithmic stablecoin gas gowned so fast, a lot of people are starting to shows concerns about it. At the moment of writing this the marketcap for UST is at 16.7 billion, ranking 14 of all coins, just behind the Binance BUSD.

Let’s take a look at the growth of UST through some data.


For those who don’t know, UST is an algorithmic stablecoin from the Terra ecosystem. It works in a way that each 1 UST can be converted to the network native coin LUNA and back. On HIVE this is called conversions, while on Terra is burning/minting mechanism. Just recently there was an announcement that UST will be additionally backed by Bitcoin that the Terra foundation is planning to buy, and in case of emergency use that instead of LUNA, preventing death spiral.

The period that we will be looking at is Jan 2021 to Apr 2022.

Daily UST Printed

Here is the chart for the UST printed per day.


As we can see there was a massive amounts of UST minted per day back in November 2021. At times there was 400M UST added daily. A few billions added in a week time. I think these massive amounts came from some Terra officials holdings or DAOs.

In 2022 UST has on average 70M printed daily!

Monthly UST Printed

Here is the monthly chart.


Here again we can see the massive printing back in November 2021, when an additional 4.5B were printed in one month. March 2022 has also a lot of UST printed with almost 3.5B printed.

These numbers are nothing short but amazing.

UST Supply

The chart for the UST supply looks like this.


Up only 😊.

UST now has more then 16B in supply making it no.4 on the stablecoins ranks, and from the trend it will most likely flip BUSD soon to become no.3 stablecoin, just behind USDT and USDC.

Terra Debt

This wording is not official among the Terra ecosystem but I’m making a parallel from Hive since its very similar. The debt is the ratio of the UST supply to the LUNA + UST marketcap.
Here is the chart.


We can see that the Terra debt has ranged from 10% up to 55% in the past. The sharp increase in May 2021 is due to a sharp correction of the crypto market and the LUNA price. Whenever the LUNA price drops the debt increases and the opposite.
In the last period the debt has been between 30% to 40%.

When we plot the UST supply against the debt, we get this.


There hasn’t been a strong correlation between the UST supply and the debt, except for November 2021, when large amounts of UST were printed at once and this caused the debt to increase as well. Since then, the debt levels has been quite stable, even with the continuous increase in the UST supply. The debt level is more corelated to the price of LUNA, so as long as LUNA holds in price so will the debt, even with the increase in the UST supply.

Anchor Yield Reserves

Another important metric for the UST stability, except for the LUNA price, will be the yield reserves on Anchor. The Anchor protocol at the moment holds around 12B in UST or around 72% of all the UST supply. It is obviously a very important protocol for UST.



If you go on the app, on the bottom left, there is an info for the yield reserves in UST. This is how much the protocol has in reserves to pay for the 20% yield on UST. The way the anchor works, it is collecting yield from other staked assets like bLUNA and bETH, and transfer those to the yield reserves. If the collected yield from those staking rewards are higher then the 20% it leaves the excess yield in the reserves, and if it is smaller then 20%, then it takes from the reserves to provide a fixed 20% APY to UST deposits. There is more mechanics to Anchor but this is the most important one.

The thing is in the last months the staking rewards are always in short (around 7%), and the yield reserves keep going down. They have been filled back in February with more then 400M from the LFG(Luna Foundation Guard), with an expectation in time the protocol to be self sustainable. At the moment the UST yield is subsidized.


All the best

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


nice post, im from colombia we dont use a lot the dollar daily, but prices are doing pretty bad, because we import all in dollars, its going to be very interesting to find out whats next. And for sure, save some HBD at this amazing 20% rate

You also have the doubt whammy there is a shortage in dollars right now. This means that it is making the USD jump even more against most currencies, furthering the impact.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The TerraUSD algorithm is similar to the SBD and HBD one - the main difference is the much greater marketing power of the Terra blockchain. Technically, SBD / HBD have been here before and HBD is now integrating most if not all algorithmic improvements of the TerraUSD. This goes to show that product excellence is nothing without astute marketing

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I believe the %20 APR have really made so many individuals turn up to store more HBD in savings it's definitely awesome as it's moving in a positive state.

This is great. HBD rate is so good. There's more trust on hive. It just feels much better than terra. These are just my opinion !

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Pretty wild the amount of printing going on but that also shows you just how much your government in printing in Fiat right now and the stupid high inflation etc going on. The fact of the matter is they lost control LONG ago and at least crypto is more accountable and transparent as to what is happening. Will be interesting to see how fast HBD moves

2.5% in 20 months is a lot?

Sad how so many misunderstand what is going on.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice strides by ust no doubt , but it’s just so funny how attention is still not being focused on hive though . Beats my imagination most times..

Its a ponzi lol read my post and you'll see

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Can you please drop the link to your post? Thanks !

Here you go mate

With the 20% APR increase of HBD more eyes are up for grabs, and it is sure a great thing.

We just need to make it a bit easier to get HBD. This is going to require a lot of it created over the rest of the year.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Is true, and that is to say, no advantage without a disadvantage. We celebrate what we have at hand and Still hope for the best.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Upvoted and tweeted!

1514394222702460935?s=20&t=GarxY7zg8IAY5IYUmAMIIg twitter metadata:c2hvcnRzZWdtZW50c3x8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9zaG9ydHNlZ21lbnRzL3N0YXR1cy8xNTE0Mzk0MjIyNzAyNDYwOTM1P3M9MjAmdD1HYXJ4WTd6ZzhJQVk1SVlVbUFNSUlnfA== ~~~

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's hard to ignore the comparison's between Terra's UST and Hive's HBD.

I do wonder why the wider crypto community doesn't compare the two further.

Just gotta break out of this little bubble we find ourselves in!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I mean, relative to platforms like Binance (BUSD), Binance Smart Chain (BNB), Terra (UST, ANC), and USDC, HBD is so miniscule in marketcap. People just don't know what it is, unless they're HIVE users or are well-read in the the different blockchains available. All the information you could possibly want is all publicly-accessible, so it really comes down to a lack of marketing, centralized promotional planning, etc.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well here are mistakes that Hive witnesses can avoid so as not to worry investors.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

20% APR on UST, 20% on HBD. I'll go for HBD.

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile

That would be the wisest thing to do, go for HBD...
Putting HBD in savings is now a thing for a lot of us.

Actually UST has 19.5% APY, that is around 17.8% APR, while HBD has 20% APR, that is around 22% APY.
So a 19.5% vs 22% APY :)

That is good to know. How are they lowering the rate? Is there some type of schedule they operate upon or is it arbitrary?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Not sure .... I think it should be like a vote from the Anchor token ANC holders

Well, HBD is not doing bad APY wise, I basically think UST might not flip BUSD anytime soon. BUSD has a lot going for it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If UST can have more users case I think it will flip BUSD. UST only revolve around terra which is not good enough to my perspective.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

UST is doing great work in stable market but Hbd is also coming up and when choosing I still prefer hbd because of many reasons.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If we can get 10% of the success of UST, that will put Hive in the forefront of a lot of people. It is a grand opportunity.

Perhaps Hive's time is truly upon us.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I believe we can do more than 10%, nothing is impossible with hive. Let enjoy the process

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Perhaps. We have a few issues that chain did not have. The conversion is a security element but it will stifle growth. That is one difference. Hive puts a lot more emphasis on security and stability.

So we have to acknowledge that and understand it could be a problem.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

way to much debt.

Price falls 50% and the doom begins. Doesn't matter if they have bitcoin. I expect a rug pull more than try to save the protocol.

And if Bitcoin falls also 50%, it would mean they trade-off 1$ for 0,50$. That's retarded for an emergency fund.

Better is don't print it. Debt is leverage.

UST already starts swinging 2-3 cents down. It's only a matter of time the ponzi breaks.

Edit: Btw great post with wonderful data inside. Good Job!

Of course, Bitcoin doubles then they are in better position. Regardless, their model lacks some of the safeguards it seems.

But then again, if they have use cases other than just people using it to get the return, they would be fine. The problem is that I dont think there is anytime of payment system use cases.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

QR code payments. IMO the most awesome shit for real life and mass adoption with the mobile keychain app.

I already mention that to the keychain team :) So at some point it will happen.

But HBD has a massive problem. It doesn't scale on demand.

If I demand 1M HBD. I don't want to pay 5% fee to get it.

So it's impossible. I was from the start of converting against the high fee. And I'm against it today. It's always not full and not empty.

Nothing complete.

I could imagine people would love to use HBD for payments.

But it needs to scale then. And scaling this way with inflation as backing will NEVER work.

for full payment system on a social network we talk about 100B+, Maybe 1T. It will never be possible to scale an inflation coin to that in a stable matter.

So IMO cancel HBD and move on to something that has a future.

HBD is High risk, low reward.

I echo your sentiments, I dropped 2 posts on the topic this week

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Like many other comments on your post HBD APR is better. I agree.

What is key point you mentioned about Anchor being majority staker of UST is why it may also be its Achilles heel. UST can not be grow in popularity if it sticks around on Anchor. It needs to spread onto multiple chains for more use which it is trying to do. Although there is competition all around it difficult to see a clear road for UST making Terra a risky investment in my opinion.

Thanks for sharing.

Can HBD handle this kind of volume.

Would be interesting to find out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No it can't it has to remain within the debt ratio defined by the blockchain, which ofcourse they can change but adds more risk if they do so its limited by the size of the hive market cap which isn't much

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, I understand it's 10% at the moment and will be increased to 30%.

What impact will this have on the hive ecosystem?

Oh really I didn't know they increasing the debt ratio, thats new to me. It adds more risk, because if you hit the upper bound of the ratio and people start to redeem there is less and less backing meaning either the peg breaks or it requires hive to dump heavy to get people to buy it to support the ratio

For sure if the limit is approached, they will have to take drastic action and reduce rates or let HBD holders take a hair cut.

I don't see the 20% lasting so long as it is above the returns gained from Hive Power. It will return to equilibrium or lower in the medium to long term.

Even though they bought BTC and other shitcoins to try and reduce their reliance on their won Terra market cap to mint their stablecoin it's not going to make much of a difference because YOU CANNOT enforce value from one chain on another so all that backed by bitcoin and backed by whatever is bullshit

Its backed by their foundation who hold the keys, making it a centralised party making it a shadow bank. Making it fallable to regulation, making it a central point of failure

In addition, UST runs on a ponzi like system that can offer redemptions as long as people remain in UST but cannot fund redemptions if people leave UST and put a slight run on their treasurey

This is bound to end badly

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The magnitude of the UST and this whole operation is concerning. UST is going for a 20B marketcap now.
Unmarked territory here, and yes there are a lot of concerns about it.

WOW!! WOW!! This is nothing short of incredibly amazing, and being a Blockhain lover myself, I'm always excited to hear goodness about the Blockchain, and from the look of things the UST will surely flip the BUSD soonest, and if all is said and done, could even be on the number 2 spot in no time. Fabulous

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It sure is interesting to see how quickly they ramped up. There was little concern by them about the inflation rate. Of course, we have to be diligent in what we do. But my feeling is, looking at the numbers, we need a lot more inflation in HBD to even compete marginally.

Whatever HBD hits the market, as long as we keep developing use cases for it, we will be ahead of the game.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hbd will definitely catch many investors eyes, the future is upon us. Let see how everything plays out

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes. Once we get some liquidity in the pHBD pool, then we can start on trying to bring in people.

For the moment, we are still hamstrung due to the liquidity issues. Hopefully we are close to solving that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Phbd will solve the liquidity issue for the main time. Hbd will bring in a lot of people

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta